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Some of the individuals included in these emails 

Surgeon General of the United States. 

++ Dr. Jerome Adams 

Homeland Security 

++ Dr. Duane Caneva, DHS Chief medical officer 

++ Dr. David S Wade, medical officer, Department of Homeland Security, previously on NSC 
++ Dr. Thomas Wilkinson, Medical Information Officer DHS 

++ Herbert O, Wolfe director and acting chief of staff of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer at the U,S, 
Department of Homeland Security. 

++ Dr. David Tarantino, senior medical adviser for CBP and coordinator of the protection part of GBP's 
response to the opioid crisis. 

++ Dr. Gregory J. Martin, State Department 

++ Dr. Alexander L Eastman senior medical officer Homeland Security 
++ Dr. Sangeeta Kaushik is an emergency medicine physician at DHS 

STATE Department 

++ Dr. Larry G. Padget Jr. State Department 

Health and Human Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

++ Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
++ Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 
++ Dr. Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services 
++ Dr. Richard Hunt, senior medical advisor 

++ Dr. Robert R. Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
++ Christian Hassell Senior Science Advisor at LLS. Department of Health and Human Services 
++ Daniel Dodgen, director of ASPR Division for At-Risk Individuals, Behavioral Health, and Community 

++ Kristin L. DeBord, Director of Strategy Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and 
Response U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 

++ Robert Johnson, Ph.D., is the Director of the Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases Division of 
Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority 

++ Kevin Yeskey, M.D. currently serves as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary to the Assistant 
Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) at the Department of Health and Human Services 
(HHS). The office leads the nation in preventing, responding to and recovering from the adverse health 
effects of manmade and naturally occurring disaster and public health emergencies. 

++ Dr. Gary Disbrow is the Deputy Director (Acting) of the Biomedical Advanced Research and 
Development Authority 

++ Dr. John T. Redd, a medical epidemiologist with the U.S, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

Department of Defense 

++ Col. Matthew Hepburn, M.D. t DARPA program manager, former director of Medical Preparedness on 
the White House National Security Staff. 

Department of Veterans Affairs 

++ Dr. Carter E. Mecher, Senior Medical Advisor 

++ Paul Kshemendra, chief data officer and executive director for data governance and analytics 

ACADEMICS/Private Sector/Former Government Officials 

++ Eva K Lee: American operations researcher who applies combininratorial optimization and systems 

biology to the study of health care decision making at Georgia Tech 

++ Tom Bossert former Homeland Security Advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump. 

++ Dr. Dan Hanfling, MD, Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at George Washington University 
also with In-Q-Tel 

++ Ralph Baric, PhD, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology UNC, leader in the study of 

++ Richard Hatchett CEO Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness, Served in the White Houses of 
Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama 

++ Dr. James Lawler, infectious disease doctor at University of Nebraska, served as a member of the 
Homeland Security Council for President George W, Bush and as a member of the National Security 
Council for President Barack Obama. 

++ Dr. David Marcozzi, former senior advisor for Emergency Preparedness and Acute Care within the 
Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services and member of White House National Security Council. 

+++ Michael Wargo is vice president of emergency preparedness at HCA Healthcare, 

++ Herbert O. Wolfe of Penn State, former National Security Council staff at the White House 


++ Dr, Charity A Dean, California Department of Public Health 

+++ David Gruber Texas Department of State Health Services Mobile Associate Commissioner for 
Regional and Local Health Operations, Border Health, Emergency Preparedness and the Texas Center 
for Infectious Disease. 

++ Dr. Jeffrey S, Duchin, Health Officer and Chief t Communicable Disease Epidemiology & Immunization 
Section Public Health - Seattle and King County Professor in Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, 
University of Washington 


From: Carter Mecher <: 

Sent: Tuesday, January 28 , 2020 9:10 AM 

To: Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA) 

Caution> ; Lawler, Janies V < 
<:Michae9.Wargo@h^^^^^^^^^ > :Richard Hatchett 


> ;Caneva, Duane < Caution- 
>; Wargo Michael 

;Wade, Dave S. EOP/NSC <| 

> ; Marcozzi, David <1 

> Go: Lisa 

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) 

Updated numbers. Changed things around to better compare current outbreak to SARS and H1N1 .From: 


>; Caneva, 


Am going through an interesting exercise now of the "what will you wish you would have done if.. ” with two 

1) The virus lands in the range of 0.1 1.0% CFR, which seems the most likely severe scenario 

2) The virus turns out, like HI N1 1 to be much more widespread than initially appreciated and thus be associated with 
a much tower mortality than initially thought (the crying wolf scenario) 

Richard Hatchett (Caution-mailto 
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 2:26 PM 
To: Carter Mecher 

Duane Lawler, James V < 

I; Marcozzi, David 

t < Caution-mailto: 

l>; Lisa Koonin 

Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) 

In my case this boils down to three areas of concern: 

Status of vaccine development: how much, how fast? 

Organizational reputation/accusations of mismanagement of funds 
* Potential political embarrassment for current and future donors 

Grappling with both horns of the dilemma here - would welcome you wrapping your brain around how to proceed in 
the most prudent way . 


On 28 Jan 2020, at 18:04, Carter Mecher <s 

> wrote; 

The chatter on the blogs is that WHO and CDC are behind the curve I'm seeing comments from people asking why 
WHO and CDC seem to be downplaying this. I m certainly no public health expert (just a dufus from the VA), but no 
matter how I look at this, it looks be bad. It we assume the same case ascertainment rate as the spring wave of 2009 
HI N1, this looks nearly as transmissible as flu (but with a longer incubation period and greater Ro). The projected 
size of the outbreak already seems hard to believe, but when I think of the actions being taken across China that are 
reminiscent of 1918 Philadelphia, perhaps those numbers are correct. And if we accept that level of transmissibility, 
the CFR is approaching the range of a severe flu pandemic. But if we assume the case ascertainment rate is better 
than H1N1 and transmissibility is less than flu (it is still much more transmissible than SARS), and the CFR goes 
accordingly (1918 pandemic range). And if we assume the case ascertainment rate is even worse than 2009 
HI N1, this is really unbelievable (higher transmissibility than flu). Any way you cut it, this is going to be bad. You 
guys made fun of me screaming to close the schools. Now I'm screaming, close the colleges and universities. 

is CDC monitoring the blogs? One thing I'm checking each day is availability of respirators on amazon and ebay 
(just curious since this is an indirect way of taking the temperature of the country). 

From: Lawler, James V [mailtoumHH^^HIH] 

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 8:56 PM 

To: Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY DOD JPEO GBRND (USA) Richard 

Hatchett >; Carter Mecher 

Cc: Caneva, Duane < |v>; Lisa Koonin Marcozzi, David 

Subject; Re: [Mon-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) 

Great Understatements in History: 

Napoleon's retreat from Moscow - “just a little stroll gone bad” 

Pompeii - ll a bit of a dust storm’ 1 
Hiroshima - “a bad summer heat wave 1 ’ 


Wuhan - ’’just a bad flu season 11 
James Lawler, MD, MPH, FIDSA 

Director, Internationa! Programs & Innovation Global Center for Health Security, and Associate Professor of Medicine 
Division of Infectious Diseases University of Nebraska Medical Center 

From: Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY DOD JPEO GBRND (USA) 
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 8:37:25 PM 
To: Richard Hatchett Carter Mecher 

Cc: Caneva, Duane Lawler, James V 

Marcozzi, David 

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) 
Non-UNMC email 


Lisa Koonin 



I am dealing with a very similar scenario, in terms of not trying to overreact and damage credibility. My argument is 
that we should treat this as the next pandemic for now, and we can always scale back if the outbreak dissipates, or is 
not as severe. 

I also have clinicians saying 'it is like a bad flu year, but people don't overreact to that.' M y thought is that maybe we 
should be more aggressive with flu as well. AND a bad flu year layered unto a bad flu is pretty awful for the world. 


On Jan 29, 2020, at 8:55 AM, Carter Mecher wrote: 

You are correct. All this stuff is complicated and messy and imperfect for ait those reasons. The early data is also a 
little goofy since the early deaths could have been picked up after somebody died (meaning that they went back and 
looked at recent resp deaths and then confirmed the death post mortem). As time goes on things start to even out but 
the throughout dynamics of screening and testing are complicated too just like you said. 

This really underscores how all those tabletop exercises we do where we have a CFR built into them are really so 
artificial. I wish there was some better way of figuring this out quicker. I just am not smart enough to see how. The 
uncertainty and the fog are like the air around us—it is just a part of it all. 

I suspect somebody who knows queuing theory could help unravel the issues you raise. The impacts are nonlinear 
(Consider having an answering service with 10 operators to handle calls with an average call time of 3 minutes and a 
volume of 200 calls per hour, what amount of time do callers spend on hold waiting to get an operator? Most people 
would say you have just enough, however when the number of channels in the queue becomes saturated, waiting 
times rises dramatically. We use these concepts for clinic scheduling. Could do the same for testing. Just need to 
engage some smart mathematicians to help you understand impacts. That is at the core of the problem you are 
describing. It is a nonlinear affect that is huge. I would bet that Eva Lee could help unravel.) 

From: Carter Mecher << 

Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 9:04 AM 
To: "Lawler, James V" > 

Cc: "Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY DOD JPEG C8RND (USA)" 
Hatchett "Caneva, Duane" 

"Marcozzi. David 11 

Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) 


_| @maiLmil >. Richard 

Lisa Koonin> 

NorvUNMC email 

Duane was watching Africa, 

Zambia just confirmed a case. 

UAE also confirmed a case today. 
Sent from my iPhone 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 10:39 AM 
To: Lawler, James V 

Cc: Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY DOD JPEG GBRND (USA): Richard Hatchett; Caneva, Duane; Lisa Koonin; 
Marcozzi, David 

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) 

Here is how I explain ail this to myself (hope it makes sense) using queuing theory and the example of the phone 
callers, operators answering the calls, and number of callers on hold (and the amount of time they remain on hold). 

Let’s assume that anyone who becomes infected immediately is triggered to pick up their phone and call Lisa’s 
telephone call center. The problem though, is the number works, but the phones are not manned (no operators are 
there to take the call). Think of reaching the operator as confirmatory testing. These callers just remain on the line, 
listening to horrible elevator music, with a recorded message that intermittently says, "Please remain on the line, your 
cali is very important to us." So the callers just dutifully remain on the line, waiting for someone to answer. [In reality, 
the phone lines are also being clogged with people who have not been infected but have symptoms suggestive of 

infection—that is why a simultaneous flu outbreak taking off will throw a monkey wrench into all of this (not to mention 
the usual background resp illness and other febrile illnesses we see without another outbreak to consider). If we look 
at the % of confirmatory tests that are negative we can get a sense of how important this group is. These callers tie 
up the operator time and prolong the amount of time infected callers wait on hold ] 

But every two days the number of infected callers on hold listening to music doubles. After some period of time, a 
diagnostic test is developed (that might take weeks, in which case the number of callers on hold is staggering, 
increasing 10 fold each week until the test is ready and the operators are available to answer calls). The length of 
time on hold is pretty staggering loo. Some of the callers hung up (died or recovered). When the operators begin to 
answer calls, they already have a massive backlog and they don't take the calls that have been hanging on the 
longest. They prioritize those calls that seem to be the most urgent (the equivalent of testing hospitalized patients, ER 
patients}. Those with mild illness (who may have been waiting on the line for a very long time, just linger on hold). 
And as the operators begin to ramp up (increasing more capacity and more throughput), the number of people 
calling keeps increasing (doubling every 2 days and increasing by an order of magnitude of every week). The 
operator has to feel like a checker working the cashier at WalMart or Black Friday (no matter how hard they work, the 
line keeps getting longer and longer). Even if you add more operators, you will need to increase them at the same 
rate as the epidemic (doubling the number of operators every 2 days, increasing their number by 10 each week, just 
to stay where you are). Now you begin to understand the dynamics and the challenge. So as I thought about it, 
there is no way we are working down any backlog—we are growing the backlog exponentially. 

Now think of how this translates to surge capacity for healthcare during an epidemic. The dynamics are totally 
different from a single point event like a bombing, a mass shooting, an earthquake, etc. Large disease outbreaks 
(pandemics) are in a class by themselves and they have dynamics that most people do not appreciate. 

What I found interesting during the 2009 HI N1 spring wave in the US is that case ascertainment fell over time (the 
opposite of what I expected). We have a real hard time getting our heads around exponential growth and geometric 
progression—our minds are linear (just like people have a hard time with compound interest (why they get into debt 
trouble or are shocked what they pay for a house over the life of a loan), or what happens when I start with a penny 
and double it every day for a month and realize how many $ that becomes, or take a piece of paper and fold it in half 
again and again (30 times) and hear how thick it is, etc.). 

From: "Dr. Eva K Lee' 1 
Reply-To: M Dr, Eva K Lee 1 
Date: Friday, January 31,2020 at 3:43 PM 
To: "Lawler, James V" > 

Cc: Carter Mecher ’’Broadhurst, Mara J’ 

|>, Lisa Koanin <J 

"Caneva, Duane" 
>, "Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY DOD JPEO 

CBRND (USA) 1 ' <| 

Richard Hatchett 

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) 

NorvUNMC email 

James, some reports that R0 for 2019-nCoV has increased significantly from 1,4-2,5 on Jan 1,2020 to 3,3-5.37 (Jan 
30, 2020). This huge value may be testing artifact as you mentioned, I did some lab experiments, when I slightly 
improved the assay process time distribution in the lab processing model that I built, the testing efficiency improves 
by 45% under the same labor availability. .Hence I suspect you are going to see rapid uptake in total inactivity and 
slower growth in death confirmed. As ili S now, with over 11,000 confirmed cases and over 220 deaths, CFR is Still 
2%, rather high, though much lower than 4% in the initial guess by some, 1 think even 1% is too much to bear. 

What troubles me -- 1 believe there's human-to-human going on already efficiently within china. I have never seen 
those meat markets (only been to China 3 times in my life when GT sent me to Peking U), so everything on my mind 
is just by imagination regarding those markets. Can you believe over 50% of these cases come directly from animal 
contact? I don 1 ! believe it. I wonder if these animals are live or dead to begin with. The market workers destroyed so 
much valuable information, it i s a puzzle still. But if it can transmit with so few cases in US, then it is going to 

From: Dr. Eva K Lee 
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 1:45 AM 
To: Krohmer, Jon (NHTSA)^^^^^^g @dQt.ciov > 

Cc: Caneva, Duane @hQ.dhs.qov > ; Carter Mecher 

|>; David Marcozzi 
l @dot.aov >: WILKINSON, THOMAS 

>; Lisa Koonin >: Chaney, Eric (NHTSA) >: Wargo Michael 

@hcahe a 1 1 hcare. co on >; 
@medxcelfm-Com >: H 

l ; Cormier, Scott 

[ ( ; Firoved, Aaron HQ.DHS.GOV >; Guitugua, 

| @HQ,DHS.GQV >:^^^^^^^^ Eastman. Alexander 
| (ft >; Luke, Stephen q .dhs-qov > 

Subject: [EXTERNAL] First set of results - National ED Overcrowding Study (NEDOCS) and the Medical/ Public 
Health Information Sharing Enterprise 

Colleagues, t want to update you on the 2019-nCoV analysis. Please see 7 items below 

1. Transmission mechanism: From my analysis on the vector-host interplay, and confirmed by a local investigator, 
the real transmission is probably jumped from bats (carrier) to other animals that are easier to transmit to human. In 
my calculation, about 80-88% of the reported cases are human-human transmission (by that, it includes direct 
droplets and indirect surface) News is that there's possibility of fecal-oral infection. We can't confirm since so little 
data is available. 

2. Incubation: The current mean incubation is 5,2 days and 95th percentile 12.5days, based on on-the-ground data, 
[[shared by a local investigator.]] 

3. Testing kit: The assays posted on WHO website (link below) takes about 2 hours to confirm. If it is positive, they 
will repeat 2 more times before confirming. So it takes about 1/2 day for a positive case to be announced (excluding 
the time it takes to send the sample to the lab). The assays are being sent to other countries for diagnostics. I hope to 
secure some for us in US. At some point, we need to compare if there's any difference in diagnosis in the 
confirmation process and threshold. 

https://academic.oup.eom/clinchem/advance-articie/doi/10.1093/cl inchem/hvaa029/5719336 

4. Quarantine (strict isolation): I urge that the quarantine of those (evacuated) individuals coming back from China - 
- should be 14 days. Since the military base is used, it is very important that every individual is isolated, and not be 
placed in groups. Tests can be done in later periods for multiple intervals, since in early stage there may not be 
enough viral counts to render it positive. So it could be a false negative. 

1 ran my models assuming 1,000 people staying in the military base, using a \R0=3 (with mean incubation time 5.2. If 
there are 5 asymptomatic infection among them, without proper isolation, after 14 days, there could be as high as 160 
people infected (no symptoms)! Even if there is only 1 infected , asymptomatic person, the total infected is over 11 
people. So quarantine must be strategic and done properly with good individual separation. Or else it would result in 
undetected infected individuals spreading the disease at the end of the quarantine period. 

5. CFR: From the news, 360 people have died with 17,205 infection, CFR remains at 2.1, Accounting for testing 
delay, my estimation of infection hovers over 110,000 (in line with Neil Ferguson from Imperial College), the CFR may 
be dropping down (-0.32%), still bad I have derived several testing models and will run the large-scale disease 
propagation analysis. Will update you with my findings, 

6. Protection of operators: I trust that healthcare providers will take every needed precaution to protect themselves, 
Screeners at ports of entry should use gloves (n addition to face masks). 

7. ED issues: There is a real need and concern to treat these patients separately from hospital ED. Since most 
deaths reported have coexisting health conditions, these 2019-nCoV infected patients should stay far from hospital 
EDs for obvious reason of cross infection (or absolute isolation has to be ensured). The fact that China rapidly set up 
massive temporary hospitals may signal that we need to do the same - setup appendix outside hospitals for special 
care of these patients. This also ensures rapid learning and sharing of knowledge among workers as they take care 
of these patients. 

More in 2nd round. 

On Thursday, February 6, 2020 3:19 PM, Dr. Eva K Lee wrote: 

1 checked out a few things last night. Item 3 really bothers me. 

1, CFR: Richard, your CFR range of 0,1-1.0 seem to cover most possible bases, as they Ye aligned with what I am 
seeing in the analysis. Either we have 28,363 reported and confirmed infection as of last night, or it is n the order of 
50,000 to 280,000 infection, counting asymptomatic cases or those not reported on purpose. We may never know. 

Mortality could be even higher than 1.0. Base on the extremely static report of deaths (hovering over 2.0% every 
single day}, it seems to me that they are only reporting those infected cases that result in deaths. They are missing all 
other cases in which patients did not seek medical attention, or simply die without any postmortem confirmation. It 
could be that they're overwhelmed t or simply, death rate is not reliably reported. Either way, we could have a higher 
than 1% (counting at least 50,000 of infection), 

2, Make-shift hospitals: Carter, I saw the picture of the make-shift hospital tent, it looks very much like the shelters I 
helped the local health departments setup here to house the Haiti evacuees and also those came to Atlanta escaping 
the hurricanes in Houston. I got some on-the-ground clinical parameters and will optimize to identify how much 
resource and how to operate to get the best outcome. We need to know (hopefully CDC on-the-ground team) how 
people die, if it is because of lack of medical care, insufficient care process, ineffective ad-hoc treatment regiment, or 
simply the organs fail after all attempts. Everything that happens in the clinical side is of great importance. 

3. Transmission: I am very bothered by the Japanese Cruise's findings and actions: The story is that a guest sailed 
from Yokohama on Jan, 20 before disembarking on Jan, 25. He showed no symptoms aboard the ship, but tested 
positive for coronavirus in a Hong Kong hospital six days later. Since then 300 people on board were tested with 20 
positive cases. First, we can't tell how long this man was infectious while on board. But clearly from all my analysis, 
he cannot possibly be the only one who's infectious at that time. If he was, then it was not possible for 20 people to 
be tested positive (not from the 5 days he's on board and not from how rapid and infectious it is, I put in all 
outrageous values). So this is not a single point source He can only be a single point-source if he is a super 
spreader - and that he's contagious by Jab 21 and then he spreads very effectively across with at least everyone 
else also becomes infectious after 24 hours upon infection (as in the German first case). I don’t know if the Japanese 
intends to test all remaining passengers or not. But it could be a very good case to analyze in detail, if they can afford 
to do so Regardless, I don’t think 300 contact-tracing is sufficient. I think they need to sample more. If he's not a 
point source, all the more critical to test more passengers. 

Best, Eva 

Monday, February 3, 2020 8:42 AM, Cormier, Scott 

@medxcelfm,com> wrote: 

Thank you for the information! For our experience with the two confirmed cases in Chicago, I’m offering these 
additional comments: 

Incubation: This data fits perfectly with the husband of US patient #2 (USP2). One of the issues we are facing is 
having to furlough employees. Along with PH and CDC, we tracked unprotected exposure to USP2, and divided into 
those that were to be home furloughed for 14 days, and those that had daily sx check. That resulted in 147 contact 
reviews, of which 61 were placed in active monitoring, 29 furloughed with monitoring (asymptomatic), 7 PUI (home 
quarantine), 1 PUI (admitted), and 49 resolved (no contact found). None of the furloughs or PUI’s have converted, 
and their 14 days will end this week. For USP6 (husband of USP2), he was not initially placed on any restrictions by 
PH and CDC, and had visited a cardiology office as well as had visits to the hospital. Fortunately, we had decided to 
take extra precautions with USP6, so we only had 17 contact reviews, but 15 are furloughed with monitoring, and 2 
are resolved. Of all the contact reviews, most were nursing with 2 registration and 1 biomed staff. The contact 
review criteria is changing (for the good), but I think it should be a standardized checklist for better support and 
process standardization. None of staff have converted, however, two were found to have strep. 

Testing Kit: It is taking 3-5 days on average (some longer) to get test results from the CDC, They had not prioritized 
the confirmed cases over the PUI’s. This is delaying our process to discharge or remove from furlough. We are told 
confirmed cases will now be a priority, but having local tests will be critical in moving people off of 
furlough/quarartine/PUl and keeping our health systems functioning. 

Protection of Operators: Great point. We are using PPE monitors, who are stationed with our two confirmed cases, 
and ensure airborne precautions are properly instituted on entry and exit. It seems silly, since airborne is something 
we do every day, but unfortunately, we know that while it is done every day t it is many times done poorly. This has 
helped to boost the confidence of our staff caring for the patients. We are also using monitors for our admitted PUI's. 

ED Issues: We have screened 20 community PUI's in three of our ED's, and we have a process of Prior notification 
and scheduling, exclusive entry and exit, masking PUI, and placement in a negative pressure room. It has worked 
well without any issues, but it has to be a formalized, trained process. 

Community Perception: This has been interesting. Two of our nurse have been asked by their churches not to 
attend services (these are smaller community churches) while we have confirmed cases. They do not work with the 

confirmed patients. Manor Care, a national long term care company, has notified us that they will not accept a patient 
from our hospital that has the two confirmed cases for 14 days. We have 7 patients ready for discharge, so that is 
tying up beds. Our attorneys are looking into this, but not sure if we can do anything. It hasn’t affected our patient 
volume or procedures, which is good news 

Scott Cormier 

Vice President, Emergency Management, EC, & Safety 

On Friday, February 7, 2020 2:36 PM, Dr. Eva K Lee wrote: 

Hi James, I want to follow up more on last night's discussion. I have answered your questions below. After that I 
thought about strategies for community screening, what's the best way to do so. And I did a little optimization to cast 
a nest on what we want to test and how to test across the community. This is very crude, but you can see the 
different strategies: 

1. Assuming the 14-day period of incubation, we can reach out to the cohort travelers for the period Jan 24-Feb 

7 [[note this last week is redundant, since 11 airports have started testing.]] through airline operators. Basically they 
only need to send a text to those who have traveled to at-risk areas. In this case, I will cover all international travellers 
where their flight of origin is China, not just Wuhan. Individuals who are willing to provide nsal swab and sputum 
samples can report to the nearest health department. We can also give them a little form to do contact fracing 
themselves. This is like population sampling, not everyone will be eager to do it. But some are willing and you will get 
a small sample size. Samples can be shared across all state labs that have the testing capabitiy to ensure timely 

To capure potentail cascading effect on the 2nd generation infection, we can move to Jan 17-Jan 24 cohort and so 
forth, Clearly they may not have any viral activities if they have already shed and passed it onto someone else. But 
the contact tracing form will be useful. 

[[You can do the same for Cruises,]] 

This is more of a global approach using travel and the risk factors as a means to prioritize screening. 

2. For a regional-based approach, one can approach communities - e,g M schools, religious organizations, private 
businesses, etc, to promote testing among those who have recently traveled out of the country to China, Workforce 
travel is common in this connected world. My feeling is that it will be heterogreneous across the nation since some 
regions have more foreign students for example and others don't. But outreach via the university health service 
should be very feasible and easy. In the same token regarding private business. Although students/workers may fear 
that if they're tested positive, they would be forced into self-quarantine. My feeling is that we can frame the message 
In a positive way (as a means to protect their health) to promote their participation (or the organizational 

This approach leverages organizations 1 infrastructure to help systematically recruit the right type of high-risk 
individuals fortesting. 

3. On the ground, I do not know how much testing capability and capacity each state has. We do want to ensure that 
samples can be processed in a timely manner. Certainly one can optimize. 

This is sort of a strategic systematic way to proritize tests. We don't need to do it in every state, but strategically 
choose some with high passenger volumes, or those with connecting routes. 

Just some thoughts. I unxderstand you are probably busy with the evacuees testing now. 

Best, Eva 

From: "Dr. Eva K Lee n 
Reply-To: "Dr, Eva K Lee" 

Date: Sunday, February 9, 2020 at 8:29 PM 
To: "Lawler, James V" < (S) > 

Cc: Carter Miecher Richard Hatchett <i 

I ^5) >. "Caneva, Duane" 

<^^^^M @hQ..dhs.Q:ov >, "Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY DOD JPEO CBRND (USA)' 

@m > 

Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) ~ NP1, Flu vs 2019-nCoV, Scaling of testing 

Non-UNMC email 

1 understand all of you is an expert in this area. Just my 2 cents from the call ■ 

1. NPI - Carter, I think we can strategically roll out some of the social distancing recommendations. This can be part 
of the public messanging, I think different communities have different willingness to start. It doesn't hurt them and 
provide them with a sense of comfort and awareness. Public health is already doing isolation and quarantine. This is 
a good time to test how well the digital infrastructure can support telework beyond the current capacities. Make it into 
part of the nation's health security response drills may allow for dual purpose (and secure of necessary government 

2. Flu vs 2019-NCoV. Perhaps some simple statistics may put people in the right perception: 

Flu In US: Roughly, 26 millions American affected, 200,000 hospitalization, and about 34,000 death. So it is 3.1% 
infectivity, 0.7% hospitalization (of those infected), and 0.13% mortality. 

201-9-nCo 1/ in Hubei (11 millions): 16,902 reported confirmed cases, 3,400 severe/critical conditions, 699 deaths. 
That relates to 0.15% infection (city isolated entirely within 4-5 weeks), 20.1% hospitalization, and 4% CFR. Even 
when factoring in all uncertainties, it's roughly 0.15-0.5% infection, 10-20% hospitalization, and 1,7%-4% mortality. 

Thafs over 10-30 times more deadly than seasonal flu. Moreever, this is only a lower bound because the 
fgovernment basically shut down and isolate the entire infected zone. I think this gives people a sense of risk. It is not 
to make them panic, but to prepare citizens. This is part of the readiness, mental and physucaL 

3. Scale Of testing: In order to have true testing capacities/surge., we must select a collection of assays/reagents 
and make them into standards so that you can handoff to private sectors readily for (mass) 

production. H ete rog eneo us/com bin ation selection is a must. You want to allow alternatives and fall-back, and you 
also want to scale up by boradening what can be allowed. At some point, we can do result validsation to ensure 
everyone is happy with what they are using. 

4. Community testing priority: Hospitalized patients certainly can and should be tested. But that's too late for early 
intervention (except contact tracing). Primary care would be great. Universities and pharmacies are good to include. 
Strategic sampling is a must because you won't be able to host so many tests so rapidly, 

5. Supply Chain: Supply chain is affected already. It is just how far and how broad if may reach and be felt. 
Thailand's flood and Japan Fukushima delayed the sequencer's production by 2 years, affecting some of the medical 
researcn.. That’s very specialized. The current impact is more general as it covers many different industrial sectors. 


On Sunday, February 9, 2020 10:59 PM, Lawler, James V wrote: 

Eva - your data fit well with other modelers. We are in mitigation phase and goal is to drive down Ro. 

James Lawler, MD, MPH, 

(S U n rn c. ed u 

Sunday, February 9, 2020 11:16 PM, Dr. Eva K Lee ^P m ■ rn c > wrote: 

Yes, absolutely! And we need public engagement now. We need the citizens to know and practice social distancing in 
a way that best protect them. Every action counts. Communities can help a lot. The aging population with such high 
percentage of individuals with multiple chronic conditions make it very hard to fight on the treatment front (alone). It's 
too late and too costly with lower chance of success. We have to move the action timeline forward to the pre-empt 
stage. Whatever we can do to prevent and mitigate will take us a long way. We also need to help China to fight and 
contain rapidly (so we can learn more how and what’s happening), or else the global implact on supply-chain and 
the economy will be sustantial. 

China also has bird flu H5N1 outbreak now, very close to the epicenter of 2019-nCoV. All these zoonotic activities are 
worrisome. And we can't control where all the birds are flying... 

On Sunday, February 9, 2020 12:54 PM, Lawler, James V 

| > wrote: 

Thanks, Nathaniel. Great stuff. Have you taken a swag at case=ascertainment vs true cases based upon numbers of 
cases outside Wuhan/Hubei and positivity rates in folks repatriated from Wuhan in last 10 days? Those look to have a 
prevalence rate of 1 -2 % that would presumably reflect community prevalence in Wuhan at the time they were 
extracted. This obviously suggests a much higher number of true cases and would match the data that say most 
cases are mild/moderate URI and ILI and that we are only mostly counting hospitalized pneumonia. Certainly affects 
the CFR prediction quite a bit and our assessment of healthcare surge requirement. I think everybody agrees we are 
dramatically undercounting the real denominator - question is by how much. I think we also mostly agree that without 
dramatic NPI we can expect 30-40% infection rate by end of community epidemic - and even with dramatic NPL that 
total may only be slightly reduced. Any thoughts there? 

James Lawler, MD, MPH, FIDSA 

From: IX^j_KLee 

Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 7:10 AM 


Cc: Cart er Mecher ; Richard Hatchet ; Geneva, Duane : Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY POD JPEQ CBRND 

Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) -■ Strategic testing is a must -- testing capacity - 

Stragetic testing is a must - if we truly want to get a good sense of what's happening to the infection in the 
community level and have an ability to prepare the citizens, the community, and the hospitals. [[That is part of 
managing the expectation,]] 

Diamond Princess - as I said from the start -- offers the biggest opportunity to study in multiple levels and I am afriad 
it has become a quaranitne nightmare with missing opportunities and missteps. And it shows why strategic 
(community) testing is a must, and why testing - must be made effective and must be heterogenous with all 

The Cruiseship is a tiny community of itself, and it shows we have no ability to test even just that, 

-- 136 confirmed cases out of 336 tested thus far, 

- Japan still maintains they are going to test those with synptoms and the elderly. They should and must test all, and 
truly use that opportunity to get a good sense of symptoms vs no-symptoms and patterns of all potential 

■ The spread - no doubt - involves those without symptoms. Who know,s they might be Just so effective to spread, 
Japan MUST test in a nonlinear manner, it cannot prioritize in a one-side pattern as it has done at the beginning and 

- Some ,650 passengers made medication requests and about 750 received thus far. A very good example for us to 
take note. So many people need medication -- not just on the cruise, but everywhere because of prevalence of 
chronic diseases. 

It shows they can't even contain one cruise ship, not to mention the consequence of their disembarkment. 

- I maintain those without symptoms must be tested, even if we can't cover all, we must sample. That's the only way 
to fill in the gaps. 

- Carter - this also re-enforces the notion that NPI as in social distancing has to begin now, not later - we cannot 
prepare the future by acting in the future, we mjust rolling it out now. There's no harm to do it, but there can be a lot of 
regret if not. And the very concern regarding testing capability remains critical. But with limited testing ability, we 
better be smart in how to sample, 

- James, perhaps you and others can give me the laboratory information now (list of locations, various test and 
associated) so I can start optimizing. 

On Monday, February 10, 2020 7:21 AM, Carter Mecher wrote: 

Eva, below is our review of the cruise ship outbreak. 

The case count aboard that cruise ship is now up to 136. This is unbelievable. 

Go back to the original data I shared on this. 

Diamond Princess cruise ship with 2,666 passengers and 1,045 crew members 

1 i fima 



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Jan 20: Departed from Japan 

Jan 25: 80-year-old passenger who disembarked on Jan 25 in Hong Kong tested positive on Feb 1. 

Feb 1: Quarantine procedure at a port in Naha (quarantine officials had issued certificates allowing passengers and 
crew to land; no one on board at that time showed any symptoms and the case of the man who disembarked in Hong 

Kong was not known at that time). When results known, certificate of landing canceled and second quarantine. Tests 

for the virus would be administered to three groups: those with symptoms, those who got off in Hong Kong, and those 
who had close contact with the infected passenger. 

Feb 3: Arrives in port of Yokohama 

Feb 5: Japan reports f 0 passengers confirmed + 

Feb 6: Japan reports 10 more passengers confirmed + (total of 20); Japan later reports a total of 41 passengers now 
confirmed + for nCoV 

Feb 7: Japan reports a total of 61 passengers now confirmed + for nCoV 
Feb 8: Japan reports a total of 64 passengers now confirmed + for nCoV 
Feb 10:: Japan reports a total of 136 passengers now confirmed + for nCoV 

Index case of 80 year old passenger is Hong Kong Case#14 

Case no. Date of laboratory confirmation; Gender; Age; Name of hospital admitted; Discharge status Hospitalised 

14. 01/02/2020 M 80 Princess Margaret Hospital Hospitalised 

Over a span of 21 days (from Jan 20-Feb 10), this outbreak has expanded to 136 confirmed cases. That is a 
prevalence of 3.7% over the span of 3 weeks. That is unbelievable. 

But go back and compare the dynamics of the nCov outbreak to the spring wave of HIN1 1 this outbreak is even 

Comparison of2009 hINI and 2019-nCoV 
Number of Coses & Deaths Reported from Date of 1* Known Case 

Cumulative H1N1 Cases and Deaths in US 
Through 1X8 Days from First Case Symptom Onset 

^^■Luri Uiufrk 

4 ) , 00 ) 

’•*: i: j: 




Cumulative 2019-nCoV Cases and Deaths Through 68 Days from 

F irst Case Symptom Onset 


UUAUL& 1 * * * a 5 5 = 3 


L Dt> _ 

m i 
m | 

6UU | 
Aid > 
4Jd | 

id 3 
JJU ] 

- C 4 AtG«t* 

We are so far behind the curve. 

I would drop almost everything we are now doing and prepare for implementing TLG (NPIs). 

On Monday, February 10, 2020 9:48 PM, Geneva, Duane > wrote: 

Just spoke with Charity. 

There are some challenges within the PH system to test for community spread, and the CDC kits are still 1 -2 weeks 
from operational. Moving forward through healthcare systems is a great option, the more the better. If Kaiser, HCA, 
DOD, VA can be leveraged, it f s a case of beer to the first one to find the case. 

What happened to Mike C??? 

Should we be worried? 

From: "Dr. Eva K Lee' 1 @ cm .mo 

Repiy-To: "Dr. Eva K Lee" 

Date: Monday, February 10, 2020 at 7:38 PM 
To: "Lawler, James V" > 

Cc: Richard Hatchett <^^^^^^^Btt@ce 2 jmet>, Carter Meoher "Caneva, Duane" 

l a@hq.dh5.qov >, "Hepburn, Matthew J CIV UBARMY DOD JPEG CBRND (USA)' 1 

| > 

Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] RE: 2019-nCoV (UNCLASSIFIED) - Reaching out to Kaiser - Strategic testing is a 
must -- testing capacity -- 

Non-UNMC email 

I just talked to the Kaiser East Coast COO and asked him about Kaiser laboratory (James. I wrote him several weeks 
ago when we talked about lab testings in December). He said that Kaiser has labs, mostly on the West Coast I 
asked him if the government can outsource to them the lab tests, he said it should be doable. 

Just one piece of a solutuion, but 1 think it's good to recruit them. We have to explore private-business engagement. 
Once you get all the testkits you deem acceptable with clear instruction etc. then you wilt need to make/entice private 
sectors to come in and take over the testing responsibility. I am most certain Charity (is that the lady on the call from 
California) knows how to access Kaiser resources. She can ask them. I can facilitate if needed. I have done some 
clinical work for Kaiser with great implementation results (improving outcome and reducing cost on their patients). So 
I think I can ask them to help. And in turn, they can help by reaching to other lab network. I have also extracted tons 
of clinical data from their EMR system. I think their lab may have been connected already,., not sure, I will check. 

On Thursday, February 13, 2020 9:21 AM, Dr, Eva K Lee @ p > wrote: 

I found it very odd that China is now rolling out the clinically diagnosed cases. All these time as they reported over 
47,000+ confirmed positive cases, they still have over 187,000+ cases that they are observing clinically. Fair enough, 
they can't confirm yet. 

Last night they reported 242 more deaths, which would have driven the CFR close to 2.9% again. But conveniently 
they are adding 13,332 of the new cases from the "clinically diagnosed' * 1 pool. That keeps the CFR at 2.3%, This 
seems more for convenience to smooth the curve rather than to truly have a good sense of whafs going on. 

It is also odd - why would officials in US keep saying that they cannot confirm the extent of human-to-human 
transmission? I think the public is confused by all these experts saying conflicting things. If human-to-human 
transmission is still in question, how was the transmission in China? It's one thing that I predicted based on the social 
situation, how animals and human interact. I got that people don't have to believe. But now it is very clear — based on 
published results - that confirms over 90% of them are not animal-to-human, 

I talked to a public health official, he thinks this is all overblown. He thinks flu is what we have to fight, not CGVID-19. 

Tradeoffs on Decision - Public Health and Emergency Response-Nation a I ED Overcrowding Study (NEDOCS) 
and the Medical/Public Health Information Sharing Enterprise, 

Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 8:08 PM 

From: Dr. Eva K Lee pm. me 


CC: Cormier, Scott ^^^^^^^@medxce If m, com, Krohmer, Jon (NHTSA)^^^^_@dot gov, 
Caneva, Carter Mecher^^^gj^^^^^^g, Lisa Koonin 
David Marcozzi^^^^^, Chaney. Eric (NHTSA) 
| WILKINSON,, Wargo Michael 
l@ hcahea .com,, Firoved, AaronDHS.GOV, Quitugua. Teresa 

Kshemendr^^B@va,gov, Eastman, 


Alexander | 


|, Nathaniel Hupert^^^^] 


I want to update some analysis -[[Sorry no graphs attached, too many and it will take too long,]] 

Protect the operators: I want to update more - 1 maintain as my email said on Jan 31 - we must protect the 
healthcare workers and the operators. The fatter are not as knowledgeable and as well equipped and they can 
be very exposed. We must train them well so that they can be protected in the best possible manner, 

Infectivlfy and mortality: I again review the models as we put in the dots onto the graphs. It remains within 
our zone of prediction, since the models did include asymptomatic cases. The total infection ranges from 
400,000 to 9 million (6 months starting Nov 15 2019), and mortality from 9,000 -150,000, The Chinese is not 
helping. I don't really care if they want to report the clinically diagnosed cases, they just have to separate the 
confirmed positive vs clinically diagnosed. That is important even though everything seems like a blackbox and 
the test kits are in short supply and still not reliable. 

Virus adaptability: It seems the virus is really rather adaptable to the human body, exploiting the health 
conditions to assert different types of symptoms making it hard to treat and to diagnose. In that case, it can 

come back with more power. 

Public health strategy {and public perception): I understand there continues to be debates on if/when we 
should put in full throttle of effort. My feeling is - Public health always faces such a dilemma, 

a. Nothing bad will happen and we put too much resources and effort 

b. Something bad really happens and that we mitigate and make it go away — this is a good effort and result, 
but understandably it will be underappreciated because noone would know how it would play out without 
intervention and how bad it is. So successful mitigation is often under-valued, [[people will think it is just (a),]] 

c. Something bad happens and we did not do enough - that is a big fall out everyone knows. 

I think it is very important we take path (b) and treat (a) as a real test of how good we can mount a full fight 
The lab tests are the first bottleneck (besides all the biological and clinical understanding of the virus). We 
should lay it all out all sequences of effort and develop a full plan. It is not going to be like a flu plan- because 
we don H t know mucn abotu this virus. But we certainly can adapt it. 

I incorporate the disease models within the network of critical infrastructures (Duane, I showed you the 
cascading interdependence multi-layer graphs with risks at various layers). This virus could disrupt many layers 
the supply-chain networks, truly affecting the whole world. Consider it a real ugly test that we can blanket it and 
win it, it is a must. 

Clinical cases: Please safeguard clinical data and treatment response. That will be invaluable and I would like 
to perform machine learning to uncover patterns and correlations 



From: Caneva, Duane 
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2020 9:39 AM 
To: Dodgen, Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)| 

@HHS.GOV >: DeBord, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 

hhs.qov >; Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)I 

l >: David Marcozzi 

| @som uniarvaand edu> ; Hepbum, Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)| 

-civ@maiLmil >; >: Wargo Michael| 

j hcg dhs qoY >; Eastman, Alexander] 

I s@assotiates.ha.dhs.go v> : Callahan, Michael V„M. 

I >: Walters, William 

l @hq.dhs.qov >: WOLFE, HERBERT 
| @hC;.dns.qov >: EVANS. MARIEFRED 

| N @mqh, ha rva rd. ed u > [ 


(OS/AS P R/B AR DA) | 

David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)| 

Tracey McNamara <| 


|UTMB.EDU: ^Jc@ernati. Johnson, Robert 
l >: Yeskey, Kevin Disbrow. Gary >: Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)^^^^^^g^hhs^ov>; Hassell, 

_ l @hihs.aov> :: Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR/iO) <HpH^^^p^hhs 1 ggy>; 

edu >; Dean,^— = ^ >: Caneva. 

iov>: Richard Hatchett^^^^^^^^j@ceELnet>; Lawler, James V 
|> : Kadlec, Robert fOS/ASPR/IQl @hhs.aov >: 'Martin, Gregory J 
| )' state gov >: Borio. Luciana^^^^^jgLgrg>: Hanfling. Dan 
@iqtorg >: McDonald. Enc^^^^^^^^ >: Wade, David^^^^^^ @hq dhs,qov >: 
TARANTINO, DAVID 1~: cbp ahs.aov >: Baric, Ralph S|[^^^^^unoedu>; WILKINSON, 

THOMAS >: Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) <^^^^^^@hhs i goy>; David 

Grubei^^^^^^ dshs.t~9*as.qov )^^^^^^^^^^^^j; KAUSHIK. SANGEETA 
jha.dhsaov > 

Subject: Red Dawn Breaking, COVID-19 Collaborative, Feb 16 start 

Purpose: This is a new Red Dawn String to cut down the size from the previous String, opportunity to provide 
thoughts, concerns, raise issues, share information across various colleagues responding to COVID-19. 
Including all from previous string plus a few additional folks. 

Duane C. Caneva, MD, MS 
Chief Medical Officer 

Executive Assistant: Nichole Burton 

(U) Warning; This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains information that 
may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 8:57 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara : Dr, Eva K Lee 

Cc: Caneva, Duane : Dodgem Daniel f QS/ASFR/SPFR) : DeBord, Kristin fOS/ASPR/SPPRI : Phillips. Sally 
fOS/ASPR/SPPR) : David Marcozzi ; Hepburn, Matthew J CtV USARMY fUSA) : Lisa Koonin ; Wargo Michael : Walters, 
William fSTATE.GOVI : HARVEY. MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT : Eastman. Alexander : EVANS. 

MARI EF RED ; Callahan. Michael V..M D ;^^^ @UTM B~EDU ; 'T ; Johnson. Robert 

(OS/ASFR/BARDA) : Yeskev. Kevin : Disbrow. Gary fOS/ASPR/BARDA) ; Redd. John fOS/ASPR/SPPR) : Hassell. 
David f Chris) fOS/ASPR/IOV : Hamel. Joseph (QS/ASPR/IQ'i ^^^^^^j A@CDPH: Richard Hatchett : Lawler, 
James V : Kadlec, Robe it f OS/AS P R/1 0 ) ; 'Martin, Gre gory J s tate-gov) 1 ; Borio, Luciana ; Hanflinq, 

[3an; McDonald.. Er c; Wade, David; TARANTINO, DAY . : J. THOMAS; David Gruber 

^^^^^^ @dshs. ; KAUSHIK, SANGEETA ; Nathaniel Hupert 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking, COVID-19 Collaborative, Feb IS start 

NPIs are going to be central to our response to this outbreak (assuming our estimates of severity prove 
accurate). This email group has grown since we began (not quite epidemic-level growth, but getting there). Looking 
ahead, I anticipate we might encounter pushback over the implementation of NPIs and would expect similar 
cone errs/arguments as were raised back in 2006 when this strategy first emerged. It was one of the reasons I 
shared the updated data on US households from American Community Survey, data on USD A programs for 
nutritional support (including school meal programs), data on schools and enrollment, and even data on juvenile 
crime. The data that was gathered back in 2006 on social density in various environments (homes, 
offices/workplaces, schools, daycare, etc., is unchanged). For additional background and context, we attached are 3 
papers on NPIs and TLC for those who are interested. Richard Hatchett deserves full credit for birthing the idea of 
TLC (it was actually developed in response to the threat of H5M1 and later adopted for pandemic influenza 
response). Duane, perhaps you can store these documents on MAX for safe keeping and access? 

The first paper is an historical review of the 1918 pandemic (the comparison of Philadelphia and St. Louis is 
emblematic of the lesson from 1918 that timing matters when deploying NPIs—need to be early). The second paper 
is modeling work that was done to evaluate these strategies. At the time, modelers were focused on how best to 
contain an outbreak overseas (really focusing on using antivirals primarily for treatment and prophylaxis). They 
focused their models to evaluate the effectiveness of various strategies and quantities of antiviral medications 
required to quench an emerging outbreak. There were 3 groups who were doing this work back then. They each 
present their data in that paper. A few things to note. In all the model runs, they did not model perfection or 100% 
adherence (actually far from it). You will see scenarios from 30/60 (meaning 30% compliance and 60% 
ascertainment) on up to 90/80). (See figures 1) Even leaky implementation can reduce overall attack rates. The 
modelers also looked at timing of implementation (see figure 3). At the time there was a great deai of skepticism— 
was hard for people to believe this was possible. Or even if TLC could be effective, was implementation practical 
given the challenges trying to implement and the 2 nd and 3 rd order consequences (especially of dosing schools). But 
the modeling data combined with the historical data was the tipping point, Marty Cetron from CDC and Howard 
Markel from U of Michigan, published a more extensive historical review of the 1918 pandemic showing much the 
same. Since then, a group within CDC continued to work on this (collecting additional data from the 2009 pandemic 
and elsewhere). They published an update of CMG in MMWR in 2017. httos:// 
6 5d 1 e5f b - 3985cd b8- 0cc47ad c5f a2- b b4a26993b5aa9e 0 & u a htt ps ://w ww. ede. g o v/m ed i a/dpk/ede -24-7 / p reve nti no - 

oandem i c- i n f I u enz a/com m u n itv - m itiq ation -guide ii nes -f o r-ore venti nq -pande m ic -f 1 u. him I 

The third paper, is a more recent paper (from 2017} that Richard shared with me. The paper is a little dense, but 
I found this paper useful because it provides a vocabulary for strategies that we have raised (Symptom Monitoring vs 
Quarantine of potentially infected but symptom-free contacts during an epidemic). This paper identifies those 
conditions where SM or Q is preferred. Figure 1 is useful for understanding the challenges given the picture that 
seems to be emerging with this virus. This outbreak seems closer to pandemic flu than SARS in terms of 
bobtransmission dynamics (and hence the NPIs we would need to employ). 

Lastly, another person, Bob Glass at Los Alamos, also did work on this separately from the MIDAS group. He actually 
began this work as part of a science fair project for his daughter (using social contacts of his daughter and her 
classmates at school to model disease transmission). He knew someone at VA who forwarded his work to us (chain 
of transmission). Early on (even before the MIDAS group modeled TLC), we had a 'Eureka" moment when we 
graphed his data in Excel (I can share that single graph to anyone interested). Bob Glass was also interested in trying 
to determine when you could let up on the NPIs during a pandemic. Here is a story about Bob Glass and that work 
published in Fast Company I will see if I can find his work on when to reopen schools. Decisions in terms of letting 
up on NPIs could be critical down the line. 

From : Carter Mecher 

Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 2:57 PM 

To: Tracey McNamara : Dr, Eva K Lee 

Cc: Caneva. Duane : Dodgem Daniel (QS/ASPR/SFPR1 : DeBord, Kristin fQS/ASPR/SPPR) : Phillips. Sally 
(QS/ASFR/SPPRT David Marcozzi : Hepburn. Matthew J CIV U5ARMY (USA) : Lisa Koenin : Warao Michael : Walters, 
William fSTATE.GOV) : HARVEY. MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT : Eastman. Alexander : EVANS. 

MARIEFRED ; Callahan, Michael 1 MR.LUU; j^@emai ; Johnson, Robert 

fOS/ASPR/BARDA) : Yeskev. Kevin : Disbrow, Gary fOS/ASPR/BARDA) ; Redd. John fQS/ASPR/SPPR) : Hassell. 
David (Chris) IQS/ASFR/IQ) ; Hamel, Joseph (QS/ASPR/IQ) ;^^g DPH ; Richard Hatchett. ; Lawler, 
James V : Kadlec, Robert (QS/ASPR/lOl ; 'Martin, Gregory i-govV ; Boric, Luciana : Mantling, 

Dan : McDonald. Eric : Wade. David : TARANTINO. DAVID A : WILKINSON. THOMAS : David Gruber 

KAUSi NIK. SANGL LTA; Nathan r riaiLcojr 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking, COVID-19 Collaborative, Feb 16 start 

Trying to estimate severity by bringing a number of pieces together. 

The Diamond Princess Cruise Ship had a crew of 1,745 and 2,666 passengers (total pf 3,711) Approximately 400 of 
the passengers are Americans (11%). Several days ago (Feb-13) we attempted to estimate disease severity using 
the current data being reported by the media (number of confirmed cases and ICU cases) as well as data on the 
outbreak in Singapore (number of confirmed cases, number hospitalized, and number in ICU) (see attached Word 

Given the additional information becoming available (including more specific information being reported by the media 
on the numbers of Americans infected), I was interested in an updated crude estimate of severity (and to see how 
well the early predictions of severity matched with what was being reported by the media on illness in the 
Americans. See latest re the cruise ship outbreak below (two stories). We can glean from these stories that the 
number infected is now up to 454. And 14 positive passengers were included among the Americans who were 

evacuated to the US. Canada, South Korea, Italy and Hong Kong announced Sunday that they would also arrange 
charter flights to evacuate their citizens. A few additional pieces of data. News reports yesterday stated that 73 of the 
355 confirmed cases from the cruise ship were asymptomatic (20%). Also, yesterday the media quoted Dr. Fauci 
that the total number of Americans who were confirmed to have COVID yesterday and who remained at hospitals in 
Japan at 44. Assuming that this number does not include the 14 confirmed cases that were evacuated, suggests that 
the total number of Americans with confirmed COVID is 58. An earlier news report from Feb-12 re a couple from 
California, noted the husband was in the ICU in Japan (so at least 1 American in the ICU). [' ...remained in a 
hospital intensive care unit and has been able to communicate with his family, his wife said in a phone interview from 
the ship, where she remained in quarantine." https ://protect2. ?k=5b0 1 4ce3’Q75555bF5faQ17dfc- 

5be62cf1 a81 Sfc6d&u=https://web.archive.orci/web/2020Q212093725/https ://www 

n - cal i fo rn [a- m an - o n - cru«s e - sent-to-a- hos pital -i n - tokvo-with -a-h I a h - feve r- tested - f or-coron avtrus/ ] 

So, piecing all the data together: 

The -400 Americans account for 11% of the 3,711 passengers and crew of the Diamond Princess. 

The 58 confirmed cases among Americans account for 12% of the 454 total confirmed COVID cases 
Assuming that proportion of asymptomatic cases in Americans is similar to the proportion of asymptomatic cases for 
the entire ship (73/355 or 20%), we would estimate the number of Americans with asymptomatic infection at -12. 
Symptomatics would be 46. If 2% of cases result in ICU admission (based on earlier estimates on Feb-12 where 4 
ICU cases were reported with 203 total confirmed cases), we would expect -9 ICU cases overall with 454 infected. 
Media reports from today note 19 of the passengers are ' seriously ill, with some of whom treated in intensive care 
units. 15 (Would be helpful to quantify "some 15 —from the earlier data, we would estimate about half that number would 
require ICU care at some point). For the 54 Americans confirmed to have COVID, we would estimate 1 would require 
ICU care if 2% of cases required iCU care (we are already aware of at least 1 American who was receiving ICU care 
in Japan). 

So estimates of severity looking only at the American passengers: 

-400 total American passengers 
58 confirmed to have CQVID'19 
12 Asymptomatic (20%) 

46 Symptomatic (80%) 

-55% of total cases mildly ill (hospitalized for isolation only) (31 cases) 

-25% of total cases acutely ill requiring inpatient care (15 cases) 

-2% of total cases requiring ICU admission (1 cases) 

Expected mortality for patients with pneumonia admitted to ICU (15-50%); assuming 2% of those who become 
infected with CQVID-19 require ICU care, these mortality rates equate to a CFR of 0.3%-1.0% 

Those estimates fit pretty well with the estimates from Feb-13. To firm up these numbers it would be useful to have 
actual numbers from Japan on ICU admissions, number requiring mechanical ventilation, number in the hospital 
because they are acutely ill, and number in the hospital because of isolation only (mildly ill or asymptomatic). Also 
would be helpful to have more granular information on the Americans (hospital data in Japan including number 
acutely ill, number needing ICU admission, and number only in the hospital for isolation). Would also be critical to 
gather/compile the same information from Canada, South Korea, Italy, Hong Kong, and other nations as they also 
evacuate their citizens. The cruise ship is a circumscribed population where it is possible to get a handle on severity 
fairly early in an epidemic. The limitation though, is the population on board that ship is elderly (so need to be careful 
about generalizing to the entire population). But it is the best data we have. 

The reason why this is so important is decisions re the implementation of NPIs depend upon severity (the more 
severe the more intense the NPIs). The sooner we have a more accurate assessment of severity, the better for 
making plans for NPIs. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 10:39 PM 

To: Caneva. Duane : Tracey McNamara : Dr. Eva K Lee : j^^^^^^aiLcgrn 

Dodqori. TR SPPR) ; Do Be re. K-is:in 

(OS/AS PR/SPPRl : Phillips. Sally fOS/ASPR/SPPR) : David Marcozzi : Hepburn. Matthew J GIV US ARMY (USA) : Lisa 
Koonin : Warao Michael : Walters. William fSTATE.GOVl : HARVEY. MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT : Eastman. 
Alexander : EVANS. MARIEFRED : Callahan. Michael 

V..M^^^^MUTMB.EDU^^^^M . : Johnson. Robert (QS/ASPR/BARDAT Yeskev. 

Kevin ; Disbrow, Gary (QS/ASFR/BARDA) ; Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPFR) ; Hassell, David (Chris) 

(QS/A5FR/IQ) : HameB. Joseph fOS/ASPR/IO) :^^^^^J A@CDPH : Richard Hatchett: : Lawler, James V : Kadlec, 

Robert (QS/A5FR/IQ1 : ‘Martin, Gregory Borio, Luciana : Hanflina, Dan : McDonald. 

Eric: Wade. David: TARANTINO. DAVID A : WILKINSON, THOMAS : David Gruber 
M^^^^ts.texas.aovfc KAUSHIK. SANGEETA: Nathaniel Huperl 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking, COVID-19 Collaborative, Feb 16 start 

I really need help thinking thru the testing piece (screening for COVID-19), How do we protect the staff In outpatient 
clinics (where all the ILI is typically seen) and conserve PPE by shifting all the mild illness away from clinics and 
toward patients’ homes using telephone care/tele health and home healthcare and employing home isolation for those 
who are infected and voluntary home quarantine for otherwise well (but exposed and potentially infected) household 
contacts? Having all the suspected patients coming in to clinics to be screened really defeats the purpose. So how 
would very large numbers of outpatients get screened? Home screening? Drive thru screening? Or creating a free 
standing screening facility for rapid screening? Has anyone thought this thru (how you screen for disease plus 
promote adherence/compliance to home isolation and home quarantine and shift outpatient care of patients with mild 
disease to telephone/home care to protect outpatient clinic staff? Looking for practical solutions. 

Just to remind you, here are the estimates of demand (assuming we would need to screen all ILI)—about 88K per 
day in primary care clinics across the US, 

US Data 

US population 


Hospital Beds 


ICU Beds 


Hospital Admissions 


ER Visits 


Family Practice/PC Visits 


Total Deaths 


A Day in the US 

Hospital Admissions 


Inpatient Census (85% occupancy) 


ICU Census (85% occupancy) 


ER Visits 


Family Practice/PC Visits 

1 t 320,447 



Current Background of Illness Similar to COVID-19 

2019-20 Flu Season MMWR Week 5 ILI Rate 6.7% 

1 AM hospitalizations annually for pneumonia 

Medicare Average LOS Pneumonia 6 days 

55,672 pneumonia & influenza deaths annually 

Daily Hospital Admissions Pneumonia 


Hospital Census Pneumonia 

23 t 014 

Daily [LI cases seen in ERs 


Daily ILI cases seen in FP/PC clinics 


Daily pneumonia & influenza deaths 


Tuesday, February 18, 2020 11:01 AM, Carter Mecher 

More puzzle pieces re the cruise ship outoreak. 

* About 2/3rd$ of the passengers have been tested so far {2,404 out of 3,711). 

* 61 Americans opted to remain onboard and not be evacuated. 

Japan has completed tests for all passengers and crew aboard the ship as of Monday, but the results for the 
last batch of tests aren’t expected until Wednesday, the day that the quarantine is slated to end. So far, results 
are back for 2,404 passengers and Crew, out of the 3 t 711 who were on board the ship when the quarantine began on 
Feb. 5. 

Japanese Health Minister Katsunobu Kato said Tuesday that people who have tested negative for the virus would 
start leaving on Wednesday, but that the process of releasing passengers and crew won't be finished until Friday, 
according to the Washington Post . 

The remaining 61 American passengers on the DP who opted not to join the evacuation will not be allowed to return 
to the US until March 4, according to the American embassy in Tokyo The governments of Australia, Hong Kong and 
Canada have also said they would evacuate passengers. 

Elsewhere, Japan confirmed three more cases of the virus. This time, they were confirmed in Wakayama, a 
prefecture in eastern Japan, 

February 18, 2020 11:39 AM, Dr, Eva K Le 


We predicted the Diamond Princess infection totality before they announced it. What it shows - rs that intervention 
(NPI) must be done timely, A delayed intervention cannot reverse the course and can be catastrophic. They have far 
more positive infected cases than they should have, have they intervened differently and swiftly. The health system 
burden cannot be overemphasized. Just think about 1% infection in Georgia, out of that 20% requires medical 
attention. That is over 18,000 people. Can we handle these extra people in the hospitals in a timely and prolonged 
manner? That is assuming noone is going to infect anyone anymore. So this is the message the local MUST 
undersatand and take action now. 

So 1 assume those 61 Americans will at least get off the cruise and stay inland in Japan. And l hope Japan will not 
make the crew stay on board the ship for longer period of quarantine. Everyone has to get off the ship now. The ship 
now becomes the best clinical forsenic evidence to study the suffaee contact, how long infection remains active and 
of course, large-scale disinfection at the very end. But I hope at least they will collect some evidential samples first 
before everything is destroy. 

From: Carter Meeher << 

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 1:32 PM 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking, CQVID-19 Collaborative, Feb 16 start 

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS, DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize 
and/or trust the sender. Contact your component SOC with questions or concerns. 

My thinking is evolving in terms of healthcare system response. Initially I described how I would refocus the 
outpatient clinics away from COVID care and leverage the NPIs of isolation and quarantine to help keep the 
workplace safe (for the clinic staff and other patients) rather than a strategy that employs PPE, I would only use the 
outpatient clinic staff to help with telephone/home care support of those patients under home isolation or home 
quarantine-to help with compliance/adherence to isolation and quarantine, monitoring their health, and optimizing the 
care of their other chronic medical conditions (to keep them out of the ER and the hospital). But as I thought more 
about this, it occurs to me that this can be generalized beyond outpatient clinics. 

I would think about dividing our healthcare system into two big pieces: (1) acute care (EDs, acute inpatient care, 
critical care); and (2) non-acute care including outpatient clinics (PC/Family Practice, pediatrics, QB/GYN, medical 
specialty, surgical specialty, dental, mental health, rehab, etc.), as well as other inpatient areas (inpatient mental 
health, substance abuse, nursing homes, hospice care, memory care, assisted living, etc.). Inpatient surgery (and I 
suppose labor and delivery) Is part of acute care, but for this outbreak, it probably best belongs bundled with the other 
non-acute inpatient areas. I would anticipate that the tripwire for implementing NPIs (community transmission), will 

also be the trigger for healthcare systems to dial down or turn off elective admissions (primarily surgical) to free up 
acute care and ICU/monitored meds. The most effective way to protect these non-acute areas is by shunting potential 
COVID patients away from these areas and either providing this type of care while the patients is hospitalized in 
acute care or thru telephone care/home care for patients with mild illness receiving care at home. And the most 
effective way to shunt these patients away from non-acute care areas is thru the implementation of early and 
aggressive NPIs of isolation of the ill and home quarantine of household contacts (and not fit testing the world and 
passing out PPE that we don’t have). 

On Tuesday, February 18 1 2020 1:51 PM, Caneva, Duane 


Seems to me a big challenge will be asymptomatic or mild symptoms in kids, spread through the schools, shed to 
parents who staff both categories acute and non-acute care clinics. If there are several days of asymptomatic 
shedding, how do you prevent spread to the vulnerable, high risk patients in each category? 

Will mild symptoms drive complacent compliance? 

On Tuesday, February 16, 2020 2:20 PM, Dr. Eva K Lee 

> wrote: 

Duane, Yes. (asymptomatic or mild symptoms) this is the worry at the very start, and it remains the most critical. 
Hence even 1% of infection for us - can balloon out of proportion and we can't handle. Shedding not only during 
infection period, but also post-recovery. It's a very long timeline that we have to deal with. Then you have all the 
university siudents. Students travelled to China and came back to school, they asked health service if they needed to 
quarantine or take any action, theadvice -- no need. Those are missed opportunities. Again, seasonal influenza 
affects 8-10% Americans, 0.7% of those infected required hospitalization, and morality is roughly 0.1%. So it is easy 
to 'calculate 1 ' all these numbers backwards,.. So 20% ofCGVID-19 infected may need hospitalization, mortality is IQ- 
30 times higher than seasonal flu. How much can we tolerate before anyone would spring into action? Keep in mind, 
some begin to infect rapidly upon contracting the virus, the incubation is SO short (and so long) and infectious too 
during that period (with much being unknown). 

Carter, I think you will expect heterogeneous approaches from different communities in the overall response strategy, 
since it depends on the social setting and the demographics and more importantly the local resources. We have to 
optimize for sure. 

On Tuesday, February 16, 2020 7:56 PM, Carter Mecher > wrote: 

Japan inching toward mitigation 

Abe urges people with cold-like symptoms to avoid work, school 

Today 06:30 am JST 24 Comments 

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday advised people across the country not to go to work or school if they develop 
cold-like symptoms, as the country grapples with the spread of a new coronavirus originating in China. 

Workplaces in the country, known for their long hours, need to encourage people to take days off without hesitation if 
they do not feel well, Abe said. 

"The first thing that I want the people of Japan to keep in mind is to take time off school or work and refrain from 
leaving the house if they develop cold-like symptoms such as fever,” Abe told a meeting of a government task force 
on the viral outbreak. 

Teleworking is an "effective alternative" to help prevent the virus from spreading further, Abe said. 

He made the remarks as the government is scrambling to contain the virus that originated in Wuhan, with more 
people with no obvious link to China getting infected in Japan. 

The global outbreak of the disease called COVID-19 has prompted some event organizers in Japan to rethink their 
plans for hosting mass gatherings. 

The number of confirmed cases in Japan has topped 600, including over 500 passengers and crew on the Diamond 
Princess, a quarantined cruise ship docked at Yokohama near Tokyo with more than 3,000 confined. 

The steady rise in infections in various parts of Japan has raised public concern, prompting the health ministry to ask 
people who develop symptoms such as a temperature of 37.5 C or higher for at least four days to consult local health 
care centers and go to designated hospitals. The period is set shorter for the elderly, those with underlying conditions 
and pregnant women. 

As Tokyo and other major cities in the country are notorious for packed rush-hour trains, commuters have been 
encouraged by a government panel of medical experts to go to work earlier or later than usual as the risk of infection 
is increased in crowds. 

On Tuesday, Fujitsu Ltd and Hitachi Ltd said they are expanding teleworking, though Japanese companies overall 
have been slow to introduce it. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 4:45 PM 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking, COVID-19 Collaborative, Feb 16 start 

Was listening to the discussion today. There was a discussion about the shortages of PPE. There was also 
discussion re NPIs, but I'm not sure that most folks appreciate that the NPIs that have been arrayed as part of the 
TLC strategy to reduce disease transmission in the community can be leveraged to create safer compartments or 
spaces by shunting disease toward the home. By implementing these interventions, one could reduce the likelihood 
of disease in workplaces (by home isolation and home quarantine- keeping sick employees at home and 
keeping employees who are well but potentially infected because someone is sick In their household, at 
home). Adding in other social distancing measures including social distancing at work, helps to reduce community 
transmission (adds additional protection to the workplace). The consequence is shunting disease to the home-120 
M different compartments in the US, and making the workplace the safe place. That is potentially very important for 
critical infrastructure. The answer is not PPE for these employees. And why would we expect that employees in 
these sectors would have any better IRC with the use of PPE than we saw with staff on the Diamond Princess? 
Healthcare is a key critical infrastructure. It is different from the other sectors in that it will be attracting patients with 
COVID like a magnet. It is hard to imagine how one could makes healthcare a safe workplace. But it is only hard to 
imagine how one could do that unless you begin to look a little closer at the different components of the healthcare 
system and the roles each component might play during this pandemic. 

To illustrate this, 1 took a stab at developing a conops or roadmap to look at the various pieces of the healthcare 
system. The shunting of disease is really fractal. Just as we can look at shunting disease across a community into 
one compartment (the home) to make other compartments safer, we can do the same within our healthcare system— 
shunt disease to the acute care area where COVID patients will be concentrated. What are the strategies to do that? 
This conops is notional. It is purposely designed for a severe outbreak with severe disease and assumes that the 
healthcare system must somehow continue to limp along and continue to care for the background disease we see 
during norma! times (strokes, AM Is, fractures and trauma, appendicitis, other serious infections, CHF, diabetic 
emergencies, psychotic episodes, preeclampsia, complicated deliveries, end stage renal disease and dialysis, etc.) 
as well as sustain outpatients with chronic conditions that require monitoring and care to keep them well and out of 
the ER and out of the hospital. 

From: Garter Mecher 

Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 6:39 AM 

To: Richard Hatchett : Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tracey McNamara ; Gan eve., Duane ;^^^; Dodqen. Daniel (Q S/AS PR/S RPR) ; DeBord, Kristin 
fOS/ASPR/$F P R k Phillips. Sally (QS/ASPR/SPPR) : David Marcozzi ; Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA) ; Lisa 
Koonin : Warao Michael : Walters. William fSTATE.GOV> : HARVEY. MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT : Eastman. 
Alexander ; EVANS, MIARIEFRED ; Callahan, Michael 

V,.M,D, :^^^g@U TMB.EDU :^^J@e : Johnson, Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA) : Yeskev, 

Kevin : Disbrow. Gary fOS/ASPR/BARDA) : Redd. JohntfOS/ASPR/SPPRI : Hassell. David (Chris) 

(OS/ASPR/IO) ; Hamel, Joseph : Lawler, James V : Kadlec, Robert 

fQS/ASFR/IQI : 'Martin, Gregory J MMMBe.QOVi': Boric. Lucian a : Hanffina, Dan : McDonald, Eric : Wad a, 

SANGEETA ; Nathaniel Hupert 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking, CQVID-19 Collaborative, Feb 16 start 

Keeping track of the outbreak aboard the cruise ship. The latest update is the announcement of 2 deaths (both 
patients in their 80s). An 87-year-old man and an 84-year-old woman, died on the 20th. Both were Japanese (the 
87-year-old man was hospitalized on Feb-11 and the 84-year-old women on Feb-12}. So time to death from 
recognition of infection was 8-9 days. On Feb-12, the total number of confirmed cases was 203. So estimated CFR 
back dating the denominator to Feb-12 is 1%. Assuming a denominator of 621, the CFR is 0 3%, if deaths are 
lagging by 8-10 days (and confirmed cases plateau), we should have a pretty good estimate of CFR for he entire 
group in another week or so. Will need to peel off the number of cases involving the crew member to get a better 
estimate of CFR in the elderly. These numbers are within the range we have been estimating. 

The 2,666 passengers are similar In age (and likely in co-morbidities) to the population we see in a nursing home or 
residential care facility. The 1,045 crew are a proxy for a young healthy population. It will be important to look at the 
outcomes separately. One of the concerns is how a Temake of this movie’ could play out in similarly confined 
populations of elderly frail Americans. Here are the numbers of long term care facilities/programs in the US that care 
forth© frail elderly. A large number of locations and a large number of reside nts/partici pants. I know that healthcare 
leaders were engaged yesterday, is anyone engaging this sector (long term care)? The healthcare leaders seemed 
more concerned about critical supply shortages (akin to the IV fluid shortage). Listening to them, it felt like their 
concerns seemed almost divorced from the threat of COVID, 

Number of 
Facilities / 

Number of 
Agencies / 

Number of 

Number of 

Number of 

Nursing Homes 




Residential Care 




Hospice Care 



Adult Day Care 


286 P 300 

Source: htt&s;/Avww ,c dc. a ov/nch s/fastats/nursino-h om e-care .htm 

The outbreak on the cruise ship should be the wake up call for leaders in long term care (and I would think healthcare 

Here is a summary of the cruise ship data (as of Feb 20) 



Number of 



N umber of 



Cruise ship departs from Yokohama Japan 


SO year old passenger disembarks in Hong 


80 year old passenger confirmed to have 

When results known, certificate of landing 
canceled and ship under quarantine. Tests for 
the virus would be administered to three 
groups: those with symptoms, those who got 
off in Hong Kong, and those who had dose 
contact with the infected passenger. 


Ship arrives in port of Yokohama Japan 


10 passengers and crew confirmed + 


31 more passengers and crew confirmed + 


30 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


9 more passenger and crew confirmed + 

1 Q-Feb 

66 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


39 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


28 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


15 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


67 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


70 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


329 American evacuated from cruise 
ship (14 of the evacuees found to be 

+) 61 Americans 

remained on 

board 44 

Americans remained hospitalized in Japan 


85 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


167 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


2 deaths 

Data by country is a bit sketchy 



Total Confirmed 




Flong Kong 













South Korea 






New virus cruise ship disembarks and kills two Japanese passengers in hospital 

February 20, 2020 11:38 

Two Japanese men and women in their 80s who were hospitalized and treated for the virus were killed on the 20th in 
a cruise ship passenger who was confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus. This is the first time a cruise 
ship passenger has died and three people have been killed in the country. 

As of the 19th, 621 cruise ships out of approximately 3,700 crew members and passengers on the cruise ship where 
outbreaks of the new coronavirus were confirmed were confirmed. 

According to government officials, two of them, a 87-year-old man and an 84-year-old woman, died on the 20th. 

Both were Japanese and had a basic illness and were confirmed to have been infected with the virus, so it was said 
that men were hospitalized on the 11th of this month and women on the 12th to be treated. 

This is the first time a cruise ship passenger has died. 

In addition, three people have been killed in Japan, following the death of a woman in her 80s living in Kanagawa 
Prefecture on the 13th of this month. 

From: Carter Mech-er 

Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 7:15 AM 

To: Richard Hatchett : Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tracey McNamara : Ganeva. Duane : : Dodaen. Daniel fQS/ASPR/SPPR) : DeBord. Kristin 
(QS/ASPR/SPPR) ; Phillips.. Sally fOS/ASPR/SFFR) ; David Marcozzi ; Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USAPMY (USA) ; Lisa 
Koonin : Waroo Michael : Walters. William (STATE.GOV: : HARVEY, MELISSA : WOLFE, HERBERT : Eastman. 
Alexander : r'HT 

Johnson, Robert (OS/AS PR/BARD A) ; Yes key, 

Kevin : DIsbrow, Gary ( OS/ASPR/BARDA) : Redd. J q h n tfOS/ASPR/5PPR) : Hassell, David (Christ 
(QS/ASPR/IQ) : HameL Joseph (QS/ASFR/IQ) ; ; Lawler, James V ; Kadlec, Robert 

(QS/ASFR/IQ) : 'Martin, Gregory J ^^ ^^^j^state.aovV: B :iana : Hanfling, Dan : McDonald, Eric : Wade, 

David ; TARANTINO. DAVID A ; WILKINSON, THOMAS ; David Gruber ^^^^M @dshs.texas.qov) ; KAUSH1K. 
SANGEETA ; Nathaniel Hu pert 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking, COVID-19 Collaborative, Feb 16 start 

What has me worried is what happened on the cruise ship is a preview of what will happen when this virus makes its 
way to the US healthcare system (not to mention institutionalized high-risk populations in the US, like nursing 
homes). I'm not sure that folks understand what is just over the horizon. 

Remember the story about Mann Gulch? We are at the equivalent of about 5:44. I anticipate that when we reach 
5:45, there is going to be chaos and panic to get anything in place. I doubt that what we would then hurriedly put in 
place will be any better than what they did on that cruise ship. As a consequence, would expect much the same 

I listened to the discussion yesterday. After listening to James and Michael describe the conditions on and around 
the cruise ship, 1 wondered whether anyone in healthcare leadership (outside the expertise at our biocontainment 
facilities) is thinking about infection control practices for any staff entering areas of a hospital caring for COVID 
patients (Ike changing clothes before entering and perhaps wearing scrubs, not bringing personal items into the area 
like iphones, ipads, stethoscopes, white coats, purses, briefcases, etc.)? And instituting policies that require all 
patients to phone for clearance to enter prior to presenting at safe acute and non-acute areas including community 
based clinics? Are we confident of the infection control practices of acute care staff (that they know the basics of how 
to don and doff PPE and behavior while in PPE?) Would HCWs in outpatient clinics or long term care facilities be 
any better prepared than the crew on board the cruise ship or the responders in Japan? I’m no expert in infection 
control and would defer to the expertise in this group. I was just a little surprised how little this seemed to be a 
concern for the healthcare leaders gathered yesterday. 

I think we are getting close to the point where we need to drop those things that are not critical and focus on the most 
important things. 

We are going to have a devil of time with lab confirmation—it is just too slow (they had a 2 day turnaround on the 
cruise ship) and we just don't have the capacity for the volume of tests we would anticipate. Charity has stressed this 
point again and again. That means we are going to have to fly blind early on. Perhaps the best we are going to be 
able to do in the near term if things begin to accelerate is screen all suspect cases (pretty much anyone with III 
symptoms) with a quick flu test and assume anyone who tests negative is suspected COVID until proven otherwise; 
and treat everyone who tests positive with Tamiflu. It will prove problematic early on, but as the epidemic barrels 
along, COVID will displace everything (at that point we will just assume that anyone with a fever or 1LI has 
COVID), The problem is in the beginning. It is going to be so hard to sort things out. Matt, James and others are 
pushing for more rapid screening—but we just aren't there yet. The consequence is that we will be placing patients 
with resp illness (that is not flu and presumed to be COVID) in areas with actual COVID patients, I hate to do that, 
but not sure how it could be avoided early on. But we would only do that for those who are ill enough to be 
hospitalized. The large number of asymptomatic and mildly ill patients would be under home isolation (so no worries 

about mixing confirmed and suspected patients). The downside is that we would have larger number of people is 
isolation and home quarantine than is really necessary (and the consequence of increased workplace absenteeism). 

And it is because home isolation and home quarantine are so important, healthcare systems (and not just public 
health) have to grab a hold of operationalizing those NPIs with both hands, A while back, I created some 
prescriptions (tongue in cheek), just to underscore that physicians do have a role in isolation and quarantine (it is not 
limited to public health). We might not have pharmaceuticals available to treat COVID, but why can t we write 
prescriptions for non-pharmaceuticals? I don't think healthcare leaders appreciate this point. Every COVID patient 
we admit or see in the ER will require us to follow up with household members to make sure they know to home 
quarantine (need to do the same anywhere in our system we find a patient who is infected). You could not imagine 
the pushback I have received when I proposed that we must have an active role—people seem to think that state and 
local public health is alone responsible for this, I would think public health will be overwhelmed and taking charge of 
this is our best strategy to keep our safe areas safe. 

I would be interested to hear how other healthcare systems and public health leaders are thinking about this. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2020 7:28 AM 
To: Richard Hatchett; Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tracey McNamara; Caneva, Duane■■■■■■ com: Dodgen, Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR); DeBord, Kristin 
(OS/ASPFt/SPPR); Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR); David Marcozzi; Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA); Lisa 
Koonin; Wargo Michael; Walters. William (STATE.GOV); 

Johnson. Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, Kevin; Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Redd, 

Johnt(OS/ASPR/SPPR); Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO); Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASP 

(@CDPH; Lawler, James V; Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO); 'Martin, Gregory J state, gov)'; Bori o, 

Luciana; Hanfling. Dan; McDonald, Eric; Wade, David; TARANTINO, DAVID A; WILKINSON, THOMAS; David 
Gruber @ 0v )^ KAUSHIK, SANGEETA; Nathaniel Huperl 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking, COVID-19 Collaborative, Feb 16 start 

Cruise Ship Update; Japan announced 3rd death. With 634 confirmed cases, lowest limit of CFR is now at 0.5%. 
Couldn't sleep. Woke up with an idea that I wanted to fry and articulate. 

First, I went thru some of my old emails and tried to thin thru the conops for envisioning how to organize and realign 
the healthcare system to respond to this looming threat. 

Some follow up thoughts. Protecting outpatient care (and the role and function of outpatient care with a massive shift 
toward care delivered thru a phone) and leveraging TLC (especially home isolation and home quarantine) is relatively 
straightforward. Doing the same for acute care areas dedicated for caring for non-GGVID patients and long term care 
is much more complex. 

A thought came to me as I reread something I shared with the group earlier. 

The concept of shunting of disease is really fractal. Just as we can apply NPIs and look at shunting disease across a 
community into one compartment (the home) to make other compartments safer, we can do the same within our 
healthcare system—shunt disease to the acute care area where COVID patients will be concentrated as well as 
shunt disease into the home (home isolation and home quarantine). 

We talk about medical homes for patients, so think of the equivalent of a medical home model for inpatient care. Just 
as we think about shunting disease to the home (as a means of protecting the entire community), can we think of an 
inpatient area the same way . The entire inpatient area (the entire safe area of the hospital) is the community and 
within the community are a number of inpatient medical homes. And those medical homes have the equivalent of 
households (the patient(s) within that home and the HCWs caring for them). For TLC, the smallest unit is the 
household. What is that equivalent smallest unit in a hospital setting 

The risk of introducing COVID into this very dynamic community can be thru patients or staff. The number of 
inpatient staff is probably on the order of 5 FTE per bed (roughly 5M staff for nearly 1 M beds), and nurses account 
for about 30% of hospital staff, so about 1.5 RNs per bed The total hospital staffing includes numbers of employees 
who never come in contact with patients (or easily could be prevented from coming into contact with patients). 

So over the span of a day, the number of total hospital personnel is about 5 times higher than the number of 
inpatients, however, the staff of greatest concern are nurses. So let's focus on the primary care giver who will have 
the most contact with the patient—nursing. Over the span of a day, the number of nurses that will have contact with 
patients is about the same as the number of inpatients. Near term turnover of nurses is negligible. Turnover of 
patients is much, much higher (inpatient beds turning over on average every 3-4 days). So the risk is much, much 
greater that COVID will be inadvertently introduced thru a patient who was incorrectly triaged or slips through with 
asymptomatic disease. 

So now let's get back to the idea of an inpatient medical home. Patients are transients. They will enter and stay in 
the inpatient home for their hospitalization (3-4 days). The idea of a home is to also dedicate inpatient staff to that 
home so that in the event of nosocomial transmission/outbreak within this acute care area, we can shunt the disease 
outbreak to individual inpatient homes and protect the rest of the community (entire hospital}. Ideally, one would want 
dedicated staff (primarily nursing, but one could also think of other inpatient team members such as NAs, health 
techs, housekeeping, hospitalist, eta). It is unrealistic to have single patient homes (just not enough staff to do that). 
So what could be the smallest unit within a hospital? This doesn't need to be perfect just better than random 
distribution of patients throughout the hospital and assignment of staff to care for them. Inpatient wards do this 
already by specialty (surgical, medical, psychiatric, eta). Nursing and other staff tend to have a home in either 
medicine or surgery or psychiatry, but it isn't ironclad and nurses do get reassigned depending upon need. One 
simple solution would be to have a ward = inpatient medical home but be much stricter in terms of dedicated staffing. 
So if a staff member working there is found to have COVID, we isolate the staff member and quarantine the ward 
(effectively taking it out of service), but sparing the rest of the hospital. The same if we find a patient who is found to 
have COVID, we isolate the patient and quarantine the rest of the patients and staff. Again, effectively taking it out of 
service but sparing the rest of the hospital, It is relatively straightforward and wards are physically isolated (so staff 
and patients can be prevented from mixingj.This would require treating each ward as a separate entity (no patient 
movements to other wards, except for the need for ICU care—which creates more things to think thru). That may 
work for large hospitals with large number of wards. It may not work in smaller hospitals with few wards or mixed 
medical/surgical patients. 

Another thought is to define the patient home by the day of admission. We did that in the old days when I was a 
resident and we admitted patients to a team (that included two interns and two medical students) every 3rd day. But 
we housed patients all over the hospital (pretty much wherever there was an open bed). Think of doing exactly the 
same but only admitting them to a dedicated area or inpatient home with dedicated inpatient 24/7 staff. That would 
mean we would cohort patients by day of admission and keep them together with a single team caring for them (from 
dedicated nursing across the shift, tech, hospitalist, etc.). Would need to think about what makes sense (the inpatient 
home opening its doors for admissions every 3- 4 days or so). If a patent is found to have COVID, the response 
would focus on that inpatient home-isolate the ill patient and quarantine the rest of the home (patients and staff). If a 
staff is found to have COVID, the response again would focus on the inpatient home, isolate the staff member and 
quarantine the rest of the home (patients and staff). By defining inpatient home by day of admission, it also helps us 
quickly doing the equivalent of a contact tracing since we would know the day the suspect patient entered the system 
and who had contact with the patient, 

I can't underscore enough how important the early implementation of TLC is in a community to tamp down community 
transmission and reduce the probability that either a staff member of a patient presenting to the hospital will be 
infected. It is the single most important thing we can do. These strategies help to minimize the disruption should 
infectious individuals (staff or patients) slip thru our defenses. 

In addition to an inpatient medical home, how else might we leverage social distancing and infection control to 
minimize transmission among staff and patients within an inpatient home? 

The next thing we need to think more about is the nursing home. Should we think of compartmentalizing the nursing 
home? The risk to the nursing home is primarily from staff since turnover of nursing home residents is so low. Are 
there ways to create a LTC home where we break the nursing home into smaller subunits or LTC homes with a small 
number of dedicated/assigned staffing to minimize the introduction of infection from staff into the nursing home or at 
least shunt it into a subunit of the nursing home? It is easier to minimize the introduction of COVID thru a patient 
(would need to quarantine all new admissions in an another area for 14 days before allowing them to be introduced 
into the nursing home community). Would also need to make sure that the staff caring for the quarantined nursing 
home admission do not care for any nursing homo patients or mix or mingle with other nursing home staff, I cant 
underscore enough the importance of early TLC in a community to tamp down community transmission and reduce 
the probability that a staff member working in a nursing home will become infected. These strategies help to minimize 
the disruption should infectious individuals (primarily staff) slip thru our defenses. 

Just trying to think thru ways to apply TLC more effectively to healthcare to reduce transmission and shunt disease to 
smaller compartments to safeguard the entire system. 

On Feb 23, 2020, at 7:38 AM, Dr, Eva K wrote: 

A few things I want to highlight - 

1. Means of spread A study from AMA confirmed many of the parameters assumed in our models: 

- A 20-year old infected with COVID-19 left Wuhan and went on infecting 5 relatives. When they tested positive, she 
was finally isolated, but tested negative still, and later tested positive, and remain normal on chest CT with no fever, 
stomach or respiratory symptoms (cough or sore throat as late as Fen 11 (time of the papert study duration). 

So spreading and its wide scope is unavoidable because there exists these very healthy individuals who can spread 
effectively - even during incubation period - while they remain perfectly healthy. If also showcases difficulty in testing 
-- negative test - may not be the end of it. 

2, Iranian cases, though mysterious since the origin was not traced to China, may very well show that COVID-19 
virus is very adaptable and mutating rapidly. 

3. Long recovery The long recovery period is troubesome and must be taken seriously by health providers as they 
prepare for hospitalization. Therei s not much surge capacity in hospitals. So they must be innoative in the staggering 
process and isolation is of paramount importance. Government/Local should be readied for supplementing medical 
tents outside hospitals when needed (clearly extra staff too). 

4. Citizes 1 view I was traveling so I did a real-time on-the-road analysis of human behavior and anxiety level l 
overheard many people 

- (a) asked when CDC would tell us more on what to do. 

- (b) wish they could pull their kids out of school but there is no such option as part of the preventive measure (not 
announced by CDC), 

-- (c) wish CDC would recommend tele-work options so they don't have to travel and expose themselves and their 
family to unnecessary risk. 

- (d) have no clue what the government is doing to keep the risk low as it is now. What exactly is being implemented 
to keep it low. 

5, Resource-limited countries I pray that it would not reach the resource-limited countries like many in Africa 
(though it seems unavoidable). I cannot imagine the consequence. 

6, What we must do: We must leverage the knowledge from other countries to better prepare ourselves. Japan's 
Crusis shows the importance of TIMELY proper isolation and STRATEGIC operations logistics in testing and in 
quarantine. South Korea (contrasting with Hong Kong, Singapore) demonstrates critical importance of EARLY social 
distancing and high compliance community NPI intervention, China's latest lockdown of 1/2 billion people truly 
signifies that gravity and unchartered terrority of this virus. No country would take to such extreme measure. 

7. CFR Since over 90% of influenza is never recorded/known, this COVID-19 seems to fall into similar spirit now, 
with so many cases of asymptomtic and transmission while incubating. While the true CFR remains unknown, the 
CFR of tested positive cases should offer a good comparison to the CFR of tested positive flu cases. That gives us a 
clearer estimate of health-resource burden. 

On Sunday, February 23 t 2020 11:35 PM, Kadiec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO) 

|> wrote: 

Eva Is this true?! If so we have a huge whole on our screening and quarantine effort. 
(Dr Lee is a at GaTech.) 

Means Of spread A study from AMA confirmed many of the parameters assumed in our models: 

- A 20-year old infected with COVID-19 left Wuhan and went on infecting 5 relatives. When they tested positive, she 
was finally isolated, but tested negative still, and later tested positive, and remain normal on chest CT with no fever, 
stomach or respiratory symptoms (cough or sore throat as late as Fen 11 (time of the papert study duration). 

So spreading and its wide scope is unavoidable because there exists these very healthy individuals who car spread 
effectively - even during incubation period - while they remain perfectly healthy. It also showcases difficulty in testing 
- negative test - may not be the end of it. 

Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 12:07 AM From: Dr. Eva K To: Kadlec, Robert 

ASPR IO)ov CC: Giroir. Brett (HHS/OASH9 ov ■ Fauci. Anthony 
(NIH/NIA1D) Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD)^^^_^, Redd, John (OS/ASFR/SPPR) 

Shuy, Bryan (OS/ASPR/IO) E^^p^^, Lee, Scott (OS/AS PR/EM MO) 

|v, Yeskey, Kevin (OS/ASPR/IO)^^|g||jgHy@h, Carter Mecher 
Richard Hatchett pi met, Tracey McNamara, Caneva, Duane 

|mailLcom||^^^|gmail.coni, Dodgen, Daniel 
|@HHS.GOV, DeBord, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR), Phillips, 



Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR) |[^^^^^, David Marcozzi 

(STATE.GOV) u^^, HARVEY, MELISSA, a, Callahan : Michael V. 

HIL- JTMB.EDe d u, : ^^@email.unc.ed_ 

(OS/AS PR/BARD A) F^^^^^@, Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA_ 

David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) ^^^^@h, Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)|^^^H^^H@ hl1s -9 0 ^ °ean, 
ICDPH C^H^^BH@ ccJ, Lawler, James V, Martin, Gregory J, Borio,■, Hanfling.^^^HI^^^, 
|,gov^^^^^^^@sdcounty,, Wade,, t^^^^^, WIL KINSON, TH OMAS 

|, c|^^^^^@dshs.texas gov, KAUSHIK, 

SANGEETA ^, Nathaniel 

@som,, Hepburn, Matthew, Walters, William, Wolfe, Herbert (DHS.GOV) 
@hq.dhs,gov, EVANS, MARIEFRED,, Johnson, Robert, Hassell, 

On Monday, February 

24, 2020 12:07 AM, Dr. Eva K Lee 

|> wrote: 

Hi Bob, 

Yes, it Is reported in JAMA: 

httos ://jamanetwo rk. com/iou mals/ia m a/f u I larticie/2762028 

Clearly, there're still lots of uncertainty. However, there is no reason for them to lie. Furthermore, in the very first 
model I sent around the results on Jan 30, 1 assume infectious for patients even during incubation, during infection, 
1/3 asymptomatic, 2/3 symptomatic. I was motivated to do that after talking to the head of laboratory in Hong Kong 
on Jan 29. He said many cases from his findings support that the viral counts are simply too low to surface at the 
beginning and hence cannot be detected. 

With that assumption, the model can explain how and why the spread is so furious in China and why China resorts to 
complete lock down of Hubei, and now 1/2 billion people. Simply, people are carrying the virus everywhere. And this 
young woman is doing exactly that. She wasn’t even tested positive after she infected her 5 relatives. Orly 
afterwards. That's why I modeled the test and told James of the days to test and that we either must test all, 
or we must sample. The Diamond cruise partially supports that priority screening on only “'suspected symptomatic 
Individuals” are not sufficient. Please note also that before the Jan 23 lock down of Hubei, approx. 5 million people 
have left the city, traveling everywhere in China, This woman left on Jan 10, 

Bob, if Europe fails, there is very little chance we can contain. So we must roll out the NPI now systematically. 

Best, Eva 

On Monday, February 24, 2020 5:55 AM, Dr. Eva K Lee < 

> wrote: 

Hi Bob, 

In addition to the JAMA paper, there is more -- 

1, Infectious during incubation: 

Attached is another paper that will appear in Lancet ID this week. The viral load at early disease onset in high. In this 
study, there were two individuals shedding high level of viral RNA before symptoms. The result in this Lancet ID 
paper was the basis for my model assumption. [[I received the initial draft about 4 weeks ago.]] 

2. Diamond Princess: 

If the 80 year old who boarded the ship on Jan 20 and disembarked on Jan 25 and showed symptoms later and 
tested positive on Jan 31 1 then that's yet another asymptomatic transmission. The way the infection spread on the 
ship, even assuming no quarantine at all, reflects asymptomatic secondary infection too in order to reach such high 
number. Or that this man is a super spreader. 

3. Early NPI is a must: 

Even if there is only 1% COVID-19 infection, and within which 20% requires hospitalization, this will already 
overwhelm our health systems. Singapore and Hong Kong have demonstrated that early NPI can help contain and 
prevent disease spread. In Hong Kong, government and private sectors are practicing home-office (tele-work), 
schools are closed, community service even churches are doing distance worship, and public places are disinfected 
regularly, so is personal hygiene. Regardless if there is any asymptomatic transmission, we must take these steps 
early. We need to allow parents make that choice, workers make that choice, without being penalized by their 
teachers and employers. 

4. Screening: We must be strategic in community screening. Carter made many points. Patients who have flu-like 
symptoms will go to their primary care, pediatrician, urgent care, or even ED. So there is a big contamination risk. 
Setting up a POD (like mass dispensing) for screening might be good. So we can ensure screening is done property 
and with proper protection to the providers. Since so little is known about this COVID-19, a concentrated effort as 
such allows for knowledge sharing and dissemination rapidly across. It is invaluable for the whole process. 

5. Care for COVID-19 patients: I advocate separating the COVID-19 patients from hospital ED/ICU patients since 
COVID-19 seems to attack patients with co-existing health issues. Hence exiting hospital patients are at high risk. 

On Tuesday, February 25, 2020 11 34 AM, Carter Mecher wrote: 

South Korea now has 977 cases and 10 deaths. They are about where Wuhan was on January 25 111 (so about 1 
month behind). Wuhan was overwhelmed less than 2 weeks later. I would expect the same for South Korea with the 
epicenter being in Seoul. 

I think Iran is about at the same point (maybe even a little ahead) of South Korea. Tehran is another very large city 
that will likely becomes Its epicenter. 

I see a few hopeful signs, Singapore and Hong Kong have done a great job thus far and have implemented NPIs 
very early. Both have great surveillance. They are holding the line. They are also small and islands. Japan on the 
Other hand is struggling and hasn’t been as aggressive as Singapore and Hong Kong 

The other thing that gives me hope is what I see in Hubei and Wuhan. I realize the data is a little sketchy because 
China has gone back and forth with the definition of cases, but I tried to smooth that over by looking at cumulative 
hospitalization rates per 100,000 (like we do for flu). Hubei (and Wuhan is a city within Hubei) reports each day the 
current number of people in the hospital (# currently in severe condition, # in critical condition), cumulative number of 
hospital discharges, cumulative deaths, and cumulative cases. From this we can estimate cumulative hospitalizations 
and then rates. 92% of the cases have been hospitalized (up thru Feb 2 nd 100% of the cases they reported were 
hospitalized). Knowing the number of cases in Wuhan, we have been estimating the number hospitalized assuming a 
similar % of the cases requiring hospitalization rate for Wuhan (that 92% of the cases are being hospitalized—that 
number is adjusted each day based on current data)* So we really can't back out the Wuhan numbers from the Hubei 
numbers. The best we can do is compare Hubei totals (including Wuhan) with an estimate of Wuhan. This data is 
good enough to show that the Chinese appear to be slowing transmission outside of Wuhan (They were late to 
implement NPIs in Wuhan but were able to implement NPIs earlier in the epidemic outside of Wuhan because the 
outbreak had about a 2 week head-start in Wuhan). 


We need to emulate the blue curve. If I could subtract Wuhan, this curve would be significantly lower. 

Remember the goals of NPIs. 

From: Caneva, Duane 

Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 12:28 PM 

To: Subject: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 
Importance: High 


This is a new Red Dawn Email String. Please use this one going forward. 


Duane C. Caneva, MD, MS 
Chief Medical Officer 
Department of Homeland Security 

(U) Warning; This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains information that 
may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act >: Richard Hatchett 

,dhs.aov >: EVANS, MARIEFRED 

From: Carter Mecheq_ 

Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 4:! 

To _ 

| > ; Caneva, D uane 

| @hq.dhs.aov >'^^^j "-1 il i i >: Dodgen, Daniel (OS/AS FR/SF PR) 

| @HHS,GOV >: DeBord. Kristin fOS/ASFR/SFFR)^^^^^^^ @hhs aov >: Phillips, Sally 
(QS/ASPR/SFPRI^^^^^^j @ >: David Marcozzi <^^^^j @som, >: Hepburn, Matthew 
J CIV USARMY fUSA) >; Lisa Koomn^^^^j @qm >; Walters, William 
l @state.QOV >: HARVEY, MELISSA^^^^^^ ' dhs goy> ; WOLFE, HERBERT 

l @hg.dhs.qgy> : Eastman, Alexander!_ 

| @associates.hq.dhs.aQV> ; Callahan, Michael V..M.D. 

| >: ^^^J JTMB.EDU ec:u>; ^J 

,unc,edu> : Johnson, Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA) < Robert.Jolinson@hhs,qo¥ >: Yeskey, Kevin 
^jjBMM v@hhs.gQv >: Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA) hhs go v >; Redd, John 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR)^^^^^l)hh3^cv>; Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) <^^^^^J :mhh 5 .ao v >; Hamel, 
Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)^^^^^^^Bj^hhs^gov>; Dean, Charity A@CDPH Lawler. 

James> : Martin, Gregory J @state q ov > : Borio, Luciana <L^^oigigLo£g>; 

Hanfling, Dan @ i qt. o rq >; .gov q□ v> ; Wade, 

David TARANTINO, DAVID A @c bo .dhs. oo v > : WILKI NSON, 

THOMAS @hq ,dhs.go v > : @dsh @ dshs.texas go v > : 

KAU3HIK, SANGEETA kaushik@hc.dhs.qo v > ; Nathaniel HUOerj^^^^M;i[ >; Tracey 
McNamara■■■ ra@ du>; Dr. Eva K LeeLee, Scott 

Subject: RE; Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

Several new countries announced first confirmed cases 






From: Watters, William ^^^^^^j @state qov > 

Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 6:56 PM 

To: ^^^^^^^^J @ha.dhs.qov : Richard HatchCaneva, Duane 

I'liijilli .. Dodgen, Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 

] @ HHS.GOV> ; DeBord, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR) ^|^^jTlili i|iin Phillips, Sally 
(OS/ASPR/SPPRi @hhs.aov >: David Marcozzi >: Hepburn, Matthew 

J CIV USARMY fUSA)^^^^^^^M iy@mail.mi[> '. Lisa Koonin JBBJ >: HARVEY. MELISSA 
| @hq.dhs.qov >: WOLFE, HERBERT^^^^^^^^^j @hg, >: Eastman. Alexander 
| @ha.dhs.aQV >: EVANS. 

du; Johnson, 

Robert (OS/AS PR/BARD A) a. bhs go\ >; Yeskey. Kevin @ h h s. q ov >: Disbrow, Gary 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA) Redd, John (OS/AS PR/SP PR) ^■{■dd^Ms^aov>; Hassell, 

David (Chris) fQS/ASFRyiQ]^^^^^^j> ; Hamel, Joseph (OS/AS> ; 
Dean, Charity A@CDPH < Charity. >: Lawler, James V < iames-lav/ler@ynmc-edy >: Martin. 
Gregory J <JJ^|[^^|!ita|ejov>: Boric, 


DAVID A ^^^^^^^g@cb£^hs^ov>; WlLKlN30N. THOMAS 

| r@dshs.te.xas.QOv : KAUSHIK t SANGEETA 
_ @ha.dhs.oov >: Nathaniel Hupert^^J QD5@med. Cornell. edu >: Tracey McNamara 
[>; Dr. Eva K Lee, Scott .go y> ; 



Subject: Re: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 


Does anyone have a case fatality rate projection broken down by age? 

William A. Walters, M.D., MBA 

Executive Director and 

Managing Director for Operational Medicine 

Bureau of Medical Services 

U.S. Department of State 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Thursday, February 27,2020 5:00 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara ; Richard Hatchett ; Tom Bossert 

Cc: Caneva, Duane ; Dr. Eva K Lee : Martin, Gregory J : Walters, William : HAMILTON, 

CAMERON : Dodsen. Daniel fQS/ASFR/SFFR) ; DeBzrj Kristn :QS ASPR 3PPR ■ ; Phillips. 
Sally fQS/ASPR/S FP R i : David Marcozzi : Heoburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY fUSAL Lisa Koonin : HARVEY. 
MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT : Eastman. Alexander : EVANS. MAR1EFRED : Cailahan. Michael 

iYfleduc 1 @UTMB,,EDlJ : i ill. Bn John so n ob ert(Q S/AS P R/B A RDA j ; Ysskey , 

Kevin : Disbrow, Gary (QSfAS PR/BAR DA) : Redd, John fOS/ASPR/SPPR) ; Hassell, David (Chris) 
tOS/ASPR/IOi : Hamel, Joseph fQS.ASPR/IQ) :|^gJJJ| A@CDPH : Lawler, James V: Boric, Luciana; Hanfling, 

THQMAS : d —^ — @dshs..texas.qov : KAUSHIK. SANGEETA ; Nathaniel Hupert; Lee. Scott; Padqet, Larry 
G; Rvan Morhard : Stack, Steven J i'CHFS DFHi 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

Details below on case In California. From the cruise ship data we would estimate there are 20-50 cases for each icy 
admission (assuming ICU admissions in 2%-5% of cases). That ratio was for an aged population. Suspect that ratio 
might be higher for a general population. And given the time from disease onset to being on a ventilator for at least a 
week (since at least Feb 19 when the patient arrived at UC Davis), the outbreak has had a good head start. That 
would suggest we already have a significant outbreak and are well behind the curve. We are now well past the 
equivalent 5:45 moment at Mann Gulch. You can t outrun it. They need to be thinking NPIs locally (full TLC including 
school closure). 

[I will send something I was looking at re the cruise ship data and kids.] 

https://www.saebee.conn/news/local/article24Q652311 .html 

Latest: Coronavirus patient at UC Davis Medical Center since Feb. 19 wasn’t tested for days 
The Solano County resident who is the nation s first confirmed case of coronavirus from “exposure in the community'’ 
has been under the care of UC Davis Medical Center for a week . according to an internal memo obtained 
Wednesday night by The Sacramento Bee, 

Just before 10 p m,, the hospital published the memo that was sent to employees by UC Davis Health leaders eaiiier 

in the day and outlines the timeline of the patient s admission and disclosed that several employees who were 
exposed to the patient self-isolate at home “out of abundance of caution," 

The patient whom the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed has tested positive the COVID-19 
strain, was moved to the Sacramento teaching hospital on Feb. 19, according to the memo sent to staffers by David 
Lubarsky, the head of the hospital and UC Davis Health s vice chancellor of human health services, and Brad 
Simmons, the health system s Interim CEO, 

The patient was transferred to the facility from another hospital, where a medical team had already put the patient on 
a ventilator 

The individual is a resident of Solano County and is receiving medical care in Sacramento County. The individual 
had no known exposure to the virus through travel or close contact with a known infected individual," California 
Department of Public Health officials said in a news release. 

Because physicians at the first hospital suspected the patient had a virus, they issued an order that health care 
workers should wear personal protective gear when with the patient to guard against exposure to droplets, said the 
memo, which was first reported fay the Davis Enterprise newspaper . 

The UCD medical team used the proper infection protocols out of concern that the individual might have coronavirus, 
according to the memo, and upon the patient's admission, UCD physicians requested that public health officials 
perform a test to determine whether the person had COVID-19. 

'We requested COVID-19 testing by the CDC, since neither Sacramento County nor CDPH is doing testing for 
coronavirus at this time," the memo says. ' Since the patient did not fit the existing CDC criteria for COVID-19, a test 
was not immediately administered. UC Davis Health does not control the testing process 

On Sunday, the CDC ordered a coronavirus test on the patient, and UC Davis Health officials discovered Wednesday 
that the patient tested positive for the deadly respiratory illness that causes coughing, fever and shortness of breath. 
That prompted hospital officials to tell “a small number 1 ’ of hospital workers to stay home and monitor themselves for 
possible infection. 

"Just as when a health care worker has a small chance of exposure to other illnesses, such as TB or pertussis, we 
are following standard CDC protocols for determination of exposure and surveillance/' the memo said. "So, out of an 
abundance of caution, in order to assure the health and safety of our employees, we are asking a small number of 
employees to stay home and monitor their temperature ’ 

"We are handling this in the same way we manage other diseases that require airborne precautions and monitoring/’ 
the memo said, adding hospital officials are In constant communication with the state health department and the 
CDC and Sacramento County Public Health about the optimal management of this patient and possible employee 

UCD officials did not respond to The Bee’s request for comment 

The memo ended: “We are dedicated to providing the best care possible for this patient a nd continuing to protect the 
health of our employees who care for them.” 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 5:20 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara : Baric, Ralph S ; Caneva, Duane : Richard Hatchett ; Dr. Eva K Lee 

Co: Tom Bossert ; Martin, Gregory J ; Walters, William : HAMILTON, ; Dodaen, Daniel 
(QS/ASFR/SFPR) : DeBord. Kristin fOS/ASPR/SPPRI : Phillips. Sally fQS/ASPR/SPPRL David Marcozzi : Hepburn. 
Matthew J CIV USARMY fUSAh Lisa Koonin : HARVEY. MELISSA : WOLFE, HERBERT : Eastman, 

Alexander : EVANS. MARIEFRED : Callahan. Michael V..M.D. : fe^^^*MEy|DU; Johnson. Robert 
(QS/AS PR/BARD A) ; Yeskey, Kevin ; Disbrow, Gary fQS/ASPR/BARDA) ; Redd, John (QS/ASFR/SFFR) ; Hassell, 
David fChris) (OS/ASPR/IO) : Hamel, Joseph (05/A$FR/IO) ; Dean, ; Lawler, James V ; Berio. 

Lucia na ; Hanflinq, Dan s ; Wade. David ; T. INQ. DAVID A ; WILKINSON. 

KAUSHIK, SANGEETA ; Nathaniel Hupert ; Lee. Scott : Pad get Larry 
G; Rvan Morhard : Stack, Steven J fCHFS DPH) : Adams. Jerome (HHS/OASH) : Fantanato, Jessica - OHS. 
Washington, DC ; Colby. Michelle - QHS, Washington. DC 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

Japan announced fifth death of Diamond Princess passenger (70 year old woman). CFR for infected passengers is 
now 0.67% (this represents the lower limit of CFR). Below are the latest numbers I have (had to make a correction 
when I learned that the 705 total cases reported by Japan also included the 14 confirmed cases in Americans who 
were evacuated but not the cases that have appeared in the remaining citizens from the US (28), Australia (8), Hong 
Kong (4), UK (4), and Israel (2) after they were evacuated 



Cumulative Number ol 
Confirmed Cases 

Cumulative Number qF 



Cruise ship depart from Yokohama Japan 


60 year old passenger disembarks in Hong Kong 

30 year old passenger confirmad to have C0VIDJ 9 


When resells known, cerirfocate el landing canceled arm ship under quaranline. Tests lor 
Ihe virus would be administered to three groups: [hose with symptoms, those who gel on 
in Hong Kong, and those who had close contact with the inlected passenger. 


ship arrives in poM d Yokohama Japan 


IQ passengers and crew confirmed + 



31 more passengers and crew confirmed + 



30 more passenger and crew confirmed + 



9 more passenger and crew confirmed + 



66 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


439 tested 


39 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


492 tested 


2* more passenger and crew confirmed + 


4 in ICU 


15 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


713 tested 


67 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


927 tested 


70 more passenger and crew confirmed + 



tested: 73 



329 American evacuated from cruise ship {14 of the evacuees found to be 

■0 6i Americans remained on 

board 44 Americans remained hospitalized in Japan 



65 more passenger and crew confirmed + 



ested; 19 

seriously ill 


167 more passenger and crew confirmed + 


3,011 tested 


2 deaths 




13 more passenger and crew confirmed * 




ested; 20 

ill: 322 



Death reported in Japan 



Japan updates total to £91. US reports 36 in US 




Death reported in Japan: US reports 40 in US: UK 4; Australia 7: Hong Kong 4; Israel 2: 
Total 744: plus 4 not on ship 




tested: 35 

ill: 360 



US reports total of 42 cases m US, Japan announces inat 45 of 813 farmer passengers 
have symptoms and wilt need to be tested; 14 new cases confirmed in the Diamond 
Princess cruise snip, raising the total fa 70S cases inside the ship 




Australia C+1} 8 cases (repatriated! 




Death reported m Japan 



Passenge re/crew 

Cases Hospitalized in 

Cases Confirmed upon 

Total Confirmed 

ICU Admissions 























































' 751 


From; Caderjvl e cher 

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 5:37 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara : Baric. Ralph S : Caneva. Duane : Richard Hatchett : Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tom Bossert ; Martin. Gregory J : Waiters, William ; HAMILTON, CAMERON ;^^^»mail-Com; Dodqen, Daniel 
fOS/ASFR/SFFRL DeBord, Kristin fQSyASFRVSFPR) ; Phillips, Sally fOS/ASPRjyi-Wl i Uavid Marcozzi : Hepburn, 
Matthew J CIV USARMV (USA): Lisa Koonin : HARVEY, MELISSA; WOLFE, HERBERT: Eastman, 

Alexander : EVANS. MARIEFRED : Callahan. Michael Robert 

COS/ASFR/BARDAL Yeskey, Kevin : Disbrow. Gary fOS/ASFR/BARDAl; Redd, John ('OS/ASFR/SFFR'i : Hassell, 
David (Chris) fOS/ASPR/IQ'i : Hamel. Joseph Lawler, James V ; Bono, 

1GEETA ; Nathaniei Hupgrt ; Lee^Scott; Padqet.,Lar^ 
Jerome fHHS/OASHl : Fantinato, Jessica - QHS, 

Washington. DC : Colbv, Michelle - QHS. Washington, DC 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 


Luciana : H 

G; Ryan Morhard; Stack, Steven J (CHFS DFH); Adams. 


New areas impacted (lots of spread from Italy), which tells us that the outbreak in Italy is substantial. Most 
concerning development is case in Nigeria. 

• Belarus (traveler from Iran) 

• Lithuania 

■ Netherlands (traveler from Italy) 

• New Zealand 

• Nigeria (traveler from Italy) 

■ Northern Ireland (traveler from Italy) 

» Wales (traveler from Italy) 

Friday, February 28, 2020 

The Federal Ministry of Health has confirmed a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) case in Lagos State, Nigeria. 
The case, which was confirmed on the 27th of February 2020, is the first case to be reported in Nigeria since 
the beginning of the outbreak in China in January 2020, 

The case is an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria and returned from Milan, Italy to Lagos, Nigeria on the 25th 
of February 2020, He was confirmed by the Virology Laboratory of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, 
part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, The patient is clinically stable, with 
no serious symptoms, and is being managed at the Infectious Disease Hospital in Yaba, Lagos. 

The Government of Nigeria, through the Federal Ministry of Health has been strengthening measures to 
ensure an outbreak in Nigeria is controlled and contained quickly. The multi-sectoral Coronavirus 
Preparedness Group led by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has immediately activated its 
national Emergency Operations Centre and will work closely with Lagos State Health authorities to respond 
to this case and Implement firm control measures. 

I wish to assure all Nigerians that have we have been beefing up our preparedness capabilities since the first 
confirmation of cases in China, and we will use all the resources made available by the government to 
respond to this case. 

We have already started working to identify all the contacts of the patient, since he entered Nigeria. Please 
be reminded that most people who become infected may experience only mild illness and recover easily, but 
it can be more severe in others, particularly the elderly and persons with other underlying chronic illnesses. 
All Nigerians should take care of their health and maintain hand and respiratory hygiene to protect 
themselves and others, including their own families, following the precautions below; 

1. Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, and use alcohol-based hand sanitrser. 

2. Maintain at least 1 & half metres (5 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or 

3. Persons with persistent cough or sneezing should stay home or keep a social distance, but not mix in 

4. Make sure you and people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene, meaning cover your mouth and 
nose with a tissue or into your sleeve at the bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of 
the used tissue immediately, 

5. Stay home if you feel unwell with symptoms like lever, cough and difficulty in breathing. Please call NCDC 
toll free number which is available day and night, for guidance- 0800-970000-10. Do not engage in self- 

6. Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19 through official channels on TV and Radio, 
including the Lagos State Ministry of Health, NCDC and Federal Ministry of Health. 

Citizens must not abuse social media and indulge in spreading misinformation that causes fear and panic. 
The Federal Ministry of Health, through Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, will continue to provide updates 
and will initiate all measures required to prevent the spread of any outbreak in Nigeria. 

Dr Osagie Ehanire 
Hon. Minister of Health 


From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 7:31 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara : Baric. Ralph $ ; Caneva, Duane ; Richard Hatchett ; Dr, Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tom Bossert : Martin. Gregory J : Waiters. William : HAMILTON. CAMERONDodaen. Daniel 
(QS/ASPR/SPPR) ; DeBord. Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR) ; Phillips. Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR) ; David Marcozzi ; Hepburn. 
Matthew J CIV USARMY fU$A) ; Lisa Koonm ; HARVEY, MELISSA ; WOLFE, HERBERT ; Eastman, 

Alexander : EVANS, MARIEFRED : Callahan. Michael Johnson. Robert 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA) ; Yeskev, Kevin : Disbrow, Gary fQ$/ASPR/BARDA) ; Redd. John fOS/ASPH/SPPHI : Hassell, 
David fChris) fOS/ASPR/!Q) : Hamel, Joseph : Lawler, James V : Boric. 

G: Rvan Morhard: Stack. Steven J (CHFS DPH): Adams. Jerome (HHS/OASHL Fantinato. Jessica - OHS. 

Washington, DC ; Colby, Michelle - OHS, Washington, DC 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

Italy has emerged as a major exporter of COVID. Above the surface, nothing much was happening in Italy until Feb 
21 st (before that just a few cases reported, on Feb 20 Italy reported a cumulative total of 3 cases/0 deaths). Over the 
past week things exploded and Italy has exported cases around the world. Things exploded in a matter of days (or at 
least were recognized to have exploded in a matter of days). That is what will likely happen here. It will be that fast 
and soon the US (because we are a major travel hub/destination) could become an exporter of disease like 
Italy, Think of that wrt the window for implementing community mitigation measures. 

Timeline for Italy 

Feb 22: 

• Over 50,000 people have been asked to stay at home in the areas concerned, while all public 
activities such as carnival celebrations, church masses and sporting events have been 
banned for up to a week. 

• Coronavirus, ordinance on compulsory quarantine and isolation for those returning from 

■ VENETIAN UNIVERSITIES CLOSED. The universities of Veneto will remain closed due to the 
Coronavirus emergency. This was announced by the president of Veneto, Luca Zaia, 
specifying that he had consulted with the rectors of the various universities in the region: 
"we have decided to keep them closed from next week" he said* Responding to journalists 
on possible measures for events such as the Venice Carnival, Zaia said he awaits the 
guidelines that will be issued by the minister of health, Roberto Speranza* because the 
initiatives must be uniform across the country* 

• Cases of the new coronavirus in Italy, the most affected country in Europe, rose on 
Saturday to nearly SO, killing two people and prompting the government to close off the 
worst hit areas in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto. Authorities in the two 
regions, where the outbreak is concentrated, have cancelled sports events and closed 
schools and universities, while companies from Ray-Ban owner Luxottica to the country's 
top bank UniCredit have told workers living in the affected areas to stay home. 

Feb 23: 

"Prohibition of all individuals still present in the municipality or area from leaving the municipality or the 
affected area"; "ban on access to the municipality or area concerned"; "suspension of events or initiatives of 
any nature, of events and of any form of meeting in a public or private place, including those of a cultural, 
recreational, sporting and religious nature, even if carried out in closed places open to the public". These are 
some of the measures contained in the law decree approved this evening by the Council of Ministers to deal 
with the spread of the crown virus in the outbreak areas. 

Other measures also include "the suspension of early childhood education services and schools of all levels, 
as well as the attendance of school and higher education activities, except for distance learning activities", 
the "suspension of opening services to the museum public ", that" of every educational trip, both on the 
national and foreign territory ", and" the application of the quarantine measure with active surveillance 
among individuals who have had close contacts with confirmed cases of widespread infectious disease 

Municipalities affected: Eleven municipalities in the Lodi area and in the Veneto region are affected by the 
coronavirus emergency and by the relevant measures taken by the authorities to prevent the spread of the 
virus* Here is the complete list: 

Vo 'Euganeo 

Castiglione d'Adda 






Terranova dei Passerini 


San Fiorano. 

Carnivale in Venice suspended 
Feb 25: 

Veneto, what is suspended and what is not Open markets, closed cinemas. And 'private' wedding 
Coronavirus, what can be done and what cannot be done, after the state of emergency proclaimed in 
Veneto? What are the prohibited and allowed venues and events? A circular from the Region explains it in 

1. All events that cause ’significant concentrations of people in public and private places' ARE SUSPENDED. 

2 . ‘fairs and festivals, attractions and fairgrounds, concerts, sporting events with presence of the public, 
such as championships, tournaments and competitions of ail categories and disciplines' ARE SUSPENDED. 

3. ‘theatrical, cinematographic, musical performances, including discos and dance halls 1 ARE SUSPENDED. 

4. Ordinary amateur activities are NOT SUSPENDED such as ‘courses of various kinds and sports training, 
language centers, after-school activities, music centers, driving schools, sports facilities, gyms and public 
and private swimming pools, playgrounds'. 

5. 'public businesses, canteens, weekly markets' remain open. 

6. Support activities for the disabled and elderly are NOT SUSPENDED, even in semi-residential services and 
day centers. 

7. Marriages and funerals, civil and religious, are NOT SUSPENDED, provided that participation is limited to 
family members only. 

Italian oil and gas contractor Saipem has confirmed that more than 2,000 staff are working from home due to 
the coronavirus. 

Around 2,196 employees, many whom are based in the firm’s headquarters in Milan, are under what Saipem 
called “smart working”. 

Feb 26: 

An Italian cruise ship, the MSC Meraviglia, was rejected by two ports in the Caribbean, Jamaica and the 
Cayman Islands, for fear of the coronavirus. A crew member would not be in good health. The New York 
Times reports. On the ship over 4,500 passengers and 1,600 crew members, it had arrived Tuesday morning 
at the port of Ocho Rios, Jamaica, coming from Miami. The landing ban was triggered when the captain 
communicated the flu status of one of the people on board. Same situation at the port of Georgetown in the 
Cayman islands. 

Feb 27: 

Coronavirus in Veneto, hospitals under pressure: more infections among doctors 
Another cluster grows in Treviso. Zaia orders another 200 permanent hires for the emergency 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 8:39 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara; Baric, Ralph S; Caneva, Duane; Richard Hatchett; Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tom Bossert; Martin, Gregory J; Walters, William; HAMILTON, Dodgen. Daniel 

(OS/AS PR/S RPR); DeBord, Kristin 

(OS/ASPR/SPPR); Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR); David Marcozzi; Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA); Lisa 

Eastman, Alexander; EVANS, MARIEFRED; Callahan, Michael Johnson, Robert 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, Kevin; Disbrow, Gary 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA); Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO); Hamel, Joseph 
(OS/ASPR/IO);BHHHH^H : Lawler, James V; 

Borio, Luciana; Hanfling. Wade. David; TARANTINO, DAVID A; WILKINSON, 

Scott; Padget. Larry G; Ryan Morhard; Stack, Steven J (CHFS DPH); 
Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Fantinato. Jessica - 
OHS, Washington, DC; Colby, Michelle - OHS, Washington, DC 
Subject: RE; Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

Updated table* 



Number of 

Number of 


2 OJur 

Cruise ship departs from Yokohama Japan 


SQ war ©Id passenger disembarks in Hong Kong 


SO jtar old jNiittugn tunfuiued to have 

When results known, certificate of Sanding 
nocctedtod ship under quarantine T«i* for 
the virus would be admimsrered to three groups: 
daose with fyiqproffi*. those who got ofif in Houg 
Kong, and Those who had close contact with the 
infected passenger. 


Ship amves m port of Yokohama Japan 


1Q passengers and crew confirmed + 



il more passengers and crew confirmed ■ 



JO more pittrojifr and crew confirmed ~ 



6? more passenger and crew confirmed + 


IQ. Feb 

66 ««« piiwu^r and crew confirmed + 


439 tested 


39 more passenger and cress' confirmed ■ 


492 tested 


24 more passenger and crew' confirmed + 




15 mote passenger and crew confirmed 


?13 Tested 


€7 more passenger and crew confirmed +■ 


927 tested 

15 Feb 

7Q more passenger and crew confumed * 


1 219 tested: 

73 asymptomatic 


329 American evacuated from cruise 
ship (14 of the evacuees found to be 

+) Si Americans 

remained on 

booid 44 

Americans remained hospitalized in Japan 



E5 more passenger and crew confirmed +■ 


1.723 tevwd, 

19 seriously ill 


167 more passenger Ondtirtl- confirmed + 


J.Q1I rested 


2 deaths 




13 more passenger and crew confirmed +■ 



3.06-6 tested: 

24 seriously ill, 

322 asymptomatic 


Death reported in Japan 



Japan updates totallo 693: US reports 36 in US 




Death reported in Japan: US reports 4(5 m US: 
UK 4- Australia 7 Hong Kong 4; Israel 2; Toral 
744: plus 4 not on ship 



3.494 tested; 

35 senously ill; 

380 asymptomatic 


US reports total of 42 cases in US: Japan 
announces dial 45 of 813 former passengers 
have symptoms and will need to be tested; 14 
new cases confirmed in the Diamond Princess 
emit* ship, raising die total to 7Q5 ca*e* inside 
Ihe stnp 




Australia (+1) 4 cases {repatriated! 




2 deaths reported m Japan 



Conn try 



in Japan 



















Hong Kong 


























South Korea 






















From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 9:14 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara; Baric, Ralph S; Caneva, Duane; Richard Hatchett; Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tom Bossert; Martin, Gregory J; Walters, William; HAMILTON, GAME RON Dodgen, Daniel 

(OS/AS PR/SP PR); DeBord, Kristin 

(OS/AS PR/SP PR); Phillips, Sally (OS/AS PR/SP PR); David Marcozzi; Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA); Lisa 

Eastman, Alexander; EVANS, MARIEFRED; Callahan, Michael V^M.D^^^^CgJUTMB.EDU; Johnson, Robert 
(OS/AS PR/BARD A); Yeskey, Kevin; Disbrow, Gary 

(0S/ASPR/BARDA)); Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO); Hamel, Joseph 
(OS/ASPR/IO);^^^^^^^^^^^Br, James V; 

Bono, Luciana; Hanfling, Dan; Wade, David; TARANTINO, DAVID A; WILKINSON, 


KAUSHIK, SANGEETA; Nathaniel Hupert; Lee, Scott; Padget, Larry G; Ryan Morhard; Stack, Steven J (CHFS DPH); 

Adams, Jerome (HHS/GASH); Fantinato, Jessica - 

OHS, Washington, DC; Colby, Michelle - OHS, Washington, DC 

Subject; RE; Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

This might be of interest, A comparison I ran of the distribution of the US population by age group compared to the 
passengers and crew aboard the 

Diamond Princess (surprised nobody ever did this). Except for kids, the cruise ship data tells a lot about adults (really 
shifted toward the 60-80 year 
old group) 


US population 

% Distribution 

Cirnsr Ship 
Passengers & 

% Distribution 

0-9 years 





10-19 years 





20-29 years 





3C-39 years 





40-49 years 





50-59 years 





60-69 years 





70-79 years 





>80 years 





Total population 





Here is how the distributions compare when I only look at age>20 (essential!) 


US POfXiialiOfi 

% Difiljibut-LDn 

Cause Ship 
FssseagKS .& 

% Distribute 

20-29 years 





30-39 years 





40-49 years 





50-59 years 





60-69 years 





70-79 years 





>80 years 





Total population 





Friday, February 26, 2020 12:21 PM, Dr. Eva K Lee 

Three things: 

1, Early biosurvelliance 

Carter, yes, a month ago you talked about wanting to screen everyone who comes into ED and ICU. And I wanted to 
sample tests even those who don't come into ED/ICU, and we wanted to include primary care also. 

At the moment, we indeed have not yet gone forward with any of these. The ''unknown origin" case in California 
shows ttat we missed a whole week before she was tested. And she may very well not be patient zero because she 
could have gotten it from someone with no symptoms at all. And yes, we now have multiple sources (clearly) and it is 
unclear how far it will / can go. We are like Europe, each state is connected to each other through air and ground 

It is not unexpected about the widespread from Italy. I know it sounds a bit silly, when I lived in Lausanne Switzerland 
we would drive to Annecy France to have dinner (students do go everywhere). So spread in Europe is unavoidable. 

The unusal case is that this California case she is young but she is very sick. 

This site has details on mortality vs age groups. 

https ://multim ed i ia .s cm p. com/in fog rap h i cs/news/ch i n a/art i cl e/3047038/w u h an -vi rus/i ndex. htm I 

2. Drive Through Screening 

I just got back from discussion with the head nurse in Mississippi. I went through the drive-through setup and 
screening and she is very pleased. She told me although they have been planning for pandemic since 2006, many 
people still do not know what their roles are and what they are supposed to do during pandemic flu crisis. Now 
CQVID-19 causes more confusion. I wll finish the final layout and the information and send it around for comments. 
Some states already have my earlier version. I want to give more detail so they can prepare. 

3. Homeless population 

Any big or urban cities are going to face the challenges in containment and homeless population needs to be taken 
care of. If there is any infection there, it will spread like fire. I am very worried about California. Even Atlanta, Seattle, 
DC, New York City, and many more cities have these additional worries. I am going to Good Samaritan now to check 
out how the homeless population is preparing for these and what we are providing on the medical fronts. 


On Friday, February 28, 2020 8:16 AM, Carter Mecher 


My concern is that a possible scenario is that we become Italy part 2 (the sequel). 

Italy had to have had ongoing community transmission well before Feb 21 55 when things appeared to take off for the 
outbreak to take off this quickly (including 17 deaths) and to have the amount of spread across the globe in such a 
short period of time. 1 suspect that prevalence is much higher than anyone realized. Watching how aggressively they 
implemented NPIs including cordon sanitaire (within just a couple of days of the first deaths and the acceleration in 
the number of confirmed/suspected cases) and the continued explosive growth suggests to me that disease must 
have been much more prevalent. 

The lesson is that although things might have looked under control on Feb 20 (3 cases/0 deaths), things obviously 
weren't fine. They couldn't see how large the iceberg was below the water line. They were blind to the extent of 
disease and the extent of ongoing transmission. 

We have also been flying blind. We see that part of the iceberg above the surface (-60 cases In the US), But 
because of little to no surveillance (other than our focus on travelers from China), we have little awareness of what is 
below the surface. The case in CA confirms that what is below the surface is larger than what is above (given what 
we learned from the cruise ship wrt the % of cases that end up in the ICU and the delay in recognizing this case). The 
CA patient was in an ICU and on a ventilator for more than 1 week before we even had confirmation. 

So the scenario I am concerned about is the Italy scenario. We have unrecognized smoldering community 
transmission. We don’t recognize the large numbers of asymptomatics (maybe half of the cases), we miss the mildly 
ill (maybe another 36% or so), and the remaining 12% get lost in the busy flu season. 

Italy actually acted pretty quickly once they realized what was happening (things explode on Feb 21 and they 
implement NPIs pretty aggressively on Feb 22). I'm not sure we will be able to act that quickly 

A few weeks ago we talked about our priorities—surveillance and early implementation of NPIs. We still don't have 
surveillance, and because of that we will likely be late to implement NPIs like Italy. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 9:28 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara; Baric, Ralph 3; Geneva, Duane; Richard Hatchett: Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tom Bossert Martin, Gregory J; Walters, William; HAMILTON, CAMERON Dodgen, Daniel 

(OS/ASPR/SPPR); DeBord, Kristin 

(OS/ASPR/SPPR): Phillips, Sally {OS/ASPR/SPPR); David Marcozzi; Hepburn. Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA); Lisa 

Eastman, Alexander; EVANS, MARIEFRED; Callahan, Michael V..M.D.; ^MM@UTMB.EDU: Johnson, Robert 
(OS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, Kevin; Disbrow, Gary 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA); Redd, John {OS/ASPR/SPPR); Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO); Hamel, Joseph 
(OS/ASPR/IO);^^^^^^^^^^^; Lawler, James V; 



KAUSH1K, SANGEETA; Nathaniel Hupert; Lee, Scott; Padget Larry G; Ryan Morhard; Stack, Steven J (CHFS DPH); 
Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Fantinato, Jessica * 

OHS, Washington, DC; Colby, Michelle - OHS, Washington, DC 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

I think this data is close enough to convince people that this is going to be bad and we will need to pull the full array 
of Nis (TLC), All that is left is when (timing), 

I went back to our comparison of Philadelphia and SL Louis in 1918. The difference between Philadelphia and St. 
Louis in terms when they pulled the trigger on NPIs was about two weeks during the course of their individual 

In St Louis, NPIs were put In place 1 week after the first cases at Jefferson Barracks, 5 days after the first death, and 
3 days after the first civilian cases in St. Louis. In Philadelphia, NPIs were put in place 3 weeks after the first cases at 
the Navy Yard, 16 days after the first civilian cases in 

Philadelphia, 2 weeks after the first death. In the cases of NPIs, timing matters. 

We would estimate that the outbreak in Wuhan had about a 2 week head start on the rest of Hubei, So the measures 
China implemented to slow transmission happened about two later in the course of the outbreak in Wuhan compared 
to the rest of Hubei Province. That comparison looks a lot like Philadelphia and St, Louis. 

So we have a relatively narrow window and we are flying blind. 

Looks like Italy missed it. 

From; Tom Bossert [_ 

Sent: Friday, February 
To: Carter Mecher 

Cc: Tracey McNamara @westernu.ed u >; Baric, Ralph 5^^^J @ennail >: Geneva, Duane 

I@hq.dhs5&v >^ichard Hatchettgg^^^HHngce£Lnet>; Dr. Eva K Lee^^^^ 

|; Martin, Gregory J Estate . q:qv >; Walters. William 

HAMILTON, CAMERON ■dhs.qov> *fff-qi in. liI. f£ c;nai .: 3m >; Dodgen. 

Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR) v>; DeBord, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR} 

| @hhs.aov >^hillips^allv (OS/A3PR/SPPR^^^^^^J @ >: David Marcozzi 
| >i Hepburn, Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA) iil mil 

Lisa Koonin ^^^^^ @gmai[-conn >; HARVEY, | 

l @hg.dhs.oov >; Eastman, 

l @hQ.dhs.oov >: EVANS, MARIEFRED 

| @associ ates.hq. dhs. gov >; Callahan, Michael V.,M.D. 

| @mgh, >: ^^^J @UTMB.EDU >; Johnson, Robert 

(03/A3PR/BARDA)^^^^^^^^^hhsvQov>; Yeskey, Kevin Disbrow, Gary 

f0 S/AS P @hhs g ov > ; Redd. John (OS/ASPR/SPFR)^^^^^^|@hhsj^oy>] Hassell. 
David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) Hamel, Joseph (OS/ AS PR/10) <^^m^^^ghhs^ov>; 

Dean, Charity A@CDPH < > ; Lawler, James ' ody>; Boric, Luoiana 

Hanfling, Dan 

| . orq > @sdcou nt <^^^^^M >: Wade, David 


l @hq.dhs.gQV >: r@ d shs. te xas.a o v @dshs > : KAUSHIK, 

SANGEETAc «kaushik@hq. > ; Nath an iel H upert > ; Lee, Scott 

^^^^^_hhs 1 goy>; Padget. Larry t^^^^^^BstatagGV>; Ryan Morhard >: 

Stack, Steve n J ( C H FS D PH) k @ k y. g o v> ; Adam s, J erom e (H H S/0 A S H) < > ; 

Fantinato, Jessica - OHS. Washington, DC^^^^|^^^| @usda.qov >; Colby, Michelle - OHS, Washington, DC 


Subject: Re: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

On Friday, February 28, 2020 8:28 PM, Caneva, Duane 

.dhs.aov > wrote: 

Critical sectors like Healthcare need to be empowered by Government to establish Reliability Organizations 
unencumbered by Federal bureaucracy. The sector should be expected to identify risk, prepare and respond to 
predictable hazards. Less than a year after Crimson Contagion, and how much of the Sector was informed and 
improved by the ' lessons learned 31 ? Who's even heard of it? 

On Friday, February 28, 2020 10:39 PM, Dr. Eva K Lee^^^^J|^J @pm,me > wrote: 

I don’t know much about the Crimson Contagion. But clearly planning itself does not include enough uncertainties for 
people to really think about what could go wrong. For example, it assumes every place is going to accept the patient 
being sent to them (is that true, I do not know). The Alabama case where they refused to house some American 
passengers with coronavirus in Anniston, Ala., after these individuals were evacuated from the Diamond Princess 
cruise ship was a good example -- can we plan that a judge or the president, or senators would intervene in such 

James accepts the 14 patients readily in Nebraska. The unknown is what we have been planning for all these years. 
So if not doing it row, when? Everyone has to step up now. 

I do believe if we can summon all the capabilities around the country (private and government sectors), we can put up 
a very good and successful fight. And being decisive in making the calls of action is of paramount importance. 

From: Garter Mecher 

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 9:26 AM 

To: Tracev McNamara ; Baric, Ralph 8 ; Caneva, Duane ; Richard Hatchett ; Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tom Bossert : Martin. Gregory J : Waiters. William : HAMILTON, : Dodgen. Daniel 

(QS/ASPR/SFFRk DeBord. Kristin (QS/ASPR/SPPR) ; Phillips. Sally fOS/ASPR/SPPR) ; David Marcozzi ; Hepburn, 
Matthew J CIV USARMY fUSA : ; Lisa Koonin : HARVEY. MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT ; Eastman. 

Alexander ; EVANS. MARIEFRED ; Callahan, Mic l I" f ~ 11Tfir m ‘ Johnson. Robert 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA) : Yeskev, Kevin ; Disbrow., Gary fOS/ASFR/BARDAl ; Redd. John fQS/ASPR/SPPRt : Hassell. 
David fGhrist (OS/ASPR/IO) : Hamel. Joseph fOS/ASFR/IQ) :^^j^^^@CDPH: Lawler. James V : Berio. 
Luoiana ; Hanflin□, Dan ; ; Wade, David : TARANTINO, DAVID A : WILKINSON, 

THOMAS : . te xas .gov : K AU SH IK,SAN G E ETA : Nathaniel Hupert : Lee. Scott : Pad get. Larry 

G; Rvan Morhard : Stack, Steven J (CHFS DPHV Adams. Jerome (HHS/OASHh Fantinato, Jessica - OHS, 
Washington, DC ; Colby. Michelle - OHS, Washington. DC 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

I think this data is close enough to convince people that this is going to be bad and we will need to pull the full array 
of Nis (TLC), All that is left is when (timing). 

I went back to our comparison of Philadelphia and St. Louis in 1918. The difference between Philadelphia and SL 
Louis in terms when they pulled the trigger on NPIs was about two weeks during the course of their individual 

In St. Louis, NPIs were put in place 1 week after the first cases at Jefferson Barracks, 5 days after the first death, and 
3 days after the first civilian cases in St. Louis. In Philadelphia, NPIs were put in place 3 weeks after the first cases at 
the Navy Yard, 16 days after the first civilian cases in Philadelphia. 2 weeks after the first death. In the cases of 
NPIs. timing matters. 

We would estimate that the outbreak in Wuhan had about a 2 week head start on the rest of Hubei. So the measures 
China implemented to slow transmission happened about two later in the course of the outbreak in Wuhan compared 
to the rest of Hubei Province. That comparison looks a lot like Philadelphia and St. Louis. 

So we have a relatively narrow window and we are flying blind. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent; Friday, February 28, 2020 11:52 AM 

To: Tracey McNamara ; Baric. Ralph S ; Caneva. Duane ; Richard Hatchett : Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tom Bossert Martin, Gregory J : Walters. William : HAMILTON. CAMERON : Dodaen. Daniel 

fOS/ASPR/SPPRI : DeBord, Kristin |OS/ASPR/SPPR) : Phillips. Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR) : David Marcozzi : Hepburn. 

Alexander : EVANS. MARIEFRED : Callahan. Michael Robert 

fQS/ASPR/BARDAI : Yeskev, Kevin : Pis brow. Gary fQS/ASPR/BARDA'i : Redd, John f OS/ASPR/SPPR) : Hassell. 
David iChris) (OS/ASPR/iO) ; Hamel. Joseph IQS/ASFR/IQk Dean, Charity A@CDPH ; Lawler. James V ; Boric. 
Luciana : HanfHnc^am David ; TARANTINO. DAVID A : WILKINSON. 

THOMAsr^ ^B^^B@asns!te xas!aov^APsHTK^roGEETA : Nathaniel Hupeh : Lee. Scott : Padaet, Larry 
G; Ryan Morhard ; Stack, Bteven J (CHFS DFH) ; Adams. Jerome (HHS/OASH) ; Fantinato, Je^sica^OHS. 
Washington, DC ; Colby. Michelle - OHS, Washington. DC 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

Estimates of the impact of COV3D on VA 

In FY2019, VA cared for 6,271,019 unique veterans and had 9,237,638 veteran enrollees. 

The Diamond Princess cruise ship outbreak can provide invaluable insights into the potential impact to VA. 

20-29 years 







30-39 years 







40-49 years 







50-59 years 







60-69 years 







70-79 years 







>80 years 







Total population 







The Veteran population is similar to the cruise population. If anything, the veteran population is even older (so at 
even higher risk). There were 3,711 passengers and crew aboard the crew ship {1,045 crew and 2,666 
passengers). As of February 28 T 2020, there have been 751 confirmed cases of COVID (attack rate of 20%). There 
have been 6 deaths thus far (lower limit of a case fatality rate of 0.80%). [A timeline of the outbreak is provided at the 
bottom of this message.] 380 of the confirmed cases were asymptomatic (50.6%). It is estimated that approximately 

12-15% of the 751 passengers and crew with confirmed disease required acute care with 36 hospitalized patients 
reported to be in serious condition (5%). 

Given the similarities of the demographics of the cruise ship and veterans, we could project the potential impact on 

All Veterans 



1,944 T Q22 




Veteran Enrollees 







Veteran Uniques 







Meed to place Wese nwnoers into perspective 

Acute Inpatient Care 

i/HA Total 

Operating Beds Hospital 


Operating Beds Medicme/Surgery 


Operating Beds ICU 


ADC Hospital 


ADC Medieine/Surgery 




ADC On a Ventilator 


Daily Hospital Admissions 


Daily Admissions Medidne/Sungery 


Daily Admteswns/Transfers In (CU 


Emergency Department Care 

Daily ER Visits 


Outpatient Care (nom-ERI 

ly Clinic Visits 


Annually, VA has; 

450,000 acute (medicaifeurgical) admissions 
140,000 ICO admissions 
2.5M ER/Urgeot Care visits 

If we assume that this outbreak will last approximately 3 months, we can then overlay the projected demand upon the 
usual background utilization over 3 months. 

Even if we simply focus on the veteran uniques (veterans who use VA services), we can assume that there might be 
3 ER visits for each admission-so roughly 450,000 ER visits, 150,000 hospitalizations, and 63,000 ICU admissions. 

Over an average 3 month period, VA would have -625,000 ER/Urgent care visits, 112,000 acute care admissions, 
and 35,000 ICU admissions. 

Now you understand the challenge. 

On Friday, February 23, 2020 10:39 PM, Dr. Eva K 

I don't know much about the Crimson Contagion. But clearly planning itself does not include enough uncertainties for 
people to really think about what could go wrong. For example, it assumes every place is going to accept the patient 

being sent to them (is that true, I do not know). The Alabama case where they refused to house some American 
passengers with coronavirus in Anniston, Ala., after these individuals were evacuated from the Diamond Princess 
cruise ship was a good example — can we plan that a judge or the president, or senators would intervene in such 

James accepts tthe 14 patients readily in Nebraska. The unknown is what we have been planning for all these years. 
So if not doing it now, when? Everyone has to step up now. 

I do believe if we can summon all the capabilities around the country (private and government sectors), we can put up 
a very good and successful fight. And being decisive in making the calls of action is of paramount importance. 

From: Carter Mecher^^^^^^^^gernet> 

Sent: Saturday, February 29, 2020 2:09 PM 
To: Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Lawler, James V Tracey>: Baric, Ralph S 

le edu>: Caneva.>; Richard 

|>; Tom Bossert>; Martin, Gregory J>: Walters. William>; HAMILTON, CAMERON 

<i ^^^^>^^^; Dodgen, Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 

|>;«eBord, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR)^^^^^^^>; Phillips, Sally 

Hatchett I 



|>; David Marcozzi| 

i.civ@mail,mil>; Lisa Koonin 

|@som.umaryland,edu>; Hepburn, Matthew>; HARVEY, MELISSA <r>; Eastman, Alexander 

|,dhS,gov>; WOLFE, HERBERT>; EVANS, 

|s@associates.hq,dhs,gov>: Callahan, Michael V.,M,D, 

|@mgh.>; LeDuc. James W. <^^^^^TMB.EDU>: Johnson, Robert 

^@;>; Yesikey, Kevin^^^^^^>; Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA) 
|>; Redd, John (Q3/ASPR/SPPR)^^^^^^>; Hassell. David 
(Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) <^^^^^>: Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)^^^^^^^J@>; Dean, 
<Cb^^^^>; Borio, Lucian^^^^^>: 


|; Wade, David>; WILKINSON, THOMAS 
ihq,>: Lee,>; Padget, Larry G <PadgetLG@state,gov>; 

gov>; Adams,> 

Ryan Morhard <F^^^^^^>; Stack, Steven J (CHFS DPH)| 

Jerome (HHS/OASH) <^^^^^^>; Fantinato, Jessica - O HS. Washingto n. DC 
<q^^^^^^^^jusdTgov>TcolDy T Michelle - OHS, Washington, DC 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad. Start Feb 24 
WARNING: This email originated from outside of UTMB's email system. Do not click links or open attachments unless 
you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 

I am also concerned about Seattle (Kings County). Charity, do you have contacts there? Or could someone reach out 
to Jeff Duchin from CDC or HHS? 

https://www. k imgcou nty. gov/d e pts/health /com m u n icabl e -d i seases/d isea se - 

co ntrol Wmedia/d epts/health/co m mun ica bl e-di seases/d ocu m e nts/infi u e nza/2020Aveek-08. ash x 

This is week 8 data (so recent data). Compare the 3 graphs. Seeing a mismatch between pathogens by PCR (going 

down) and syndromic surveillance (flat). Also looking at ED visits and seeing an 

upward trend in school age kids (ages 5-17) and 45-64 year olds. Something doesn't sit right with me. 

Public Health - Seattle & King County 

Summary of Influenza Syndromic and Laboratory Surveillance 

SVw*-*, PfercwT A ED veH *£» lj by 

rk** — s^at —Bi***» 



Ml 1h* trti 0!)-S t> CD—P Gkffc'*-* rOil «f*:t Mt 

:LMI updikl U< 2i, ZOtSJ cuixl »t iml Put' 22 -T;.T i 

U 9J 1 in ibtv 4 —*1 iP 4 l 4 br lb ■* iUtIM* _ ml-t* If bW» il*i**h.** 

k jwn— flL >*«4 1 1 i M»*id vt 1 2 + m*Iu nlwi fe» « 2% «l 

t*o s«w;. L ) toe* o-f ap-iadmen* mi »iW posdvfl br nt^oroB C> PCR 

Wa*l» f^fCbtH 0f CD VMi* J^r *i( Hn*** 

&, AQw Ql JLp 


< 2 yt 

“ 2 U> A yl* “ 

S to 17 yi* 


* Sto M yj 

* 4fc IO M f* * 

Vt rrmTiTrcm i ri i iTtTmrm 

WiMfc QiflfVj 

auxjspttal^ lmi lkkmkj Nt js. anao 

From: LeDuc, James W. 

Sent: Saturday, February 29, 2020 3:08 PM 
To: Carter 

Cc: Jeff Duchin (Jeff.Duchin@METROKC.QOV) <Je^^^^^H0KC.G0V> 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 
Contacting Jeff Duchin, 


James W. Le Due, Ph.D. 


Galveston National Laboratory 
University of Texas Medical Branch 
Galveston, TX 77555-0610 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Saturday, February 29, 2020 2:58 PM 
To: Dr. Eva K Lee 

Co: Lawler, James V; Tracey McNamara; Baric, Ralph S; Caneva, Duane; Richard Hatchett; Tom Bossert; Martin, 
Gregory J; Walters, William: HAMILTON, CAMERON: Dodger, Daniel 
(OS/ASP Ft/SPPR); DeBord, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR); David Marcozzi; Hepburn, 

Alexander; EVANS, MARIEFRED; Callahan, Michael V.,M.D.^^^^^^^^.EDU; Johnson, Robert 
(GS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, Kevin; Disbrow, Gary (OS/AS PR/BARD A); Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR); 

Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO); Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO);^^^^^^^^^^^^; Borio, Luciana; 
Hanfling,; Wade, David; TARANTINO, DAVID A; 

WILKINSON,; KAUSHIK, 5ANGEETA; Lee, Scott; Padget, Larry G; Ryan 
Morhard; Stack, Steven J (CHFS DPH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Fantinato, Jessica - OHS, 

Washington, DC; Colby, Michelle - OHS, Washington, DC 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 

Charity, do you have any contacts in Hawaii? Would really be interested in Week 8 data. 

1 remember a story of a couple from Japan who were symptomatic while visiting Hawaii and were confirmed to have 
COVID upon their return to Japan. 

https ://big i s Ian d n o w co m/2020/02/17/53-self- m on i to r-fo r-coron a vi rus -i n-hawai i ■ afte r-vis i tin g -j a pa nese-co up i e - tests- 

My understanding is that Hawaii did not perform testing on anyone (just monitored some contacts from symptoms). 

I went to Hawaii's flu surveillance (their latest data is from week 7). My concern is the continued rise in ILL despite a 
drop off in influenza in the lab. 

https ://h eal th. h awai i ,go v/docd/f i les/2018/03/ F LU_! nf I uen za_S u rve il Ian ce. pd 

-From: Dr. Eva K Lee 

Sent: Saturday, February 29, 2020 1:15 PM 
To: Carter Mecher 

Cc: Lawler, James V; Tracey McNamara; Baric, Ralph S; Caneva, Duane; Richard Hatchett; Tom Bossert; Martin, 
Gregory J; Walters, William; HAMILTON, CAMERON:^^^|; Dodgen, Daniel 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR); DeBord, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR); David Marcozzi; Hepburn, 

Alexander; EVANS, MARIEFRED; Callahan, Michael V m M,D.;^^^|@UTMB.EDU; Johnson, Robert 
(OS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, Kevin; Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR); 

Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO); Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR^^^^^^^^ A@CDPH; Bono, Luciana; 
Hanfling, Dan;^^^^^^^|; Wade, David; TARANTINO, DAVID A; 

WILKINSON, THOMAS;; KAUSHIK, SANGEETA; Lee, Scott; Padget, Larry G; Ryan 

Morhard; Stack, Steven J (CHFS DPH); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Fantinato, Jessica - OHS, 

Washington, DC; Colby, Michelle - OHS, Washington, DC 

Subject: Re: Red Dawn Breaking Bad, Start Feb 24 
Oops. I mixed up the order. It should be - 

From travelers: Washington, Illinois, California, Arizona, MA, Wisconsin, Oregon 
Unknown origin; California, Oregon, Washington 

I did a quick analysis on strategic screening, if we have enough testing power, I would suggest community testing 
strategically in California, Chicago/lilinois, Oregon, Washington, Boston, Atlanta, New 

York, It would be great if we can cover more. We have to go beyond contact tracing. It is also good to cover some 

From: Duchin, Jeff <^^^^^|> 

Sent: Sunday, March 1,2020 10:16 AM 

To: Bell, Michael MD (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DHQP) <^(>: Jernigan, Daniel B. 
{CDC/DD ID/NCI RD/ID) ^^^>: Armstrong, Gregory J|DC/DDID/NCEZID/OD) 
^^<3>>; Pillai, Satish K. {CDC/DDID/NCEZID/DPEI) ^H@ cdc 9 0V> 

Cc: Kay, Meagan K. (CDC <^^^^^> 

Subject: Fwd: exposures in hospitals 

We are having a very serious challenge related to hospital exposures and impact on the 
healthcare system. Would be great to have a call to discuss. Will be meeting with your team 
here this morning and then maybe we car chat after that. 

_Jeffrey S. Duchin, MD 

Health Officer and Chief, Communicable Disease Epidemiology & Immunization Section 
Public Health - Seattle and King County 

Professor in Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Washington 
Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health 

401 5th Ave, Suite 1250, Seattle, WA 98104 

From: Armstrong, Gregory (CDC/DDID/NCEZID/OD) 

To: Duchin, Jeff 

Subject: RE: exposures in hospitals 
Date: Sunday, March 1,2020 7:45:23 AM 

[EXTERNAL Email Notice! ] External communication is important to us. Be cautious of phishing 
attempts. Do not 

click or open suspicious links or attachments. 

Tom Clark is the lead. 

John is lead of the Infection Control/Prevention team (which is definitely the biggest part so far). 
Here in Atlanta, Ermias Belay I is the POC 

On Sunday, March 1, 2020 11:42 AM, Carter Mecher wrote: 

Should have pulled all the triggers for NPIs by now—they are already later than they realize. I fear we 
are about to see a replay of Italy. Other cities need to learn from Seattle. 

Eva, I did some back of the envelope estimates of hat a 1% threshold means and when I would pull 
the trigger. 

I made some estimates using the cruise ship data but then made some adjustments assuming that if 
we could do serology, the extent of the outbreak is likely twice as large as what we are estimating from 
swabs and pc (James Lawlers argument). So here is my second try with the math adjusting for true 
prevalence being double what we think it is on the cruise ship. 

So assumptions are 80% asymptomatic, 6% hospitalized, 1% critical, 0.4% CFR. Part of this 
assumption is that true prevalence using serology will prove to be significantly greater than prevalence 
based on current diagnostics (swabs) and asymptomatic/mild disease in the age groups under¬ 
represented on the cruise ship (kids and young adults) will dilute the numbers we are estimating from 
the cruise ship. [So this is a bit of SWAG.] 

We usually think of the window for implementing NPIs as before 1% prevalence. But this disease 
would be predicted to have more than 80% asymptomatics, so the threshold is really 0.2% prevalence 
of any symptoms (including very mild symptoms). But GDC criteria for testing is severe disease. Lefs 
say that 1 % of those who are infected have severe disease, that means our threshold is 1 %*1% = 
0.01%, But it takes 2 weeks or so before a patient who is infected becomes seriously ill. Over the 
span of 2 weeks plus the lag time for testing, the outbreak could have had at least 3 doublings (so an 
8-fold increase). That may be conservative. So we are really talking about a threshold of close to 
0.01 %/8 = 0.00125%, For a city of 1 M, that is 12 serious cases, 250 symptomatic, 1,250 infected. In 
2 weeks, these numbers could be 100 serious, 2,000 symptomatic, 10,000 infected (the 1% 
threshold). Once you are there, the window is closed. If we assume a 3 week lag from infection onset 
to death, the number of deaths would be based on a denominator of 3 weeks ago, so divide 1,250 
infected by roughly 3 (assume cases triple in a week), to get 400. Assume a CFR of 0 4%, so about 1 
death. More than 1 death per million population is probably too late. 

We can work backwards from the first critically ill case involving local transmission and no linkage to a 
known case. If our threshold is 15 cases of seriously ill individuals (really ICU cases), and cases 
increase by a factor of 8 over a period of about 2 weeks, the far end of the window is about 2 weeks 
from when you identify 2 critically ill cases. To give you a cushion, I would be ready to pull the trigger 
no later than 2 weeks of the first critically ill patient, if we look at the case in CA, that patient had been 
critically ill for at least a week. That means they had about a week from recognition until the windows 
starts to dose, I would be pulling the trigger in Fairfield/Sacramento. 

So think of time to act. 

1. By the time you identify the first death per million population in someone with local 
transmission (no linkage to a known case), you need to pull the trigger on NPIs. Looking at 
Seattle (population of city of Seattle of 740K and population of metro Seattle of 3.5M), I would 
pull the trigger very soon—the window is very close to closing, 

2 . No later than 2 weeks from the confirmation of the first critically ill patient per million 
population. The window is very close to closing for Faimeid/Sacrarnento CA. 

§p| 3P,dhs.aov > 
jshik@hqdhs.qov >: 


| Lee@hhs.qoy >: Larry G < Pai 

@kv.qov >: tJerome (HHS/OASH) 

regory J 

From: Dr Eva Lee^^^^^^]ee64^gma|Lcom> 
Sent; Monday. March 2,2020 7:45:51 AM 
To; THOMAS>>; James V 

M.D. <^^^^^^^J >; Tracey McNamara 
@unm?eSu >^uane^^^^^^^@hq.dhs.qov>; David >: Tom Bosseft^^^^^^J >: Charity A@CDPH>: Ralph e: t ai .unc .edjj >; Richard @cepi.n et> : 

Alexander << 

l @state.qoy >: William 

Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 

l @hhs. 0 Qv> : Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)_>: MELISSA hs. o o v > : 
| @hq,dhs.qov >: M1ARIEFRED 

@state.qov >; CAMERON 

@q> : Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 
@hhs.qov >: Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR) >; Lisa Koonin 


| s@a ssoci ates. h q d hs go v> : | 

l @hhs.qov> ; Kevin | 

J @ utm b -etliuBM @ utm b ,e d u > : Robert (OS/AS PR/BAR DA) 
| kev@hhs.qov >; Gar^OS/AS PR/BAR DA) 

John (OS/ASPR/SPPR l^^^^^J >: David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) Joseph 

(OS/ASPR/IO) < i ^^^^^el@hhs^goy>; Luciana Dan <^^^^J >: Eric (San Diego 

Countv) @sdcounty. ca, q o v >; David <c^^^M e@hq,dhs.qov >; DAVID A 

| er@dshs.texasaov >: SANGEETA 
l @state.qQv >: Ryan Morhard 

j d@weforum.arq >; Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH ) <j 

| >: DC usd a. q o v >; 

| y@usda.qoY '^^^^^^J@' i ill. In^^^^^j >: Danny Shiau 

_ |cqhe.orq >: j^^^^^j @hhs„qoy >; Eva Lee| 

barter Mecher 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

We need actions, actions, actions and more actions. We are going to have pockets of epicenters across this country, 
West coast, East coast and the South, Our policy leaders must act now. Please make it happen! 


S. Korea drive through C0VID19 testing. We need this now 

Get Outlook for Android 

On Mon, Mar 2. 2020 at 11:5S AM Dr. Eva wrote: 

Yes, they are processing 10,000 screening per day, I believe we have to put in NPI actions now across the affected 
communities — those sensible steps of school closure, tele-work, call-in advisory hot-lines (for self-reporting or 
advice), avoid crowds, business continuity plans, exercise cautions on travel, practice personal hygiene, etc. These 
won't require too much government resources (Le., funds). The biggest part is screening. Screening requires financial 
support and requires time and actual human and lab resources. So we must engage private laboratories to provide 
the screening surge capacities that we need. I will work to make sure Kaiser labs will be on board. 

From: Carter Mecher 
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2020 11:45 AM 
To; Dr. Eva 


| du>; >; David I 

|; Tracey McNamara| 

| >: James V 

|> : Tom 

@me.con >: Charity / 
,edu >; Richard Hatchett> Robert {OS/AS PR/ BARD A) >; Kristin (OS^ >: Matthew J Ch 

l >: Ralph S 



Subject: RE: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 
6 deaths in Seattle 

Seattle missed the window.* .If is too late tor NPIs 

From: Dr Eva Lee 

Sent: Monday. March 2, 2020 12:12 PM 

To: Tracey McNamara 

Cc: THOMAS: M.D. : James V : Duane : David : Tom Bossert ^^^^^JCDFH: Ralph S : Richard Hatchett : Gregory 
J; William : CAMERON : Daniel JOS/ASPR/SPFR1 : Kristin (OS/ASFR/SFPRK Sally 


Koonin : MELISSA : HERBERT : Alexander : MARIEFRED : adu: Robert 

( OS/ASPR/BAR D A I : Kevin : Gary fOS/ASPR/BARDAI : John fOSfASPRfSPPR) : David IChris) fOS/ASPR/IO) : Joseph 
fQS/ASFR/IQ^ : Luciana : Dan: Eric (San Diego County) : David : DAVID 

A; da vi d . a nj ber@ ds hs .texas . gov : SANGEETA : Scott : Larry G; Ryan M or hard : Steven JtftCHFStDFH ) : tJerome 
fHHS/QASH) : DC : DC : ^^^^^p : Dannv Shfau : : Carter Mecher : Dr. Eva K Lee 

Subject: Re: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

Last night it was 62 countries as I was writing an email. Now it's 74 countries. And we re in the 30 s a week ago. We 
have a ton to catch up. I understand it is always difficult decisions for policy makers. But hopefully the contrasts of 
Hong Kong/Singapore vs Italy/S Korea/Japan provide a good concept of what needs to be put in place 
immediately. We need multiple measures in place to slow down the spread that clearly is happening around the 

From: Tracey McNamara 

Sent: Monday. March 2. 2020 9:57 PM 

To: Carter Mecher : Dr. Eva Lee 

Cc: THOMAS: M.D. ; James V: Duane ; David : Tom Bosssrt ^^^^^CDFH: Ralph S ; Richard Hatchett: Gregory 

J; William : r Urmi^^J .... Daniel fOS/ASFR/SFFR) : Kristin fOS/ASPR/SPPRK Sally 


Koonin : MELISSA : HERBERT : Alexander : MARIEFRED ^^^^^J j: Robert 

fOS/ASPR/BARDAK Kevin : Gary fOS/ASPR/BARDAl : John fOS/ASPR/SPPR) : David (Chris) fOS/ASPRilO) : Joseph 
IQS/A5FR/IQ) : Luciana : Dan : Eric (San Diego County) : David : DAVID 

A; day|d^^p*|sJexas^oy: SANGEETA : Scott : Larry G : Rvan Mi or hard : Steven JtftCHFStDFH ) : tJerome 
iHHS/QASHrDa DC-^^^^iMii ill i i|ii Danny_Sjiiau^^^^^^^^gj|0y; Dr. Eva K Lee 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

Courtesy of: Raina Maclnty un $w 

I think one of the problems is the poor sensitivity of the throat swab. Several studies have shown that serial throat 
swabs can be falsely negative. A nasal swab is more sensitive. There should be guidelines stipulating that a sputum 
is the gold standard, and if that is not possible for a "recovered" patient, serial nasal swabs should be done. I think 
this is also telling us the duration of viral shedding is quite long. 5-9 days from symptom onset to seeking medical 

care; + 2-3 weeks in hospital + shedding in the convalescent phase adds up,. Most of the modelling studies assume 
7 days of viral shedding, which is clearly wrong. See: 

important paper showing: 

1. viral load in asymptomatic same as symptomatic 

2. Viral load highest early in the illness, when symptoms mild or absent 

3. Nasal/NP swab more sensitive than throat swab 

And in terms of the slow progress towards serology, it seems Singapore has developed a serological test. 

Sensitive diagnostic tests are the highest priority for containment, but we seem to be slow off the mark, with everyone 
focused on vaccines. 



Professor Raina MacIntyre 

Head| Biosecurity Research Program | Kirby Institute | UNSW Medicine 

Professor of Global Biosecurltv & NHMRC Principal Research Fellow 

-From: Carter Mecher 
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2020 2:27 AM 
To: Richard Hatchett < r 


| >: Tracey McNamara 

| .dhs.aov >: M.D.| 

i hg.dhs.Qov >: David 

|du>; Dr. Eva Lee 

| oh, >: James V 

l @som.umarylaiid.odu >: Tom 

l >; Duane <t 
Bossert Charity A@CDPH p h,ca.q o y > : Ralph S 

| c@emg >; Gregory J^^^^j >: WilliamCAMERON 

n@hq.dhs,qov >:: :: ai ; Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR) <C^^^^^^t©hhsj^oy>; 
Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR}^^^^^HgBhhsJM>; Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPRl^^^^H@hhs a floy>; Matthew J 
CIV LJSARMV (USA')^jjjpumj >: Lisa Koon i n @grna I . c om >; MELISSA 

l @hQ.dhs.QQV >: HERBERT ha >: Alexander 

l >: MARIEFRED <^^^^^^^^ @associatesiiq,dhs.uov >; ^^^ ; 
Robert (OS/ASFR/BARDA)gJJJ^ nson@hhs,qov >: Kevin ^^g^jJ @hhs.aov >: Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA) 
| hs.qov >; John fOS/ASPR/SPPR) d ds,o,o v > t David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) 
| >; Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO) <^^^^j >; Luciana^H^J@igLorg>; Dan 
|ora>; Eric (San Diego County) <a^^M^^M >: David 

| de@hQ.dhs.qov >; DAVID A no@cbp.dhs.Qov> ; 

| shik@ha.dhs.qov >: ScottBHH^H@ttJ^oov>; Larry G 
| >; Steven JtftCHFStDPH ) <s] 

| ams@hhs.qov >; DC >; DC 

| lbv@usda.aov >: s edjj; Danny Shiau 

Eva K Lee < h@i:/ > 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

J G@state.qov >: Ryan Morhard 
■; tJerome (HHS/OASH) 

l @cqhe.ora > | 

l @hhs.aov : Dr. 

The documents Richard sent are excellent. I went thru and pulled out excerpts that really struck me. To get to the 
bottom line, I pasted the recommendation for us. 

For countries with imported cases and/or outbreaks of COVID-19 

1. Immediately activate the highest level of national Response Management protocols to ensure the all-of- 
government and all-of-society approach needed to contain COVID-19 with non-pharmaceutical public health 

2. Prioritize active, exhaustive case finding and immediate testing and isolation, painstaking contact tracing and 
rigorous quarantine of close contacts; 

3. Fully educate the general public on the seriousness of COVID-19 and their role in preventing its spread; 

4. Immediately expand surveillance to detect COVID-19 transmission chains, by testing all patients with atypical 
pneumonias, conducting screening in some patients with upper respiratory illnesses and/or recent COVID-19 
exposure, and adding testing for the COVID-19 virus to existing surveillance systems (e g. systems for influenza-like- 
illness and SARI);ard 

5. Conduct multi-sector scenario planning and simulations for the deployment of even more stringent measures to 
interrupt transmission chains as needed (e.g. the suspension of large-scale gatherings and the closure of schools 
and workplaces). 

On Tuesday, March 3, 2020 1:56 PM, Marcozzi, David <DMarcozzi@som,> wrote: 
Act. Now. 


David Marcozzi, MD, MHS-CL, FACER 
Associate Professor 
Director of Population Health 
Department of Emergency Medicine 
University of Maryland School of Medicine 


| @ >: 


i @hhs.qov >: 

| v@usda.QOv 

H Dr. Eva K Lee 

Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 3:53 PM 

To; Marcozzi, David > 

Cc: Carter Mecher Tracey McNamara < a ;a: .vest >: Richard Hatchett 

<^^^^^^^^cepLJiet>; Dr. Eva Lee >: WILKINSON. THOMAS 
nson@hqdhs.q o v >: M.D. < M Y C A _ _ A KA r--J@mqh nar.a-d.sdij >; James 
Caneva, Duane va@hq dhs qo v >: Tom Bossert >: Charity A@CDPH 

<lC B^BWI n ' :a ' ccjph ca ' aov >: Ralph S <^^ @email >: Gregory J JUJj >: William 
< Waiters W A2@state..go v> : HAMILTON, CAMERON <^^^^^^^J n@hq.dhs..qQv >;^^jjr @qmaiLcom : Daniel 
(OS/AS PR/S RPR) >: Kristin (OS/ASPIVSPPR)^B^|eBordffihhs ; gov>; Sally 


Lisa Koonin il^M I i | i II i HARVEY, MELISSA <n^^ ,harvev@hq,dhs.qov >: WOLFE, HERBERT 
wo life @ h g . d h s .go v > : Eastman, Alexander <a I >: EVANS, MARIEFRED 

@associates.hq .dhs qov >; ; Robert (OS/AS PR/BARD A) 

>> : Yeskey, Kevin <H^^j ev@hhs.qov >: Gary (OS/AS PR/BARD A) 
w@hhs.qov> : John (OS/ASPR/SPPR) < @hh s go v > ; David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) >: Joseph (OS/ASFR/IQl^[^j^jj @hhs.qQy >; Luciana^^^g^^^ ; >; Dan 
orq>; Eric (San Diego County) < @sdcounty. ca. go v >; Wade, David 

,|^^^J er@d5hs.texas„qov : KAUSHIK, SANGEETA 
, Scott < 5cott-Lee@hhs.goy >: Larry Ryan Morhard 

Steven JtftCHFStDPH ) tJerome (HHS/OASH)>; DC 

, A. . e . . ; Danny Shiau^Jiau@cqhe.ora>:^^^^^J @hhis.goy 

Subject: Re: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

Yes, we ought to act now. Ok, I know I have been urging this for a long time. I want to cover a few items discussed 

1. Social distancing, NPI can deter the spread 

Singapore and Hong Kong prove that without any definitive treatment, and absence of any prophylactic MCM 
protection, closing schools, home-office business can make a huge difference. I ran a few models for school closure 
and business tele-work for Santa Clara. King County and I want to share some graphs here. 

Santa Clara: One positive case on Jan 31. I took at closing school as of today, and tele-work by -0.5 million workers. 
We can see the rapid decrease of spreading. I also contrast the results if we close a week from now, or two weeks 
from now. 

Please note, the parameters need not be perfect. The idea is to contrast how NPI can work very effectively and we 
MUST act now and make it a success. 

Santa Clara: Strategies for Containment 

Total Inactions vs intervention, 90 days Total infected cases with intervention 


2. Quarantine a city? 

I believe there's a contingency plan (I did recall working with National Guard on it) where we will quarantine everyone 
inside a city if there's a severe disease spread. It is like what China did for Wuhan. With MCM, we can give citizens 
MCM before they leave. There is no MCM now. 

While one can argue a federal quarantine and total lock down of a city is more effective, I think Ly's comment is on- 
point. We cannot expect perfect participation. Everyone is going to make a decision. If we can contain 80% of the 
people's movement (as in Hong Kong and Singapore, or in the Santa Clara model above), you can see that we are 
stopping the spread. Clearly, those who get out of the city might very well be infected and sow a seed to other places. 
Yes, we probably need to think harder what to do. The NPI of closing schools and tele-work in a sense is volunteering 
quarantine. It can work beautifully, and very effectively. Note that Hong Kong has only limited transportation ban. The 
citizens and the healthcare workers protest to close the border, but the border wasn't closed. So the effort is 
volunteering quarantine of their own residents and then quarantine for everyone who enters the 
city. Together, it puts a brake on the spread L it is right to do it now. 

3. King County Seattle 

True to the form of the COVID-19 and the mortality of elderly, which is 1.3%, 3.6%, 8 A and 14.8% from 50 years 
owards, for every 10 year age bracket. So we see the very high mortality of the nursing home. Although I know next 
to nothing about what's going on in China, these figures seem to be a good guiding point for us. 

What troubles me about the spread is that it is almost like by-the-book. We got school teacher get infected, nursing 
home, a very sick patient in ICU (healthcare workers got quarantine),, you see where we are heading, every 
vulnerable population is hit. 

4. Limited Transportation Ban 

So last week, I wrote that we need to include New York and Atlanta in the screening. Bad enough this week we have 
cases in these cities. I do think we need to step up in reducing the South Korean flights into the US, Hong Kong uses 
brand-new public estates to quarantine the incoming travelers from high-risk regions. It is a luxury that we do not 
have. Here, we must figure out an effective quarantine for these entering visitors or returning citizens. Maybe it is time 

to stop visitors from S Korea and Italy. It is just temporary. So we can focus on handling citizens coming back. We 
need to let them in. Cannot leave them outside their own country. 

On Tuesday, March 3, 2020 4:22 PM, Ganeva, Duane 

| {a>hq.dhs.qov > wrote: 

Looking at a project to develop triggers for community mitigation based on proxy data such as ICU cases, deaths, 
surveillance diagnostics, and gap between ILI presentations with 1LI + panels. We have good data from other cities 
around the world on what their data showed and when they implemented mitigation efforts. We can measure that 
data in near-real time and use it as objective measure to pull the trigger. 


From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 5:59 PM 

To: Dr. Eva K Lee; Eastman, Alexander 

Co: Caneva, Duane; Marcozzi, David; Tracey McNamara; Richard Hatchett; Dr. Eva Lee; WILKINSON, THOMAS; 
M.D.: James V; Tom Bosserk^^^^^^^^^ Ralph S; Gregory J; William: HAMILTON, CAMERON: 
^^^^^aiUom; Daniel (QS/ASPR/SPPR); Kristin (QS/ASPR/SPPR); Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Matthew J CIV 
Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, Kevin; Gary (OS/AS PR/BAR DA); John (OS/ASPR/SPPR); David (Chris) 

(OS/ASPR/IO); Joseph (OS/ASPR/iO); Luciana; Dan; Eric (San Diego County); Wade, David; TARANTINO, DAVID 
A; dav^^^^^^^^^; KAUSHIK, SANGEETA; Scott; Larry G; Ryan Morhard; Steven JtftCHFStDPH ); 
(Jerome (HHS/OASH); DC; DC;; gov; Jolly, Brantley (OS/ASPR/EMMO) 

(CTR); Cordts, Jerome (CTR); Mansoura, Monique K, 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

I don’t get the sense that Seattle will consider closing schools (except perhaps reactive school closure due to high 

Has Seattle modeled the potential impact to their healthcare delivery system of an unmitigated outbreak? The high % 
of asymptomatic/mild disease is a bit misleading. It might be eye opening for Seattle to simply overlay the cruise ship 
data atop their population age >60 and assume everyone under 60 has mild disease and even use an attack rate of 
£0%. Easy enough to do for them. 

King County health officials: No reason yet to close schools for COVID-19 

Local health departments recommended Monday schools stay open as more announcements of cases of the novel 
coronavirus were made, but several districts closed schools on Monday anyway, mostly as students were tested 
There were no blanket closures, or a scene of district-wide shutdowns, but different schools had different reasons for 
closing Monday As of Monday, no schools in Washington state had confirmed cases of COVID-19 
The schools that have closed so far have done so for deep cleanings after students were either being tested for 
COVID-19 or had come into close contact with someone who had the virus 

Another school district is closing Tuesday for staff training on how teachers can continue their lesson plans remotely 
should the schools need to shut down as the vims spreads 

Dr. Jeff Duchin, health officer for King County Public Health, said during a press conference Monday if there are 

confirmed cases, the agency will work with schools directly to provide guidance 

"Schools don’t need to take any special precautions beyond what we've recommended for good hygiene 

recommendations/' he said, mentioning that ill students and staff should stay home from school 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends school districts take steps that prioritize the 

community’s health while causing the least amount of disturbance to students 

"Schools should continue to collaborate, share infonmation, and review plans with local health officials to help protect 
the whole school community, including those with special health needs/ 1 the CDC said on its website. 'School plans 
should be designed to minimize disruption to teaching and learning and protect students and staff from social stigma 
and discrimination? 

From: Carter 

Date: Tue, Mar3, 202QatS?5^^^^^^ 
Subject; RE; Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

To: Dr. Eva K L 

me> ( Eastman, Alexander 

Cc: Caneva 
McNamara>, Marcozzi, David < > + Richard Hatchett eric 

Charity A@CDFH^^^^^^^,gov>, Ralph S|>,>> <>, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR)>, Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA) 
gmail>, Tracey>, Dr. Eva Lee 

c,edu>, Tom Bossert>, 

^^@email,unc,edu>, Gregory J 
@hhs,gov>. Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 
@mail,mtl>, Lisa Koonin 

| WOLFE@hq>, M ARIEFRED vans ©associates,hq,dhs ,gov>,^^^j|>, Robert (OS/AS PR/BAR DA) Yes key. Kevin 

jy@hhs,gov>, Gary (OS/AS PR/BARD A)>, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 

|>, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) <C^^^>, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO) 

|>, Ludana <^^^^>, Dan <^^>fling@iqtorg> T Eric (San Diego County) 
|>, Wade, David <^g§^de@hq.dhs,gov>, TARANTINO, DAVID A 

|>, <d^^^^>, KAUSH1K, 

SANGEETA <^^^^^^>, Scott <£^^^^^>, Larry G^^^>. Ryan 
Morhardj^^^^m^^>, Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH )>, tJerome (HHS/OASH) 

|>, DC 9 0V> ^ Dc>, <c^^|^^|@usuhs^^^^^^^^| <t^^^^^|>, Jolly, Brantley 
(OS/ASPR/EMMO) (CTR) cordts, Jerome (CTR) 

<oci ates.hq.dhs . gov> . Mansoura, Monique K.> 

was curious what is meant by mild disease. Somebody can double check my math. 

Attached is a back-of-the-envelope estimate of the impact of COVID on a notional dfy of 3.3M [The current US 
population is -330M, so a notional city of 3.3M is assumed to be 1% of the US population, with 1% of healthcare 
assets (hospital beds/ICU beds), 1% of healthcare utilization (hospital admissions/hospital BDOCs/iCU BDOCs//ER 
visits/outpatient visits), and 1% of annual all-cause deaths—a notional average US city representing 1% of the US 
population]. I chose 3 3.M because this makes the math simple. 

Methodology to estimate the impact of COVID on this notional city; 

For the population age > 60 we assumed an attack rate of 30% and applied the cruise ship outbreak data (50% 
asymptomatic: 12% acutely ill; 2-5% ICU admission; 0.92% CFR) 

For the under age 60 group, we assumed there will be a similar degree of disease transmission (AR=3Q%) and 
roughly 50% asymptomatic and 50% mild/moderate disease/ and occasional serious disease requiring them to touch 
our healthcare system (100% requiring outpatient care/1 Q% ER care), [very conservative estimates] 

Really Interesting what havoc mild disease might cause on this notional city. In this scenario, roughly 89% of those 
who are infected are asymptomatic or mild disease. I assumed the event would stretch over 90 days—the 
acceleration in acute care demand in Wuhan was concentrated over a period of 5-6 weeks. So the estimates of 
demand relative to capacity superimposed over a shorter time period and adjusting for peak demand are much worse 
than what the numbers convey. 

This is why Eva is so concerned about not delaying the implementation of mitigation measures. She understands 
what is going to happen. 

Metro Seattle has a population of ^3.5M (close enough to this notional city). 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 6:09 AM 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

It is amazing how high the prevalence must be in Italy to have the amount of spread we are seeing associated with 
travelers from Italy. What is equally amazing is how it was hidden until it exploded, I suspect what happened in Italy 
is really the movie r for the rest of the world, including the US. lit would be really useful to have better Intel on what is 
happening to the healthcare delivery system in Italy (Italy also has the 2 m oldest population with 23% age 65+ while 
Japan is at 27% and the US at 15%). 

The only report I noticed was a brief report on Twitter that “Italy - Converting military barracks to makeshift hospitals 
in anticipation of the development of Coronavirus spread" 

Does anyone have better data? 

On Wednesday. March 4, 2020 7:44 AM, Carter Mecher^^^^^^j h > wrote; 

Hong Kong (101 case/2 deaths) and Singapore (110 cases/0 deaths) continue to hold the line. Singapore has linear 
growth (keeping Ro close to 1): Hong Kong also has linear growth. This is really best practice fora city. Might be 
worthwhile for US cities to take a close look at how Singapore and Hong Kong have responded throughout this crisis. 
When this all began. Hong Kong and Singapore were seeded early and very early on they had the largest number of 
cases following mainland China, Since then I have watched other countries come out of nowhere and race far ahead 
of Hong Kong and Singapore (linear growth vs, exponential growth). South Korea (5,621/28 deaths): Italy (2,502/79); 
Iran (2,336/77); Japan (293/6); France (212/4); Germany (203/0); Spain (165/1); US (127/9). Seattle alone will 
overtake Hong Kong and! Singapore by the end of the week. Organizations and governments and scientists 
like to talk about learning from best practices. Well here they are. When I show the slide of Philadelphia-St. 
Louis in 1918 I often ask audiences which city they would have preferred to be living in during the 1918 
pandemic. When we look back at this pandemic, we will have new contrasting city pairs and contrasting 

country pairs and can pose a similar question * 

From: Dr. Eva K Lee 

Sent: Wednesday, March 4. 2020 1:54 PM 
To: Carter Miecher 

Cc: Tracey McNamara : Richard Hatchett : Dr, Eva Lee ; THOMAS : M,D, : James V : Duane : David : Tom 
Bossert : Ralph S ; Gregory J : William ; CAMERON : err: Daniel 
(OS/ASFR/SFFRl : Kristin fOS/ASFR/SPFRl : Sallv fQS/ASFR/SFFRI : Matthew J CIV USARMY i USAi : Lisa 
Koonin ; MELISSA ; HERBERT : Alexander; MARIEFRED ;^^^; Robert 

(OS/ASFR/BARDA) : Kevin; Gary fOS/ASPR/BARDA) : John fOS/ASFR/SPPR) : David (Chris) fOS/ASPR/IO) : Joseph 
fQS/A5FR/IQ) : Luciana : Dan ; Eric (San Diego CounM : David : DAVID 

A; : SANGEETA ; Scott ; Larry G; Ryan Morhard ; Steven JtftCHFStDPH ) : Uerome 


Subject: RE: Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

Carter, please review the information I sent regarding the NPi intervention model I sent for Santa Clara yesterday, I 
ran It for Hong Kong, It is another perfect result to confirm what we should do. 

I am not sure how we can use increase of ILI and other disease activities to predict COVID-19. They should be used, 
but they are secondary because by the time we are seeing the citizens' symptoms and complaints, we are a few 
weeks late already. The ’'unknown" cases are out there already. Those with no/mild symptoms, or doesn't really 
matter if there's any symptoms or not, the 1 case in Santa Clara on Jan 31 is real. It's one - and as we can see in the 
model — one case is one case too many already, because it's already growing. Because it means there're others we 
don’t know. 

For example for the Seattle nursing home — they get infected and they have respiratory distressed. But they dont get 
registered onto public / hospital records. And then university students, they get sick all the time, not that they will see 
the doctor or anyone. So we won't register them either Then ICU/ED patients. Ok, that we can screen and should 
screen. Also, the flu may be masked by COVID-19, as in Japan where COVID-19 basically halted the flu season. So 
there may be no spike at all in the surveillance data, since it is the usual pattern, but instead of the usual flu/cold etc, 
it Is replaced by COVID-19. It is really quite difficult to use disease surveillance as a guide, because that is for sure 
late at least by 2 weeks, if not more weeks. The moment the first case appears, we re late already by 2 weeks. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:19 PM 

To: Dr Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tracey McNamara : Richard Hatchett : Dr, Eva Lee : THOMAS : M.D. : James V : Duane : David : Tom 
Bossed : alph S : Gregory J ; 

fOS/ASPR/SPPR1 : Kristin i QSTAS P R/SPP R L Sallv f OS/ASPR/SPPR I : Matthew J CIV USARMY tUSAI : Lisa 
Koonin : MELISSA : HERBERT : Alexander Robert 

(O S/AS P R/B A R D A L Kevin : Gary fQS/A5PR/BARDA1 : John fQS/ASFRfSPFRl : David fChrisI fQS/ASFR/lOl : Joseph 
(QS/ASFR/IQ^ i Luciana : Dan : Eric (San Diego County ) : David : DAVID 

A; Texas gov : SAN GE ETA ; Scott : Larry G; Ryan Morhard : Steven JtftCHFStDPH ) ; fJerome 

fHHS/QASH) : DC : DC : Dannv Shiau : 

Subject: RE; Red Dawn Rising Start Feb 29 

Eva p I agree with you. Political leaders and public health leaders need to be convinced of the utility of these 
interventions and the courage to act. If they miss the window to act, they don't get a do-over. Can t take a Mulligan 
with NPIs, There is no reset button to play the game again. You only get one shot I fear that Seattle may have 
missed their opportunity. Out of desperation E predict they may eventually Implement and endure all the downsides of 
NPIs with marginal to little upside. This is exactly what happened In 1918. A while back i shared some slides on the 
lessons learned from 1918. Unfortunately, we have to learn some lessons again and again. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:36 PM 

To: Dr, Eva K Lee 

Cc: Tracey McNamara; Richard Hatchett; Dr. Eva Lee; THOMAS; M.D.; James V; Duane; David; Tom 
Bossert; Charit^^^^^f ; Ralph S; Gregory J; William; CAMERON; ail. com; Daniel 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR); Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Sally {OS/ASPR/SPPR); Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA); Lisa 
Koonin; MELISSA; HERBERT; Alexander; MARIEFRED;^^^; Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA); 
Kevin, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA); John (OS/ASPR/SPPR); David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO); Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO); 
Luciana; Dan; Eric (San Diego County); David; DAVID A;; 5ANGEETA; Scott; 

Larry G; Ryan Morhard; Steven JtftCHFStDPH ); tlerome (HHS/OASH); DC; DC;; 
Danny Shiau;^^^^^^| 

The US is now up to 11 deaths (10 in Washington and 1 in California). 

I think there is disconnect among very smart people. They hear the high % of patients who are asymptomatic or have 
mild illness and equate this to a mild outbreak. Hard for me to understand how they come to this conclusion. 

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COV1D-19J in Washington 

Positive 1 confirmed)' 1 




* Positive 

* $Mhomc«h Courtty - B. irV:kidtr»g 1 dfcalh 
*■ Kpvq - 31. mduding 9 deaths 

1 Please contact (he krai health deportment for information 

Number of People Under Public Health Supervision 

Number q 1 people under public heeHh supervision 1 | 231 

1 Tlw number ol peopfti under puts* health supervision includes ibose 
at ns* of having boon emposod to nwef corwiavinjs who are 
Rnorttof irirj tiifiir health ur'tde* iba supervision el public bealih otlidiate 
This number eidudos people who hove returned from China in lf» pesl 
id days and are included n federal auaranflrt& amdance . 

On 4 Mar 2020, at 20:31, Carter Mecher^^^^> wrote: 

Rhetorical question, what is he evaluating daily? 

SEATTLE -- Washington state on Wednesday reported a 10th death from coronavirus Gov, Jay Jnslee said he was 
evaluating daily whether to order widespread closures and cancellations due to the outbreak. 

The state Department of Health released updated figures showing that nine people had died In King 
County, the state's most populous, and one in Snohomish County. The state has now reported 39 
COVID-19 cases, all in the greater Seattle are 

On Wednesday, March 4, 2020 3:37 PM, Richard Hatchett <> wrote: 

It is remarkable that leaders are reluctant to implement interventions that they will 
have to implement anyway when they lose control Do they think the virus is 
magically going to behave differently when it gets to their community? Why can’t 
they look at the successful examples and emulate these? 

On Mar 4, 2020, at 10:24 PM, Caneva, Duane a@h > wrote: 

Please use this thread as of evening of 04 March. 

Duane C. Caneva, MD, MS 
Chief Medical Officer 
Department of Homeland Security 

Executive Assistart: Nichole 

Briar Benson com > 

Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 12:08 AM 

To: Caneva, Duane < @hq > 

Cc: Carter Mecher Mecher, Carter 

■; Tracey McNamara <^^^^J >; Hunt* Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO) 
l @hhs.aov >: Richard Hatchett <r^^^^^Bett@ceoLn§t>; Dr- Eva Lee 


| mgh.harvard. edu >: James V <^^^^J er@unmc.gdu >: David 
l >: Tom Bossert >: Charity A@CDPH 
| >: Baric, Ralph S Gregory J^^^ GJ@5tate.qov >: Walters* 

William f STATE.GOV faccQI ■ a2@state. go v > : HAMILTON, CAMERON 

| @hq.dhs.qov >^^^ Dodgen, Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 

_ HH$ GOV >: DeBord, Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR) <^^PB^^@hhs^oy>; Phillips, Sally 

(OS/ASPR/SPPR) Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA) <rr^^^^^^xiy@maiJjTiil>; 

Lisa Koonin^^^B@amM^2m>; HARVEY, MELISSA <n^^^^^^hg^hs^ov>; WOLFE, HERBERT 

■; Eastman, Alexander < >: EVANS, MARIEFRED 
| Johnson, Robert (OS/AS PR/BAR DA) >: Yeskey, Kevin <h^^^ skev@hhs.qov >: Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA) 

■ ; Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR) <J^^^ dd@hhs.Qov >: Hassell, David (Chris) 
(OS/ASPR/IO) <D^^^^^|ll@hhs^gy>; Hamel, Joseph <JoseptLBHBi@hh^3oy Luciana 

■■iBMsLorg>; Dan ora >:b^^^J nald@sd : Wade, David 

| (g>hq dhs-qov >: TARANTINO* DAVID A 

no@cbp.dhs.aov >Jggm| g : KAUSHIK, SANGEETA 
| >; Lee, Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO) ^^^^^ @hhs.qov >; Larry G 
| >: Ryan Morhard <^^^^^^|@wefgiWLorg>; Steven JtftCHFStDPH ) 

| @kv.aov >: Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH) ; Mansoura, Monique K. >; Fantinato, Jessica ( USDA.GOV fqccOI ) 
[ >: DC <irj(^^^^sdaLgoy>; d^jgggj : Cordts, Jerome (CTR) 
rdts@assodates. h a. d hs. go v >: Schnitzer, Jay J < >: Ignacio, Joselito 

io@fema.dhs.aov > 

Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Duane, thanks for including me in the conversation. 

I've been reading what I can on PubMed and in the news, but can't find many answers, thus I'll asks this group. First, 
being that some viruses are capable of inserting their DNA into hosts genome, is there any evidence that this RNA 
virus can do that? I have nothing to support this, but I ask to anticipate any late term effects, i.e. Cancer, 
cardiomyopathy, diabetes, auto immune diseases or other post viral syndromes. Secondly, are there any restriction 
sites in this strain that are not present in others of the same family, suggesting this is engineered? Lastly, what's 
gong on in North Korea? 

Folks* those of you that know me understand I'm glad to help in any way I can. Please let me know 

From: ' Baric, Ralph S' 1 
To: "Brian Benson", Duane H 

Cc: "Carter Mlecher", Carter ( VA.GOV [occQI )' 1 , "Tracey McNamara", Richard 
(OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Richard Hatchett", "Dr. Eva Lee M , THOMAS", "M.D.", "James V", "David", "Tom Bossed", 
"Charity A@CDPH", "Gregory J'\ William f STATE.GOV x CAMERON", 
^^HMgmaiLcom' 1 , Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)' 1 , Kristin (OS/ASPR/SRPR)'', Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", "Matthew J 
CIV USARMY (USA)", "Lisa Koonin", MELISSA", HERBERT' 1 , Alexander", MARIEFRED l ',^^*^utmb i edii 1, J 
Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", Kevin"* Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)' 1 , David (Chris) 
(OS/ASPR/IO)", Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)", "Luciana' 1 , "Dan' > .^^^^^B @sdcQuntv.caoov ' 1 . David", DAVID A", " , SANGEETA", Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO) 1 ', "Larry G", "Ryan Morhard", "Steven 
Jt(tCHFStDPH )", Jerome (HHS/OASH)", Monique K.", Jessica f USDA.GOV 

faced safeNnks.protecti on. outlook, com I T'. "DC".^^^^^^ ". Jerome (CTR)", Jay J", Joselito" 

Sent: Thursday March 5 2020 7:52:21AM 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Hi Brian, 

No coronavirus RNA viruses don’t incorporate their genomes into the host DNA 

Yes. potential hit and run disease is pulmonary fibrosis, which can occur as a result of acute lung injury months to 
years later 

No, there is absolutely no evidence that this virus is bioengineered. 


To: Ralph S" 

Cc: "Brian Benson' 1 , Duane", Carter f V A. G O V [o cc01. safe I i n ks. p rotection. o ut I o ok. com] T . 'Tracey McNamara”, 

Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Richard Hatchett". "Dr. Eva Lee”, THOMAS", "M,D,\ "James V", "David", Tom 
Bossed", ’Charity A@CDPH'\ "Gregory J", William iSTATE.GOV rgccOl safelinks protedion outlook comi r 
CAMERON". ^^^ @omail.corrr . Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 1 , Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)' r , 
"Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)", "Lisa Koonin", MELISSA", HERBERT", Alexander, MARIEFRED", 

' Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", Kevin", Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA)". John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", 
David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)", Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)", "Luciana". "Dan". count vcaaov ' 1 . David", 

DAVID fill i|’' SANGEETA", Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Larry G", "Ryan Morhard", 

"Steven JtftCHFStDPH )", Jerome (HHS/OASH) ", Monique K ." T Jessica f USDA.GOV 
FoccOI safelinks Drotection outlook.coml V. "DC". ". Jerome (CTR)’\ Jay J". Joselito" 

Sent: Thursday March 5 2020 8:55:31AM 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Impact assessment I pulled together and shared with my leaders. I utilized the attack rate of 20% that was 
experienced on the Diamond Princess so that 1 could begin to help people get their head around what is perceived to 
be a mild outbreak means. I purposely used an actual event (and actual attack rate) for comparison so as not to be 
perceived as fear monger!ng. I sense confusion among very smart people (politicians, physicians, public health 
leaders) who hear that more than 80% of those who are infected have mild disease and that overall case fatality rates 
are on the order of 0.5%. And they then equate these stats to a mild outbreak. They really don't consider attack 
rates and the impact of the 20% with something other than mild illness means, 

A more reasonable attack rate to plan for is around 40%. so just double everything in the attached reports You all can 
look at these projections and envision what will happen to our healthcare system if we don't take aggressive actions 
to slow community transmission now. This is not the time to get fancy or creative with NPIs and try to finesse things 
(ala carte implementation). We should learn from China and the other best practice nations already fighting this 
disease. We know what works: we just need the will to do it. We should be treating this like we treat stroke and acute 
coronary syndromes where time = tissue. In this case time = transmission. 

F rom ternet 

Sent: TTursday^arch 05, 20 
To: <i 

Cc: r Dr. Eva 



■; 'Caneva. Duane' 

| a@ho dhs.aov >: Tom Bossert' 

|>; 'Baric, Ralph S'| 

i @email.unc l 

>; Tracey McNamara 

@we >: "Hunt, Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO)'’Richard HatChetf 
@ceplnet >: WILKINSON, THOMAS'’M.D/ 

@ >; "James V" ^^^^^^J^unm^du^rDavid' >: h >iit i ' i~ rnn il| ilu i |i 'Gregory J f 

.go v >: Walters, William v> : 'HAMILTON, CAMERON'I 


| q. >: 'r^^M @omaii .com " >: Dodgen, Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)' 

i en@hhs.qov >; DeBord, Kristin 

(OS/ASPR/SPPR)''Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 1 

'Matthew J CIV USARMY 'Lisa Koonin'^^^^jg^gmailcoop; 

HARVEY, MELISSA'^^^^^ jv@ha.dhs.aov >: WOLFE, HERBERT dhs.go’ 

Eastman, Alexander 1> : 'EVANS, MARIEFRED' >: '^^^^J ' <^^j >; 'Johnson, Robert 
(OS/ASPR/BARDA)" Yeskey,^^^^^^^^^H^hhs z gov>: 'Disbrow, Gary 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA)'^^^^^w@hlis i ggy > : 'Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)' < 

David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)’ <CMMp @hhs^ov >; 'Hamel. Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO) 

Luciana' <L^^(§>jgLorcj>; , Dan , ^^^fjing(Sj£t : or£>; 

i^^^Mlniilln .. I M "I III II |i i DAVID A' 

d@hhs.qov >: Hassell 

@hhs.aov >: 

| o@cbD.dhs.oov >: ' <( 

'Lee, Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO)'| 

| hs texas qov >: 'KAUSHIK, 
| . Lee@hhs..aov >: 'Larry G" 

:BMMpM >: 'Steven Jt{tCHPStDPH )' 
(HHS/OASHV <J^^^j dams@hhs.qov >: Mansoura, Monique K. f 

tate.qov> : Ryan Morhard' <j 
tack@kv.qov> ; "Adams, Jerome {I 

@mitre ; o r g >: "Fantinato, Jessica ^^^^^^j occOI safelinksprotection.outlook.comlV 
ato@usda.Qov >: "DC <n]^^^^^y@usda 1 gw>: €jjj ^@usuhsedu f >; Cordts, Jerome (CTR)' < >: 'Schnitzer, Jay J' 

l >: Ignacio, Joselito' 

’CHRISTOPHER ALLEN' 1 n . 'Kevin Montgomery 1 <1 

Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

acio@fema.dhs.aov >: 'Will Gaskins'| 

l > >: 

Listening to CDC. Anita Patel has just summarized CDC guidance re community mitigation measures They are not 
recommending closing schools-talking about reactive school closure (e g,, a student becomes ill and they close the 
school to disinfect). 

Very unfortunate. 

From: "Dr, Eva Lee" 

To: Duane 1 " 

Cc: "Tom Bosserf Ra, P h 3", "Brian Benson 1 '. Carter fVA.GOV 

laccOl safelinks protection.outlook. coml V f . Tracey McNamara 1 '. Richard (QS/ASPR/EMMG)", "Richard Hatchett", 
THOMAS", "MU.", "James \T f "David"^^^J@CDPH'\ "Gregory J", William f STATE.GOV 
[gccQ 1 .safe! mTr ^AMERONt "^^^^^^jLcorn", Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Kristin 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", "Matthew J CIV USARlMY (USA)", 'Lisa Koonin", MELISSA", 
HERBERT", Alexander", MARIEFRED", n ^JJJ^^H M > Robert (03/AS PR/BAR DA)", Kevin". Gary 
(OS/ASPR/BARDA) M , John (OS/ASPR/SPPR")TDavid'(Chris) (0S/ASPR/1Q)”, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)", "Luciana", 


"Larry G”, "Ryan Morhard", "Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH )", Jerome (HHS/OASH)", Monique K. n , 
Jessica fUSDA.GOV fqccOI .outlook. coml T. ". Jerome (CTR)", 

Jay J", Joselito 1 ', "Will Gaskins", "CHRISTOPHER ALLEN", "Kevin Montgomery " 

Sent: Thursday March 5 2020 1:05:54PM 
Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Yes, we have a huge burden, and we are all thinking about the entire system and the cascading downstream effects. 
Perhaps a drawing will make a good exercise for the policy makers. We like to use the binary trees, since it explodes 
fast enough already, f think a tree with the contact rate would be great to show the policy makers so they know how 
many of the elderly infected would end up in hospitals/beds and we can even show the queues! 

On Thu. Mar 5, 2020 at 12:02 PM Caneva, Duanejjjjjj > wrote: 

Not just the grandparents, but the healthcare system functionality for everyone, too. There is increased mortality in 
older age groups, but the hospital stays are 2-3 times longer, resource intense, and affect access and availability for 
everyone in the community. 



"Dr. Eva Lee" 

Cc: Duane", "Tom Bosserf, Ralph s", "Brian Benson", Carter f VA.GOV foccQI safelinks protection outlook comlT 
"Tracey McNamara", Richard (QS/ASFR/EMMO)', "Richard Hatchett", THOMAS", "M.D.", 'James V\ "David", 
"Charity A@CDPH", "Gregory J", William fSTATE.GOV fqccOI ■ r, CAMERON 1 ', 
^^^^gmajLcom", Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPRf, "Matthew J 
CIV USARMY (USA)", "Lisa Koonin”, MELISSA", HERBERT', Alexander, MARllEFRED",^^^J jgutmtxedu", 
Robert (03/ASPR/BARDA)". Kevin", Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", John (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 1 '. David (Chris) 
(OS/ASPR/IO)', Joseph (GS/ASPR/iO)". "Luciana”, "Dan", r J^^^^ ". David", DAVID A", 
'^^^^^j dshs texas.OQv ". SANGEETA", Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO) 1 ', "Larry G", "Ryan Morhard", "Steven 
Jt(tCHlFStDPH )", Jerome (HHS/OASH)", Monique K. fl . Jessica fU3DA.GOV 

f occ01 .safel i n k s. protection .o utlook. co ml ) ". "0 C". @usu hs, edu ", Jerome (CTR)", Jay J", Joselito", "Will 

Gaskins", "CHRISTOPHER ALLEN", "Kevin Montgomery- 
Sent: Thursday March 5 2020 1:50:09PM 
Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

CDC is going to hold a meeting today on telehealth. Just some background as we prepare to gear up for 
implementing teleheath, 

Annually, primary care clinics see 482M patients (actually patient visits) in the US (the total number of outpatient 
visits is about 900K). Over a 3 month period primary care providers see about 120M patient visits. So hold onto that 
number for a moment 

Let's assume this outbreak has an attack rate of 30% (so about 1Q0M infected) and that 50% of those infected are 
asymptomatic (50M). Let’s assume the other 50% (those 50M who are symptomatic) are the ones seeking care. How 
many telehealth visits per patient do we think will be required? There will be the initial presentation, then most of 
these patients (35%-38% of those who were infected, so 35M-38M) will be prescribed' home isolation for 14 
days). The remainder will require hospitalization but probably not before additional teleheath visits as their conditions 
worsens. How many follow up telehealth visits will be necessary to monitor the health of these patients in home 
isolation? Let's say we want to touch base with the patients twice per week, so that is another 4 visit per patient, that 
would equate to 14QM-152M visits. Now add in the other SOM visits for initial presentation and we are up to about 
20OM telehealth visits. That is about double the number of all primary care visits in the US over a 3 month period. 
This is probably a conservative estimate since any patient an home quarantine will probably also be seeking to speak 
with their physician or primary care provider and chronically ill and elderly patients will likely require daily 
checks. This also does not include the background demand we see each day (for the management of chronic 
conditions etc.) where we would also like to use telehealth. 

We have never done this or this scale before. We have people from large healthcare systems on this email, how are 
you planning to scale up to meet the demand for COVID and meet the needs of non-COVlD patients with chronic 

To: Tracey McNamara 11 

Cc: "Dr. Eva Lee", Duane", 'Tom Bossert", Ralph S", "Brian Benson", Carter f VA.GOV 

fqccOI safe links, protectio n. o utl ook c o m ] r, Richard (OS/AS PR/EM MO) \ ’Richard Hatchett", THOMAS", N M,D,\ 

"James V'\ "David", "Charity A@CDPH M , "Gregory J", William f STATE.GOV 

fqccOI .safe[ r, CAMERON", t ^jM @gmajLcgm w 1 Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)T Kristin 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR)’\ Sally (QS/ASPR/SPPR)' 1 , "Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)", M Lisa KoonirT, MELISSA", 
HERBERT", Alexander", MAR IE FRED" utnTb^du 1 ', Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", Kevin", Gary 

(OS/AS PR/BARD A) 11 , John (OS/A S P R/S PPR)'\ David (Chris) (OS/ASP R/IO)'\ Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)", "LuCiana", 
’Dan", ountv, ", David", DAVID A"^^^^M @dshs, ", SANGEETA", Scott 

(QS/ASPR/EMMO) M , "Larry G’\ "Ryan MorhardT "Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH ) N , Jerome (HHS/OASH)", Monique KT t 
Jessica fUSDA.GOV [gccOI ', "DC", L Jerome (CTR)'\ 

Jay J", Joselito", "Will Gaskins", "CHRISTOPHER ALLEN", "Kevin Montgomery- 
Sent: Thursday March 5 2020 3:46:37PM 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 
History doesn't repeat itself, but often does rhyme. 

In 1918, the pandemic started on the east coast and swept across the country from east to west. The initial cities that 
were hit were understandably a little slow to react. Initially, public health leaders minimized the threat. It was 
fascinating knowing how the outbreak would unfold to read newspaper accounts and the quotes and responses by 
politicians and health departments (who early on tried to reassure and calm the public by communicating that they 
thought the worst had passed when the outbreak was just beginning to accelerate). These cities on the east coast 
had the misfortune of being the first to face this threat Other cities like St. Louis were lucky in that they had the 
chance to see what was happening to the east and act more quickly and more aggressively,Influenza never traveled 
faster than modern transportation. In 1918, travel was by ship or train. 

In 2020, this pandemic seems to be starting on the opposite coast. Seattle has the misfortune of being the first major 
US city to be impacted. We are seeing some of the same reassurances from political and public health leaders to 
calm the public and minimize the threat. We have heard that Americans are at low risk. We also have heard it is a 
mild disease where more than 80% of those infected have either no symptoms or very mild disease, and only the 
very elderly or those with underlying medical conditions are at risk. Only 0 5% of those who become infected die (and 
again the vast majority are very old with chronic conditions).That description sounds even milder than flu because flu 
also hits the very young and anyone who had the flu would not likely remember it as a mild disease. And we hear 
that this disease is not impacting children so really no need to close the schools, I suspect there will be other cities in 
California and Oregon up and down the west coast that will soon be impacted and leaders will also need to make a 
decision re the public health interventions. Like 1918 we will! have a natural experiment to assess the effectiveness of 
the public health interventions (both the measures and the timing). The question is how quickly will this outbreak 
emerge sinceanumberof areas across the US have already been seeded and influenza can now travel at the speed 
of air travel. If we are lucky the outbreaks will be asynchronous and some cities will have enough time to be able to 
learn from the first cities like Seattle and judge the wisdom of the decisions being made now. But this isn't 1918 and 
I'm not sure there will be enough time for that to happen. What is unfortunate is that they don't need to wait for 
results from the Seattle experiment, they can learn from China's experience, Hong Kong's experience, and 
Singapore's experience. They can also go back to the body of work that has been done on community mitigation. 

Has GDC modeled the interventions they are proposing? How effectively do these interventions reduce community 
transmission? In short, where is the science to support these recommendations in the face of what we are learning 
from the experiences of China, Hong Kong and Singapore? When history judges our response, the comparison will 

be to the best practices. Unlike 1918, we were actually blessed to know about those best practices before COVID 
arrived. Seems like a sin not to take full advantage of that knowledge. 

From: "Tracey McNamara'' 

Cc: "Dr Eva Lee". Duane", Tom Bossert", Ralph S", "Brian Benson", Carter fVA.GOV 

(qccOI r. Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO) M , "Richard Hatchett", THOMAS". 

"James V", "David", "Charity AflCDPH", "Gregory J". William fSTATE.GOV 

fqcc01 safe links, protectio n o utlook. co ml ) ". CAMERON". mail com ", Daniel {OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Kristin 

(OS/AS PR/S RPR)", Sally (OS/AS PR/S P PR ) h , "Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)", "Lisa Koonin", MELISSA", 
HERBERT", Alexander", MARIEFRED". Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)". Kevin", Gary 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA)", John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)", Joseph (OS/ASPR/10)", "Luctana", 
"Dan",_mm[^_Bm_ov 11 , David", DAVID A", "c^^^^J @dshs ", SANGEETA". Scott 
(OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Larry G", "Ryan Morhard", "Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH )", Jerome {HHS/OASH)", Monique K", 
Jessica (USDA.GOV fqccOI .safelinks.orotedion.outlook, corn!) ". "DC", "c^^^^ ", Jerome (CTR)", 
Jay J", Joselito 11 , "Will Gaskins", "CHRISTOPHER ALLEN", "Kevin Montgomery" 

Sent: Thursday March 5 2020 2:02:25PM 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 
Unbelievable and unfortunate 


To: Cc: "Tracey McNamara", "Dr. Eva Lee", Duane", "Tom Bossert", Ralph S", "Brian 

Benson", Carter fVA.GOV fqccOI I V, Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Richard 
Hatchett", THOMAS", "James V", "David", "Charity A@CDPH’\ "Gregory J", William ( STATE.GOV 

iaccOI .safel, com! V r . CAMERON"Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Kristin 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", "Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)", "Lisa Koonin", MELISSA", 
HERBERT", Alexander". MARIEFRED",^^^^B|^KJ H , Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", Kevin", Gary 
(OS/ASPR/BARDA)", John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)". David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)", Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)", " Luciana", 
"Dan", "^^^^^ @sdcountv. ca.aov ". David", DAVID A", ". SANGEETA", Scott 

(OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Larry G", "Ryan Morhard", "Steven Jt(tCHF5tDPH )", Jerome (HHS/OASH)", Monique K,T 
Jessica f USDA.GOV facet) 1 . "DCT "c^^^^j u@usuhs,edu ", Jerome (CTR)", 
Jay J", Joselito", "Will Gaskins", "CHRISTOPHER ALLEN", "Kevin Montgomery"' 

Sent: Thursday March 5 2020 4:45:23PM 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

I like to ask myself, knowing what I know now, what do I wish I would have done 2 weeks ago. 

Attached is a slide that show side by side the ranking of countries by the number of cases and deaths reported for 
Feb 20 and Mar 5. 

Imagine what this is going to look like in 2 more weeks. What will we have wished we had done today? 

F ro m: h 

To: "Brian Benson" 

Cc: James V*\ Luciana", Tracey McNamara", "Duane Caneva". "Dr, Eva Lee", "Dr. Eva K Lee", ’Tom Bossert 11 , 
Ralph S", Carter fYA.GQVV L Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Richard Hatchett", THOMAS", "David", "Charity 

A@CDPH", "Gregory J", William (STATE GOW L CAMERON’L^^^pr@grnailcom M T Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)”* 
Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", "Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)", "Lisa Koonin", MELISSA", 
HERBERT 1 ’, Alexander", MARIEFRED’V^^^^igutmbedu'L Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", Kevin", Gary 
(OS/ASPR/BARDA)", John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)", Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO)", Dan". 
^^^^^^^J .gov ", David", DAVID A", ^^^J^^J @d5h5.1exas.qov M , SANGEETA". Scott 
(OS/ASPR/EMMO) 1 ", "Larry G", "Ryan Morhard", "Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH )\ Jerome (HHS/OASH)", Monique K.\ 
Jessica fUSDA.GOVr . "DC", ^^^^^^jasusuhsedy"- Jerome (CTR)". Jay J”, Joselito' 1 , "Will Gaskins", 
"CHRISTOPHER ALLEN", Kevin Montgomery", Gerald w\ Linda L", "LLogandakar 
Sent; Saturday March 7 2020 7:24;25AM 
Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

The outbreak in the US is looking more like Italy but without the aggressive actions [including cordon sanitaire of 
50,000 people, closing schools and universites, and canceling mass gatherings] taken by Italy as soon as they 
identified their first death. I pulled the numbers of cases and deaths reported by the media at the end of each (so 
data for today is preliminary/morning data). 

Interesting to compare the two countries and align the outbreaks (4th slide by the date of first reported death). The 
US cases include the Princess Diamond cases of repatriated passengers as well as Americans evacuated from 
Wuhan. I was unable to estimate the number of tests performed by Italy compared to the US. The US case count 
sems to be lagging what Italy observed. The US appears to be about a week behind Italy, Time will tell. 

From:| mecher@{ 

To: 'Brian Benson" 

Cc: James V 1 ’, Luciana\ "Tracey McNamara", "Duane Caneva'\ "Dr. Eva Lee' 1 , M Dr, Eva K Lee", "Tom Bossert", 
Ralph S'\ Carter fVA GOV r. Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Richard Hatchett", THOMAS", "M.D.", "David", "Charity 
A@CDPH", "Gregory J", William f STATE .GOV V. CAMERON", ^^^^gmaiLcom", Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", 
Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", "Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)", "Lisa Koonin", MELISSA", 
HERBERT 1 , Alexander", MARIEFRED”, Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", Kevin", Gary 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA)", John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)", Joseph (OS/ASPR/10)", Dan”, 

David", DAVID A", SANGEETA", Scott 

(OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Larry G”, "Ryan Morhard", "Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH )", Jerome (HHS/OASH)", Monique K,", 
Jessica f USDA.GOV r. "DC", Jerome (CTR)", Jay J", Joselito", "Will Gaskins", 

"CHRISTOPHER ALLEN 1 , "Kevin Montgomery", Gerald W", Linda L'\ "LLogandakar" 

Sent: Saturday March 7 2020 7:24:25AM 
Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

The outbreak in the US is looking more like Italy but without the aggressive actions [including cordon sanitaire of 
50,000 people, closing schools and universites, and canceling mass gatherings] taken by Italy as soon as they 
identified their first death, I pulled the numbers of cases and deaths reported by the media at the end of each (so 
data for today is preliminary/morning data). 

Interesting to compare the two countries and align the outbreaks (4th slide by the date of first reported death). The 
US cases include the Princess Diamond cases of repatriated passengers as well as Americans evacuated from 
Wuhan. I was unable to estimate the number of tests performed by Italy compared to the US. The US case count 
sems to be lagging what Italy observed. The US appears to be about a week behind Italy. Time will tell. 

On Mar 7, 2020, at 5:42 PM, Dr. Eva Lee 64(3>qmaiLco m > wrote: 

How are our testing kits? Do we have the test kits and the throughput power now? This is yet another miss 
opportunity - about a covid-19 case in Georgia Is it true that tests are only conducted on patients which satisfy the 
GDC criteria? The symptoms are so diverse that we can't be fixed to a set of guidelines. We need broader 
screening, that is a must. 

"The third case involved a 46-year-old female went who went to a hospital in Rome (Georgia) complaining of flu-like 
symptoms. Hospital officials said she didn't meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and 
GDPH criteria for CQVID-19 testing, so she was treated and released. After she began to feel worse, the woman 
was eventually tested. The test has now confirmed that she has CQVID-9. Officials say she has been hospitalized." 

On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 9:30 PM McDonald, E r ic count > wrote: 

The long pole on the tent is testing capacity . without going into why it could possibly take so long to field tests in this 
country when others seem to be able to do it, at the operational level, if you only have limited access to testing, triage 
needs to occur. So hindsight criticism of providers using the criteria they had/have on patients who did not meet these 
criteria and then were found to be positive is not useful in my view. Agree the opportunity was missed, but they are 
being missed now and will be missed until the promised million plus tests are actually fielded and results obtained in 
an actionable timeframe. 

Whatever is going on/went on between ode and fda and the laboratory community that created this delay will be 
dissected by someone in the future, but it still is not fixed for us to be able to do what others countries have done or 
for me as a local public health official to get vital data on what is really going on. 

Frustrating doesn’t capture it. You know what I am saying. 


From: Gruber, David fD$H$] 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 9:58 AM 

To: Dr, Eva Lee : McDonald, Eric 

Cc: Carter Mecher ; Berio, Luciana : Brian Benson : Lawler, James V : Tracey McNamara : Duane Caneva : Dr. Eva K 
Lee; Tom Bossert ; Baric, Ralph S ; Mecher, Carter fVA.GOV) ; Hunt, Richard (QS./ASPR/EMMQ) ; Richard 
Hatchett ; WILKINSON, THOMAS ; M.D. ; DavidGregory J ; Walters, William 
fSTATE.GOV) : HAMILTON. CAME RON Dodoen. Daniel fQS/ASPR/SPPR) : DeBord. Kristin 

(OS AS PR; SP PR) ;. Phillips, Sally fOS/ASPR/SPPR) ; Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA) : Lisa Koonin ; HARVEY, 
MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT : Eastman, Alexander : EVANS, MARIEFRED :^^^^^ Johnson. Robert 
(OS/AS PR/BARD A) : Yeskey, Kevin ; Disbrow. Gary fOS/ASFR/BARDA) ; Redd. John (OS/ASFR/SFPR) ; Hassell. 
David fChrist (QS/ASFR/IO) ; Hamel. Joseph fOS/ASFR/lO) : Hanflinq, Dan : Wade. David : TARANTINO, DAVID 
A; KAUSHIK. SANGEETA : Lee. Scott fQS/ASFR/EMMQ) : Larrv G : Rvan Morhard : Steven JtftCHFStDFH ) : Adams. 
Jerome fHHS/QASH) ; Mansoura, Monique K. ; Fantinato, Jessica 

tUSDA.GOV) : DC : : Cordts. Jerome fCTRT Schnitzer, Jay J : Ignacio, Joselito : Will 

Gaskins ; CHRISTOPHER ALLEN ; Kevin Montgomery ; Parker Jr, Gerald W : Logan, Linda L ; LLoqandakar 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

As a state public health official who is in agreement that NPIs must be strongly enacted early; I'm looking for help 
from this group to find tools that make the case for NPIs. The target audience is those outside of health. 

I’m attaching an example slide (admittedly and intentionally rudimentary) that might be used to support this argument 
and explain the totality of NPIs, Do others see this as something that might aid in influencing and, if so, are there 
data sources that f might tap into showing the impacts of NPIs directly on epi curves and how these NPIs would 
impact other community foundations? 



From: Carter Mecher 

Sent; Tuesday, March 10, 2020 10:30 AM 

To: Gruber.David (DSHS) : Dr, Eva Lee ; McDonald. Eric 

Cc: Borio. Luciana : Brian Benson : Lawler. James V : Tracey McNamara : Duane Caneva : Dr. Eva K Lee : Tom 
Bossert ; Baric, Ralph S ; Mecher, Carter [VA.GOV) ; Hunt Richard (OS/AS PR/EM MO) ; Richard 
Hatchett : WILKINSON. THOMAS : A@CDP±!; Gregory J : Waiters. William 

fSTATE.GOV) : I tAMILfON. CAMERON ; r| ; Dodqen, Daniel fOS/ASPR/SPPR) ; DeBord, Kristin 
fQS/ASFR/SFPR) : Philips. Sally fOS/ASFR7SPFR) : Matthew J CIV USARMY fUSA) : Lisa Koonin : HARVEY. 
MELISSA ; WOLFE. HERBERT ; Eastman, Alexander ; EVANS, MARIEFRED ;^^^ ; Johnson, Robert 
f OS/AS PR/BARD A) : Yeskev. Kevin ; Disbrow, Gary fOS/ASPR/BARDA) ; Redd. John fO$/A$PR/$FPR) ; Hassell, 
David fChris) fOS/ASPR/IO) : Hamel. Joseph fOS/ASFR/IOl : Hanflinq. Dan : Wade. David : TARANTINO. DAVID 
A; KAUSHIK, SANGEETA : Lee, Scott (OS/ASP R/EMMO) : Larrv G ; Ryan Morhard ; Steven JtftCHFStDPH ) : Adams, 
Jerome fHHS/QASH) : Mansoura, 

| : Cordts, Jerome (CTRL Schnitzer. Jav J : Ignacio l,J oselito : Will 
Gaskins; CHRISTOPHER ALLEN ; Kevin Montgomery : Parker Jr, Gerald W : Logan, Linda L ; LLoqandakar 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Back in 2007, there was modeling for estimating the economic impact of a pandemic (unmitigated with no NPis) and 
a mitigated pandemic plus the costs of NPis. I can see if I can dig that up. The bottom lire is that when you add in 
the cost associated with lives lost in an unmitigated pandemic, additional healthcare costs due to greater numbers of 
those who are ill and hospitalized, economic costs due to lost productivity due to increased illness, the NPI costs pale 
in comparison. I will see what additional info I can find to help you. 

I’m listening to the arguments for not closing schools: (1) kids may not be important in disease transmission and 
when kids do become infected, their illness is mild; (2) closing schools is too disruptive, it will require parents to stay 
home from work to mind their children (and this absenteeism could adversely impact critical sectors such as 
healthcare); (3) large number of kids depend upon school meals and the closure of schools could have serious 
consequences; (4) by keeping kids home, they have more time to be around older adults in the household and 
potentially transmit disease to more vulnerable groups (the thinking is that it would be safer to keep them at school for 
at least 8 hrs of the day to decrease contact time with older adults in the household); and (5) kids will just mix again 
the community (that kids will "hang out at malls’ 1 ). 

Just something to think about. 

Schools are closing now for 1 week for spring break (many this week and some in the next week or two) This is 
happening at a critical point of the acceleration of this outbreak in the US. In the next couple of weeks our healthcare 
system is likely to be stressed. A good number of parents take time off over spring break to be with their kids (many 
times both parents for two parent households). Below is a graph of annual leave usage rates in VA, It is very 
consistent from year to year (looks a lot like an EKG tracing. You see a spike at Thanksgiving, another huge spike 
round Christmas/New Years, another small bump in the spring (spring break), and another broad bump (that looks 
like a T wave on an EKG) in the summer months when families tend to take vacations (because kids are out of 

Given the argument of those apposed to closing schools, should we cancel spring break and keep the schools open 
so that parents don't have to stay home to mind their kids at this particularly vulnerable time when our healthcare 
system is about to be hammered? Should we also keep the schools open so that kids are kept away from older 
adults in the household for much of the day during this period of acceleration? That is pretty much the extension of 
illogical logic. 

We close schools for 1 week for spring break and the world does not fall apart. The nutrition of children does not 
suffer Do we think if schools closed for two weeks, that the world would come crashing down? Why not close for 
two weeks and then reassess (at least it gives us time). We can never get that time back. 

Last thing. Many of you have kids, do any of them hang out at malls? In my neighborhood I don’t even see kids 
outside—they are all inside texting, on Instagram, playing games with their friends online or whatever they do these 
days. Hardly see them riding their bikes around. I understand that 'going to the malf is code for kids re- 
congregating outside of school. Even if they do they are in a less socially dense environment and in much smaller 
groups. The whole school doesn’t ail go together anywhere, except to school. 

From: Dr. Eva K Lee 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 1:46 PM 

To: Carter Mealier 

Cc: Gruber.David fDSHSI : Dr. Eva Lee : McDonald. Eric : Borio. Luciana : Brian Benson : Lawler. James V : Tracey 
McNamara : Duane Caneva ; Tom Bossed ; Baric, Ralph S ; Mecher, Carter fVA.GQV) : Hunt, Richard 
(OS/ASPR/EMMCri : Richard Hatchett : WILKINSON. THOMAS : M.D. : David : Gregory J : Walters. 
William fSTATE.GQVL HAMILTON. CAMERON : ^^B^gmaiLcom; Dodoen. Daniel fOS/ASPR/SFPffl : DeBord. 
Kristin fOS/ASPR/SPPR) : Phillips. Sally IQS ASPR/SPPR) : Matthew J CIV US ARMY fUSA) : Lisa Koonin ; HARVEY. 
MELISSA : WOLFE, HERBERT : Eastman. Alexander : EVANS. MARIEFRED : ^^^^utm^edu; Johnson. Robert 
(Q S/AS PR/BARD A) ; Yeskey, Kevin : Disbrow. Gary fOS/ASFR/BARDA) ; Redd. John (QS/ASFR/SFFR) ; Hassell, 
David fChrist (QS/ASFR/IO) : Hamel. Joseph fOS/ASPR/IQh Hanfling, Dan : Wade. David : TARANTINO. DAVID 
A; KAUSHIK, SANGEETA : Lee. Scott (OS/ASF R/EMMO) ; Larry G : Ryan Morhard : Steven JtftCHFStDFH ) i Adams. 
Jerome fHHS/OASH) : Mansoura, Monique K. ; Fantinato. Jessica 

fUSDA.GQVi : DC : @u : Cordis. Jerome fCTRI : Schnitzer, Jav J : lanado. Joselito : Will 
Gaskins : CHRISTOPHER ALLEN : Kevin Monte ornery ; Parker Jr, Gerald W : Logan, Linda L ; LLopandakar 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Europe gives me an extraordinary good example. Germany held out really well when it was infected from the one 
Chinese subject. But the few cases and very mild nature allowed healthcare to contain them in no time. 

With Italy so well-connected to all its neighbours, it viral spread triggers a radial cascading effect that is another text¬ 
book example. We are just like Europe in terms of connectivity by air (and less by trains). We may be a little slower 
because of our normal distance from each other. But if you go to any university or any school, you will notice 
everyone packs together and intertwines so tightly. 

Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, we need to encourage the worshippers to do all these onlines. These 
sites have high percentage of volunerable populations, we need to spread the words. I think the religious leaders can 
take the lead. 

From: Carter Mecher | 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 12:52:56 PM 
To: Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Gruber,David (DSHS) <C^^J^^J (5)dshs.texas.aov >: Dr. Eva Lee| 
McDonald, Eric^^^^^^^^^M >: Borio, Luciana 

|>; Brian Benson 

 >: Lawler, James V >; Duane Caneva 

Baric. Ralph S <^^ >; Mecher. Carter fVA.GOV) < 
fQS/A5FR/EMMQ)^^^^^J t@hhs.apy >: Richard Hatchett 
THOMAS^^^^^^^^^^J N@hq.dhs.qov >: M.D 
| >; Charity AffiCDPH < 

|pv_>; Walters, william /^tatf nr\\/\ 2i 

| @hq.dhs.qov >: 

>.qov >; DeBord, Kristin (OS/ASP 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR) <^^^^ s@hhs aov >; Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA) 
Lisa Koonin^^^pn1_@gmaiLcom>; HARVEY, MELISSA 
< FE @hq, >: Eastman, Alexander < >: Tracey McNamara 

v>; Tom Bossert @ m e. com >; >; Hunt. Richard 


@mgh.harvard,edu >: David 
v>; Gregory J 

state. qoy>; HAMILTON, CAMERON 

>; Dodgen, Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 
rd@hhs.aov >: Phillips, Sally >; 

nson, Robert 

l >; b.ecu 

(OS/AS PR/ BAR DA) >: Yeskey, Kevin >; Disbrow, Gary 

(OS/ASPR/BARDA)^^^^Bwffih|TS 1 gov>; Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR) HasselL 

David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) <^^^^^™jghhs i {iov>; Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO) 

Hanfling. Dan 

.org >: Wade, David 

jo@cbp.dhs.oov >: KAUSHIK, SANGEETA 
(QS/ASPR/EMMO) <^jj| @h >; Larry G >; Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH ) 
J @hhs.ciov >: Mansoura, Monique K 
| o@usda.aov >: DC 

| >; 

| >; Schnitzer, Jay J 
|@fema.dhs.qov >: Will Gaskins >: Kevin Montgomery 
| >: Logan, Linda L <1 
Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

l@hq.dhS.QOv >; TARANTINO, DAVID A >; Lee, Scott 
[Mstate.qov >; Ryan Morhard 

^ >; Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH) 
| mitre,ora >: Fantinato, Jessica f USDA.GOV) 

@usuhs,edu >: Cordts, Jerome (CTR) 
^^er^mitreprg^ Ignacio. Joselito 

_ >: CHRISTOPHER ALLEN >; Parker Jr, Gerald W 
@cvm.tamu edu >; LLogandakar <l|^^^^^^HmaiLcom> 

l see that NJ just announced its first death (man in his 60s), Don't know the details but if this is not a travel related 
case, they ought to be ready to implement NPls, 

NY Governor announced need for school closures in New Rochelle (NY is now up to 173 cases with 31 new cases 
announced today). The superintendent does not agree. 



From: Gruber,David fDSHS) 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 2:03 PM 
To: Carter Mecher : Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Dr. Eva Lee : McDonald. Eric : Borio, Luciana : Brian Benson : Lawler. James V : Tracey McNamara : Duane 
Caneva ; Tom Bossert ; Baric, Ralph S : Mecher. Carter fVA.GOV) : Hurt Richard (QS/ASPR/EMMO) ; Richard 
Hatchett : WILKINSON. THOMAS; M.D. ; David : ^HCDPH: Gregory J : Walters. William 
(STATE.GOV) ; HAMILTON, CAMERON:Dodgen, Daniel fOS/ASPR/SPPR) : DeBord, Kristin 
fOS/ASPR/SPPR) : Phillips. Sally fOS/ASPR/SPPRV ; Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA) ; Lisa Koonin : HARVEY. 
MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT : Eastman. Alexander : EVANS. MARIEFRED ^^^ Johnson. Robert 
fOS/AS PR/BA RDA) ; Yeskev. Kevin : Disbrow. Gary f OS/ASP R/B ARP A) : Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR) : Hassell. 
David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) : Hamel. Joseph7OS/ASPR/IO) ; Hanfling. Dan : Wade. David ; TARANTINO. DAVID 
A: KAUSHIK. SANGEETA: Lee. Scott fOS/ASPR/EMMQ) : Larrv G : Rvan Morhard : Steven JtftCHFStDFH ) : Adams 
Jerome ( HHS/OASH) : Mansoura. Monique K. ; Fantinato. Jessica 

(USDA.GOV) : DC ; ; Cordts. Jerome (CTR) : Schnitzer. Jav J : Ignacio. Joselito : Will 

Gaskins ; CHRISTOPHER ALLEN ; Kevin Montgomery ; Parker Jr. Gerald W ; Logan, Linda L ; LLogandakar 
Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Another strategic approach to looking at the situation. 

Applying the, "Adano Principles” to manage an adversity such as C0VID19: 

1. Recognition and acknowledgement of the existence or potential of an adversity 

2. Identifying the specific characteristics of the adverse environment 

3. Applying a network centric/systems approach to countering the adversity to include development of process and 
associated metrics that define success points and end-state 

4, Incorporating continuous analysis and quality improvement to maintain progress and prevent reversion from 

5, Recognition of when the adversity is neutralized or eliminated to allow for return to baseline operations 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 3:01 PM 

To: GruberDavid fDSHSI: Dr. Eva K Lee 

Cc: Dr. Eva Lee : McDonald. Eric : Borio. Luciana : Brian Benson : Lawler James V : Tracey McNamara : Duane 
Caneva ; Tom Bossert ; Baric. Ralph 5 ; Mecher. Carter {VA.GOV) : Hunt. Richard [QS/ASFR/EMMO) ; Richard 
Hatchett : WILKINSON. THOMAS : M.D. :CDPH; Gregory J : Walters. William 

Vi; H D FPR. : Del 

(OS/A3FR/SFFR) : Phillips. Sally fOS/AS PR/SP P R ) ; Matthew J CIV U3AR.MY (USA) : Lisa Koonin : HARVEY. 
MELISSA : WOLFE. HERBERT : Eastman. Alexander : EVANS. MARIEFRED : ^^H®ytab^du; Johnson. Robert 
i QS/ASPR/B A RDAYeskev. Kevin : Disbrow. Gary fOS/ASPR/BARDA) : Redd John fQS/ASPR/SPFR) : Hassell. 
David (Chris) (OS/ASFR/IO); Hamel. Joseph (CS/ASFR/IQ) : Hanflinq, Dan : Wade. David : TARANTINO, DAVID 
A: KAUSHIK. SANGEETA: Lee. Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO) : Larry G : Ryan Morhard : Steven JtftCHFStDPH ) : Adams. 
Jerome /HHS/QASH1: Mansoura. Monique K. : Fantinato. Jessica 

('USDA.GOV} : DC : i n nlli i Mil Cordts. Jerome (CTR’i : Schnitzer, Jav J : Ignacio, Joselito : Will 

Gaskins : CHRISTOPHER ALLEN : Kevin Montgomery : Parker Jr. Gerald W : Logan. Linda L : LLoqandakar 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Italy is about where Hubei was on Feb 2. Feb 2 was day 62 on the graph below. Imagine that. The question is 
whether Italy retraces Hubei or Wuhan? That means we are at about day 50 or so. 


From: > 

Date: Wed, Mar 11,2020 at 12:15 PM 
Subject: Re; Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 


Cc: Richard Hatchett <^^^^^^^jgcegLne|> N Gruber,David (DSHS) <L^^^^^J r@dshs.texas,qov >, Dr. Eva 
K Dr, Eva Lee^^^^^J .lee64@qmail,com >. McDonald. Eric >. Borio, Luciana <L^^j@jgtorg>, Brian Benson < >, 

Lawler, James V^^^^^^(jg|unmc ± edu> l Tracey McNamara >. Duane Caneva 

Tom Bossert >. Baric, Ralph S @ emai L uric ed u > . 

Mecher, Carter fVA.GOV) mec her@ va , q o v > . Hunt, Richard (OS/ASPR/IEMMO) <F^jj^j t@hhs,qov >. 

WILKINSON. THOMAS < >. M.D. >. David 

< °^^^B zj@som.umain/ >. ■■■■CDPH @ c c p h. c a. a o v >. Gregory J 

Walters, William f ST ATI E,GO"-V ^^^V>, HAMILTON, CAMERON 
<fi^^^i^^^^J @hq.dhs.qov >. <^^^J >, Dodgen, Daniel (QS/ASPR/SPPR) 

| @b : i5.gc. >. DeBord,Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR) Phillips, Sally 


| @hhs.qov >, Matthew J CIV U3^ 

Lisa Koonin >. HARVEY, MELISSA <i 

Hhq> , Eastman, Alexander 

| <jyj 
w>, Yeskey, Kevin <k 
t>, Redd, John (05/ASPR/SFPR) < 

v>, Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO) < 
| de@hq,dhs,qov >. TARANT1N > . WOLFE. HERBERT 

_ @ha.dhs.oov >. EVANS, MARIEFRED >. Johnson, Robert 

@hhs,aov> . Disbrow. Gary 

dd@hhs qov >. Hassell, 

l@hhs.aov >. 


■kayshik@hq dhs qQv >, Lee. Scott 

| @associates.hq> 



David (Chris) (OS/ASPk/iu) 

Hanfling, Dan j^|^^ g@iqidrq >, Wade, David 

@ cb p. d h s .. g o v >. KAUSHIK, SANGEETA <s 


rd @ -.vefo ru m. o rg > , Steven Jt(tCHFSt 

ms@hhs.qo v >. Mansoura, Monique K_ 

natojS;usd3_._qoy > t DC >. <c^^^^ >. Cordts, Jerome (CTR) 

<i^^^^j dts@associates.hq,dhs,qov >, Schnitzer, Jay J >, Ignacio, Joselito 

^^ ^^fe jJ acio^fema.dhs.qQV ^ Will Gaskins >. CHRISTOPHER ALLEN >. Kevin Montgomery <«| n @ co 1 la bo rate ,o ra > . Parker Jr, Gerald W> , Logan, Linda LM| n@c vm.tarnu. e du >, LLogandakar > 

e@hhs.aov >. Larry G^Mbbbb LG@ state .aov >. Ryan Morhard 

, Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH) 

ra@mitre.orq >. Fantinato, Jessica fUSDA.GOV) 

I notice a lot of HHS email addresses on this email and group and you all have been quiet for most of the discussion 
over the paste several weeks I would urge you to read the article I just sent out and uprief your boss. This is the key 
message that they need to hear and they have little time left to act. 

1. Don't misunderstand what happened in China and what has happened in Hong Kong and 
Singapore, COVID doesn’t fade away on its own. The reason is re More data for forecasting 

report: https ://www /w h o J n t/d ocs/d e fault-sou re e/coron av iruse/wh o-ch ina-joi nt-m issio n-o n-cov i d -19-fmal -report pd f 

2. South Korea has done an extraordinary effort to test its ciizens (more than 222,000 tested to date}. South Korea 
has a population of 51M. An equivalent effort in the US would equal 1.4 M tested. How many have we tested in the 
US to date? 

3, Italy is really struggling right now and time will tell if their extraordinary efforts they now are employing will mitigate 
the outbreak. A lot of eyes are watching and hoping they are successful. 

4, The US (along with most of Europe) is less than 2 weeks behind Italy. We should be learning from the experiences 
of China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Italy. If we fail to learn from them, we do so at our peril. History 
will long remember what we do and what we don't do at this critical moment. It is the time to act and it is past the 
time to remain silent. This outbreak isn't going to magically disappear on its own. If that is the conclusion some are 
taking, they are misinformed and dead wrong. 

From: Tom 6ossert^^^^^^> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 23:05 
To: Carter Mecher 

Cc: Dr. Eva K Lee; Richard Hatchett; Gruber,David (DSHS); Dr, Eva Lee; McDonald, Eric; Bono, Luciana; Brian 
Benson; Lawler, James V; Tracey McNamara; Duane Caneva; Baric, Raiph 3; Mecher, Carter f VA.GOV) : Hunt, 
Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO); WILKINSON, THOMAS; M,D,; David; Charity A@CDPH; Gregory J; Walters, William 
fSTATE.GOV ): HAMILTON, CAMERON; ^^@g mail, com; Dodgen, Daniel (OS/ASPR/SPPR); DeBord,Kristin 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR); Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA); Lisa Koonin; HARVEY, 
MELISSA; WOLFE, HERBERT; Eastman, Alexander; EVANS,; Johnson, Robert 
(QS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, Kevin; Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Hassell, 
David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO); Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO); Hanfling, Dan; Wade, David; TARANTINO, DAVID A; 
KAUSHIK, SANGEETA; Lee, Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO); Larry G; Ryan Morhard; Steven JtftCHFStDPH ); Adams, 
Jerome (HHS/OASH): Mansoura, Monique K.; Fantinato, Jessica f USPA.GOV ): DC;^^^^^; 
Cordts, Jerome (CTR); Schnitzer, Jay J; Ignacio, Joselito; Will Gaskins; CHRISTOPHER ALLEN; Kevin Montgomery; 
Parker Jr, Gerald W; Logan, Linda L; LLogandakar 

Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Can anyone justify the European travel restriction, scientifically? Seriously, is there any benefit? I don't see it, but I'm 
hoping there is something I don't know. 


From: Parker Jr, Gerald> 

Sent: Wednesday, March 11,2020 23:15 

I do not see it. No use now, I saw it for China, But not now. We should focus on targeted, layered community 
mitigation measures. Maybe we could use a hurricane analogy that many understand. COVID19 is tike a storm 
coming to our communities, but rather than evacuation or shelter in place orders, the analogous move is community 
mitigation. At this stage they must be aggressive because we do not have the time luxury of a hurricane in the 

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:09 AM, Lawler, James V g' > wrote: 

Fuck no. This is the absolute wrong move. 

James Lawler, MD, MPH, FlDSA 
Director, International Programs & Innovation 
Global Center for Health Security, and 
Associate Professor of Medicine 
Division of Infectious Diseases 
University of Nebraska Medical Center 

From: Parker Jr. Gerald W 

Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:16 AM 

Not to worry.this is a large group of friends cleared to car pool confidential level.... 

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:20 AM, Richard Hatchett^^^^^^^^g@cepi,net> wrote;: 

No justification that I can see. unless we want to put up similar geographic cordons in the US - there is plenty of 
disease already in the US to cause spread domestically. 

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:26 AM, Richard Hatchettwrote: 

Gerry -1 thought yesterday about the incoming hurricane analogy as well and think it is a good one. This is a Cat 5 
threat to safety that is coming too Jr. communities and fast, and we can either prepare and do the epidemic 
equivalent of evacuate to safer ground (i.e. H TLC/CMG) or take our chances. It's a lot harder to evacuate when the 
winds are above 100 miles an hour on their way up to 190 at the eyeball. 

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:28 AM, Dr. Eva K Lee 

> wrote: 

I was hoping he would mention about schools, government and private sector tele-work, community gatherings, 
things that really need everyone to actively engage in. And also extra resources for healthcare providers. We really 
need to protect providers who care for covid-19 patients. We must protect them because they are invaluable 
resources and we don't have enough. They are rot tike equipment that the President could ask a manufacturer to 
produce more. 

Here in Georgai. students are partitioning the universities to do lectures online, but universities are not agreeing so 
far. I am sure they would (listen to the President. But now they will wait until a teacher has covid-19. Spring break is a 
dangerous time, as we can see from Italy. 

I wonder, closing all flights from Europe would mean that many Americans will be stuck in Europe. Or all those who 
want to come home will race and get a ticket to fly back on Friday before closing. And they will be quarantine for 14 

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:38 AM, Carter Mecher 


There is no value to these travel restrictions. A waste of time and energy. The lesson from Mann Gulch was to drop 
those things that are not essential. That lesson was not heeded I wouldn't waste a moment of time on travel 
restrictions or travel screening. We have nearly as much disease here in the US as the countries in Europe, 

Wrt community mitigation, 1 think we ran out of time for Seattle. But there are Other cities and communities where we 
still can make a difference. I don’t understand why California and NYC are not acting more aggressively. Time to 
focus on other parts of the country where mitigation measures might still work and where governors, mayors and 
public health officials are more receptive to doing what works. It feels like a replay of 1918. Some state and local 
leaders will make poor decisions and unfortunately the Americans who live in those communities are going to pay 
dearly for the choices being made by their leaders. It is a shame those lessons were not learned. 

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:56 AM, Dr. Eva K Lee 

> wrote: 

Yes, aggrssive community mitigation will work in some states, and some we are losing the battleground. 1 am still 
very confused by testing ability. What exactly is our level of throughput now? 10,000 a day? Or 100,000 a day? When 
I talked to local today, they had no idea and their requests for test are still delayed. Who is in charge of testing 
resource and statistics? Maybe there's a leader who is in charge of all the vendors, and he/she can tell us the 
throughput statistics? Now, we can strategize testing, or perhaps it is too widespread across the US and we just have 
to test a lot, like S, Korea, Some states are still better than others. 

I know I always talk about "1 case 1 ' or "1% infection". In mathematics, we always look for the smallest things that are 
of great significance, And then we look for largest things that we can solve, I think "T is a very good number yet a 
very dangerous number that requires hard decisions when it comes to infectious disease. I understand having 1 as a 
trigger for action is a very hard decision. But in infectious disease, 1=1+many unknowns, hence it is rather big 
already. I really learn a lot from all of you. I found that you are all very mathematical:). Now i will go back to my 
equations again to see which cities are still in good shape to contain successfully. 

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 7:08 AM, Tom Bossertj^^^B^^t@maeorrt> wrote: 

We are making great progress. My message today on US TV will be as follows: 

•The biggest misunderstanding about #coronavirus interventions is they are an a la carte menu of options to be 
selectively implemented. This is dead wrong. They ALL must be implemented to achieve a layered effect. Removing 
any one can defeat all. For instance, close schools AND cancel events, 

•There’s little value to European travel restrictions. Poor use of time & energy, Earlier, yes. Now, travel restrictions 
and screening are less useful. We have nearly as much disease here in the US as the countries in Europe. We 
MUST focus on layered community mitigation measures-Now! 


On Thursday, March 12, 2020 7:34 AM, Lawler, James > wrote: 

Like it Tom The message is : let s be Singapore and Hong Kong, not Italy. And given the current state of our public 
health infrastructure we need to implement all NPI in affected communities 

James Lawler, MD, MPH, FIDSA 
Director, International Programs & Innovation 
Global Center for Health Security, and 
Associate Professor of Medicine 
Division of Infectious Diseases 

University of Nebraska Medical Center 

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 1:14 PM Hunt Richard (GS/A5PR/EMMO) <^^^^^^> wrote: 
Reflecting on this from Tom, 'They ALL must be implemented to achieve a layered effect," 

As my 24 y/o told me, “the nation needs to go to war against this virus." 


On Thursday. March 12. 2020 1:16 PM, Dr. Eva Lee |^^^^^_|> wrote: 

Indeed, systems inter-dependencies give you the holistic benefits. You can see isolated actions are not sufficient, 
because the brake has to be very big!!! We are too late, so we have no choice but to roll them all out. 

From: "Lawler, James V"| 

Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 1:28 PM 

To: Carter Mecher "Dr. Eva K Lee] 

We are making every misstep leaders initially made in table-tops at the outset of pandemic planning in 2006. We had 
systematically addressed all of these and had a plan that would work - and has worked in Hong Kong/Singapore. We 
have thrown 15 years of institutional learning out the window and are making decisions based on intuition. 

Pilots can tell you what happens when a crew makes decisions based on intuition rather than what their instruments 
are telling them. 

And we continue to push the stick forward... 

James Lawler, MD, MPH, FIDSA 

From: Eva Lee 

Thursday. March 12. 2020 1:28 PM 
To: Lawler. James V 

Yes, very very sad — it‘s all the planning and we must execute and we can t execute! 

From: Carter Mecher 
Thursday. March 12. 2020 1:28 PM 

To: Lawler, JamesDr. Eva K Lee > 

Plan continuation bias. Right into the ground. 

On Thursday, March 12. 2020 5:46 PM, Dr. Eva K Lee <( 

l> wrote: 

Great! If we can only make the president, or some of these leaders, to say something at news conferences - so that 
every infected State could respond in a timely manner, that would truly work. We are all connected, so we need to 
synchronize, that way, there's no room for the virus to wriggle. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 8:08 PM 
To: 'Dr, Eva K Lee" 

Cc: "Lawler, James Bossert... 

This coming Saturday will mark two weeks since the first death in the US, On Saturday (likely by then we will have 
-2,500 cases and 75 deaths given the current trajectory), ask yourself, what do you wish we would have done 2 
weeks earlier on Feb 29? I don't think shutting down travel with Europe would have made the list. If you can answer 
that question truthfully now, then what are we waiting for? 

On Mar 13, 2020, at 6:04 PM, Parker Jr, Gerald W wrote: 

Carter and others ■ article just published in Politico Pro, CDC suggests school closures will not have much impact. 
There is a discussion of short term versus longer term... Is this misleading? What are your thoughts? 


From: Tom Bossert 

Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 6:07:00 PM 

That article snippet seems misleading I wonder it the CDC guidance it s based on is equally unclear 


Cc: ‘'Dr. Eva Lee 11 * James Y\ "Dr. Eva K Lee*, "CHRISTOPHER ALLEN", '^^^^^*, "Tom Bossert", 
Gerald W , "Richard Hatchett",David (DSHS)" T Eric", Luciana", "Brian Benson", "Tracey McNamara", "Duane 
Caneva", Ralph S", Carter (VA.GOV)", Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO)' 1 , THOMAS' 1 , "M.D,*, 

"Gregory J", William (STATE.GOV)", CAMERON" com, ^ Danielt ( OS/ASPR/SPPR ) ,, Kristin 

(OS/ASP Ft/S RPR)", Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", "Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)", "Lisa Koonin", MELISSA", 
HERBERT", Alexander",edu", Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)", Kevin", Gary 
(OS/ASPR/BARDA)", John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)", David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)", Joseph (OS/ASPR/10)", Dan", David", 
DAVID A", SANGEETA", Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO)", "Larry G ,r t "Ryan Morhard? "Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH )", Jerome 
(HHS/OASH)", Monique K:\ Jessica (USDA.GOV)", "DC ,r ,^^^^^^H hs edu '^ Jerome (CTR)", Jay J", 
Joselito", "Will Gaskins", "Kevin Montgomery", Linda L", "LLogandakar" 

Sent: Friday March 13 2020 7:09:26AM 

Subject: Re: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

This is what leadership looks like. 

"We whole-heartedly endorse the bold and decisive decisions of our Governor here today. This is not about a 
healthcare system; this is about all of us. We can all fight back against this virus, and in fact, we need to. The health 
care system can treat those who are ill; and across all of Maryland, we're readying ourselves in case we need to 
However, by putting aggressive steps in place that the Governor just outlined with regard to social distancing, 
closures of schools, teleworking - these are steps we can all adopt,..the earlier we do this, the more layers we put in 
place, the less this virus can be transmitted. That's the key" Dr Marcozzi, at a press conference hosted by Governor 
Larry Hogan announcing major steps in the state of Maryland's COVID-19 response. Those steps included 

o Maryland Emergency Management Agency increase activation to highest level 
o Activate national guard 

o All state government is raised to elevated level 2 - all non-essential employees who can telework required to do so 
o Public access to state buildings restricted 

o Mo gatherings of more than 250+ people (including sports and religious gatherings) 
o All senior centers closed 

0 All state and local government buildings with more than 250+ people must follow social distancing 
o Close cruise ship terminal in Baltimore 

o Extension of expiration dates on permits including drivers licenses, license plates, professional licenses, until 30 
days after end of state of emergency 

o All hospitals adopt new visitor policies to stop spread of CQVtD-19 
o All prisons will suspend visits 

o All non-essential functions of government are now managed by Lt Gov Rutherford so Gov Hogan can focus solely 
on COVID-19 

o Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 27 - all public schools closed 
o Measures taken to provide child care for essential workers/first responders 

On Friday, March 13, 2020 6:30 PM, Lawler, James V wrote: 

CDC is really missing the mark here By the time you have "substantial community transmission" it is too late lt ! s like 
ignoring the smoke detector and waiting until your entire house is on fire to call the fire dept. Plus, how are you 
supposed to know when you have community transmission when they haven't been able to provide a diagnostic 
assay that can be used widely and at high volume? 

From: Carter 

Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 7:13:19 PM 
To: Dr, Eva K 

■I Lawler, James V; Parker Jr, Gerald W; Caneva, Duane; Tom Bossert; Flanfling, 
Dan; Gruber,David (DSHS); Dr. Eva Lee; CHRISTOPHER ALLEN; 

Hatchett; McDonald, Eric; Boric, Luciana; Brian 
Benson: Tracey McNamara; Baric, Ralph S; Mecher, Carter f VA.GOV ): Hunt, Richard 
(OS/ASPR/EMMO); WILKINSON, THOMAS; M.D.; David; Charity A@CDPH; Gregory 
J; Walters, William f STATE.GOV ): HAMILTON, CAMERON; 
Dodgen,tDanie!t(OS/ASPR/SRPR): DeBord,Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Phillips, Sally 

Johnson. Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, Kevin; Disbrow, Gary 
(OS/ASPR/BARDA): Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR): Hassell, David (Chris) 
(OS/ASPR/IO); Hamel. Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO); Wade, David; TARANTINO, DAVID A; 
KAUSHIK, SANGEETA; Lee, Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO); Larry G; Ryan Morhard; 

Steven JtftCHFStDPH ); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Mansoura, Monique K.; 
Fantinato, Jessica ( USDA.GOV ); Cordts, Jerome (CTR); 

Schnitzer, Jay J; Ignacio, Joselito; Will Gaskins; Kevin Montgomery; Logan, Linda L; 

L Log an d a k a r takc d a. com 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

I don’t think the intent is to dose schools for only 2 weeks Longer term school closure 
will be necessary. 

What COG is not accounting for is that we have been flying blind for weeks with 
essentially no surveillance. This was due to the delays associated with the diagnostic 
test developed by CDC and the very narrow CDC definition of a PUI that really 
hampered our ability to even identify community transmission. We have raised this 
concern repeatedly. Our general sense was that community transmission was already 
occurring several weeks ago (and we stated so at the time over email and on 
conference calls), but nobody could prove it because CDC would only perform 
confirmatory testing on cases meeting the PUI definition. And the PUI criteria by 
definition excluded any potential case of community transmission. It was very circular. 
CDC placed state and local public health in a bit of a Catch 22, 

So after a long delay we finally have the ability to test more broadly. If you recall, CDC 
only expanded the PUI incrementally at first to include severely ill patients with no 
travel hx or link to a known case. It was only later that testing was opened up more 
broadly. Can a model incorporate that amount of confusion into the initial conditions? 

Once testing began in earnest, the numbers of cases exploded. It was like popcorn 
(also as we predicted). Cases were appearing everywhere. I would challenge anyone 
to provide an accurate estimate of prevalence in the US. I'd be interested in how 
certain they would be of that estimate +/-? 

The difference between models and real life is that with models we can set the 
parameters. How would they model what happened in Italy? 

The difference between models and real life is that with models we can set the 
parameters as if they are known. In real life, these parameters are as clear as mud. 

To check the accuracy of the model for predicting real life, I would ask that they run 
Italy for us to show us how well handwashing and isolation would work. How would 
they model what happened in Italy? On Feb 20, Italy had 3 cases and no deaths. On 
that day the modelers and the guidance CDC just released would not advise to take 
any aggressive action. On Feb 21, they had 1 death and 20 cases with 6 patients in 
the ICU. This is a country of 51 M. What would CDC guidance have advised Italy to do 
on Feb 21? On Feb 22, Italy had a cumulative total of 2 deaths, 63 cases with 7 
patients in the ICU. How would CDC have described what was going on in Italy? 

Would this meet their definition of widespread community transmission? I doubt it, 

CDG and the GDC modeler would have recommended sitting tight. Italy responded 
extremely aggressively. This is what happened since. I think the public health officials 
and political leaders in Italy acted very quickly and very aggressively—much more 
quickly and aggressively than what we did when the outbreak began in Seattle two 
weeks ago. 1 would ask the modeler and CDC when they would have pulled the trigger 
in Italy. We have the actual data. The modeler can run his models and can point out 
what he/she would do and when it should be done. I suspect early on in Italy we would 
have heard exactly what we are hearing now. 

I don’t pretend to have perfect knowledge of the extent of disease in the US There is a 
lot of uncertainty. But given this uncertainty, isn’t the safest approach to close the 
schools until we know more? We can always reopen the schools. If we delay our 
response and the outbreak takes off like Italy, we will have made a terrible gamble with 
the lives of Americans, over what, an extend spring break? Which side of the bet 
would you take if you were the responsible official (mayor, governor, public health 

Again, nobody is advocating a short closure of schools. I don't think it would be 
prudent to play it cute and try to play chicken with this virus and hold out to the last 
moment to pull the trigger. It is like thinking you can time the market You don't do that 
when thousands of lives potentially hang in the balance. That is what I would tell my 
mayor, or my governor, or my President. 

From; "Parker Jr, Gerald W"> 

Date: Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 1:16 AM 

GDC school closure guidance 

http s ;// www . cdc. g o v/co ro na v i ru s/2019 - nc o v/d ow n I o ads/co ns i d erati a r s To r-sch ool ■ clos u re. pdf 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2020 7:58 AM 

To: Parker Jr, Gerald W; Dr. Eva K Lee; i^^^J@gmaTcom 

Cc: Lawler, James V; Caneva, Duane; Tom Bossert; Hanfling, Dan; Gruber,David 
(DSHS); Dr; Eva Lee; CHRISTOPHER ALLEN; ^^^^; Richard 
Hatchett; McDonald, Eric; Berio, Lucian a; Brian Benson; Tracey McNamara; Baric, 
Ralph S; Mecher, Carter (VA.GOV); Hunt, Richard (OS/AS PR/EM MO); WILKINSON, 
THOMAS; Gregory J; Walters, William (STATE.GOV); 

HAMILTON, CAMERON; Dodgen,tDanielt(QS/ASPR/SPPR); DeBord,Kristin 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR); Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA); 
Lisa Koonin; HARVEY, MELISSA; WOLFE, HERBERT; Eastman, Alexander; EVANS, 
MARIE FRED: ec : Johnson, Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Yeskey, 

Kevin; Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA); Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR); Hassell, 
David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/10); Hamel, Joseph (OS/ASPR/IO); Wade, David; 
G; Ryan Morhard; Steven JtftCHFStDPH ); Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH); Mansoura, 
Monique K.; Fantinato, Jessica (USDA.GOV); DC: Cordts. 

Jerome (GTR); Schnitzer, Jay J; Ignacio, Joselito; Will Gaskins; Kevin Montgomery; 
Logan, Linda L; LLogandakar; 

Subject: RE; Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Most of you have been involved in table top exercises of an outbreak. In those 
exercises they commonly show a map of the US with the number of cases noted and 
extent of spread. At various points in the scenario, a facilitator will ask the participants 
what actions should be taker. I took the graphic of the US map from the NYTimes and 
created a PowerPoint movie from Mar 4 (the first day that the NYTimes presented that 
map) through today. 

In this scenario, the facilitator pauses now on March 14. At this point the virus has 
already spread to more than 120 countries. The virus is highly transmissible with an Ro 
of about 2.5 and has a CFR of Q.5%-1.0%. The elderly and those with chronic medical 
conditions are at greatest risk. The response has been hindered by serious delays in 
the ability to confirm disease with diagnostic testing. This testing capacity is limited. 
Case ascertainment is limited due to the testing constraints. It is believed that over the 
next two weeks capacity for testing should improve. However, the demand for testing is 
anticipated to increase exponentially over the next 2 weeks. A few areas in the US 
have been particularly hard hit—Washington and California. The current US case 
count is 2,654 with 49 deaths. What actions would you take on March 14? 

12:43 PM, Dr. Eva K Lee 

On Saturday, March 14, 2020 

This is so very sad, yes, everything we talked about and everything we have anticipated. Yes, you can 
see from the curves in the graphs when they have the first confirmed death, they're at least 2 weeks 
behind. I don’t understand the screening at the airport, not even a little advice on self-quarantine 
coming in from any countries. Yes, children will die too if they have no support in the hospitals. There 
are many with co-existing conditions, Beds are critical. That is all I am counting (when we have one 
bed, we need everything that goes with it in the support). Healthcare workers and anyone in service 
to assist this covid-19 operations must stay healthy. But of course we know they will be quarantined at 
some stage I know people may think school closure is over-reacting. It isn not if you think about the 
inter dependencies. You can imagine a million different scenarios. Just a simply one - a litle 
child got infected from school. He came home and infected his mother who was a nurse. The nurse 
went to work without any noticeable symptoms, and she infected the ICU patients that she cared for. 
Ok, this is one case - and again - one case is ALL we need to worry about. The cascading effect - 
we don’t want to even think about. 

But as a country, we must fight for everyone and every state. I truly believe and in my calculations, 
those states that took the pre-emptive steps - they are going to have the resources to contain their 
own infection and at some point can help those states in needs. Here we go about sending patients 
around ■■ not 7 - but many - when we must lend the help when needed (and if we could do so at all). 
Now, everyone is fighting their local fire, and it's already quite stressful for everyone. I don't even know 
if anyone has extra resources. It is really resource-intense. Can you imagine -India, and the African 
countries start to pick up? It frightens me. Hence pre-emptive is a must. 

From: Carter Mecher 

Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2020 4:32:54 PM 

To: Parker Jr, Gerald W 


|>; Dr, Eva K Lee 


Cc: Lawler, James V <^^^g|r@unmc,edu>; Caneva, Duane 

|>; Tom Bossert^^^^^^r @me.oom>; Mantling, Dan 
|qt,org>; Gruber,David (DSHS)^^^^^^^T)ds>; Dr - Eva 

^^^^^^^>; mail, com >; 

Richard Hatchett cepi.met>; McDonald, Eric>; Borio, Luciana *^^>; Brian Benson 

_@icloud,com>; Tracey McNamara^^^^Jara@westemu,edu>; Baric, 

Ralph S^^gc#emailjunc.ediy>; Mecher, Carter f VA.GOV ) <■■■■■■>; 
^^^^^^^^^^^>; M.D.■§^■■■■@^ 1911 .>; 
David>; Charity A@CDPH 
^HH^H r>; Gregory J <>; Walters, William 

@hq>; DodgenjDanieltiOS/ASPR/SPPR} 
n@hhs,gov>; DeBord,Kristin (OS/ASPR/SPPR)>; Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR) 

@hhs,gov>; Matthew J CIV USARMY (USA)>; Lisa Koonin <|>; WOLFE, HERBERT 
v>; Eastman, Alexander 


Johnson, Robert (OS/ASPR/BAR DA)>; Yeskey, Kevin 

|>; Disbrow, Gary (0 $/A $ P R/B A R DA) 

|@hh 5 .gov>; Redd, John (OS/ASPR/SPPR) ^^H^^@hhs ,gov>; 
Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO) <^^^^^^l!>; Hamel, Joseph 
(OS/ASPR/IQ)>; Wade, David <t^H^M@hq,>;>; HARVEY, 

<; I 

|hik@hq.dhs go . >: Lee, Scott (OS/ASPR/EMMO)>; Larry G |ov>; Ryan Morhard 

|>; Steven Jt(tCHFStDPH )ggg^^^g@ky.gQv>; 
Adams, Jerome (HHS/QASH)^^^^^^^^>; Mansoura, Monique K.>; Fantinato. 

|>; < 
<jerome^Hs>; Cordts, Jerome (CTR) 

I @fe 

| n s @ efi ia. 

|c vm .tam u, e d u >; LLoga ndakar I 

Subject: RE: Red Dawn Raging Start March 4 

Non-UNMC email> 

Is anyone at CDC monitoring ILI? 

Here is the latest flu surveillance for Hong Kong. South Korea, US; the states of CA, 
OR. WA t TX; and the cities of Seattle, NYC, and Chicago (LA hasn't reported week 10 

Why did the US ILI curve deflect up this week, while influenza positive tests are tracing 
down? Seeing the same wrt ILI increasing in WA, OR, Seattle. Chicago, and NYC. (s 
this influenza A, COVID, or both? Chicago and NYC are concerning because their 
influenza virus detection is going down and ILI is going up. 

From: Dr. Eva Lea 

Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 7:03:58 AM 
To: Carter Mecheri 

|a@gmail com ,, ^^^^^^>, "Caneva, Duane" ^^^^^^^^^>, 
"McDonald, Eric" <^^^^^^^^>, Richard Tubb^^^^^^^^^|@gmaiLcom>, "Rob Darling, 
MD"^^^@patronusmcdicaLcom> i William Lang^^^^>, 11 Mocher. Carter">, Tom Rossert <^^^^^^^>, Richard Hatchett <i^^^^^^^^^>, 
"Lawler, James V 41>, "Parker Jr, Gerald W M ^^^^^>, "Handing, Dan 41 

|@iqLorg>, "Gruber,David (DSHS) M <^^^^^@dshste*asgov> CHRISTOPHER ALLEN 


|M@e maiLunc*edu>, 

|@iqtorg>, Tracey McNamara 
"Hunt, Richard (OS/ASPR/EMMO) 

|>, "M>, 1>, "Baric, Ralph S"^__>, "WILKINSON, THOMAS">, David>, Gregory J>, "Walters, William (STATE.GOV)" <>, "HAMILTON, CAMERON" 

|>, "Dodgen,tDanielt(OS/ASPR/SPPR)"^^^^^^^|>, "DeBord,Kristin 
(OS/ASPR/SPPR)" <K^^^^>, "Phillips, Sally (OS/ASPR/SPPR)" go v>, "Matthew 

J CIV USARMY (USA)" <^^^^^^_.civ@mailmil> "HARVEY, MELISSA">, "WOLFE, HERBERT" <^|^||^^^^@hq.dhs gov>, "Eastman, Alexander">, "EVANS, MARIEFRED" <rr^^^^^^^@as$oci>, 

| ri <^^^^>, "Johnson, Robert (OS/ASPR/BARDA)">, 

"Yeskey, Kevin" gov>, "Disbrow, Gary (OS/ASPR/BARDA)" <(^^^^^>, "Redd, 

John (OS/ASPR/SPPR)" <^^^^^>, "Hassell, David (Chris) (OS/ASPR/IO)">. 

"Hamel, Joseph (QS/ASPR/IO)”>, "Wade, David" <d^>, 


|>, "Lee, Scott (05/ASPR/EMMG)">, Larry G 

|v>, Ryan Morhard>, "Steven JtftCHFStDPH )" 

|>, "Adams, Jerome (HHS/OASH)" Ad>, "Mansoura, Monique K." 

|>, (USDA.GOV)">, DC 

|>," <>, "Cordts, Jerome (CTR)" 

|ts@associates.hq.dhs,gov>,>, "Ignacio, Joselito" 


Subject: Re; Red Dawn Responding, Start 16 March 

Carter, this truly frightens me. one case is one too many, I hope political leaders can act and act quickly. We 
must do so or else we can't help these other cities that are escalated so rapidly. And globally, every country has to 
tighten, because we are running out of resources to do proper quarantine. We are already running out of healthcare 
resources, NYP has already canceled all elective procedures March 16. And many other hospitals who need care for 
covid-19 are facing the same issue. The medical tents appendices are needed and must be planned. I don’t know 
what medical reserve we have and we have multiple fires burning simultaneously! 

On Tue, Mar 17,2020 at 9:53 AM Carter 

Bossed said on GMA this morning that like 1918, this will be a tale of many cities. What happens in the cities 
impacted the earliest in the US including Seattle, San Francisco, and NYC will likely be very different from what we 
see in other cities (just like 1918, timing of implementing TLC in individual cities in their individual epi curves will 
matter). The hardest message to convey to political leaders, public health leaders, and the public was the need to 
take action before the storm arrived and when the sun was shining. 

Interesting to look at the regional variation in Italy. 

It is looking just like what we observed in Hubei (including Wuhan) vs. Wuhan. 

It will be important to look a little more closely inside the US—the aggregate numbers miss the real story. The 
storyline of the articles written about the variation in outcomes in US cities in 1918, is now unfolding and writing itself 
in real time before our very eyes*